I'm very eager to know your explanation as to how you got your hands on a Blood Dragon Cruiser
of all things. How the hell did you accomplish that? As far as I'm aware, the Dragons do not
give away their cruisers. Explain, quickly.
Greetings. My name is Ivonne Kora, and I am the captain of the Banebdjedet. Attached is a condensed version of the events leading up to our acquisition of a Kagutsuchi. More descript information will be provided later, should you need it.
Are you aware of diplomatic complications for both Order and Blood Dragons if this comes out? You need to give this vessel back to Dragons, OR aquire permission to use it. Currently comm buoys directing them has been repaired and we can communicate with Blood Dragons which we did some time ago.
This is precisely what we have been awaiting. The vessel has only been sent on missions of dire urgency since the event, and now that communication channels have been reestablished, we will be communicating with the original builders of the vessel.