Incoming Transmision...
From Phillip Suschely
To: Red Hessian Report Facillity
Today i Escorted Talesin from Omega-47 to Dublins system. He was carrying Corsair prisoners.
During the escort there was no trouble.
Whenn I escort him back to Omega-47 we split and I was left to Omega-11 to rearm and Drink ice cold bear.
Whenn I landed to Freital Base and relaxed sit down to the bar, thru the window I saw Corsair ship.
I dont know what the hell he was doing in O-11.
Fast I take my helmet, board my ship and I tried to intercept him.
He was intercepted in O-7.
I asked him several times what does he doing here, he didnt want to respond. So hit him few times for warning.
Again he tried to run from one's run from Hessian. He become only dust in a Cloud...
It's been a long time since my last report, but not much has changed.
During the last months we were shipping Blood Diamonds into Liberty to finance our cause. On our route back we took either liberated workers or stolen software and information with us.
Overall 23.920 Blood Diamonds were shipped. Attached File 1, Attached File 2
Recently we acquired a new RT-41-PFT "Uruz" Rheinland Container Transport on the black market and it's doing a surprisingly good job.
After doing our our standard core-system supply route we brought captured Corsair prisoners along with engine components to our Molly friends on Arranmore Base in Dublin, bringing gold back to Kassel Outpost for further refining, being escorted by Flieger Phillip Suschely. Attached file 3
Afterwards we spend our time supplying the Unioners on Pacifia Base in Bering with well needed Black Market Munitions from Viernheim Base. We were escorted by Flieger Gerhard von Sassen and Oberleutnant Hans Gukel this time. Strangely the Oberleutnants navigation systems seemed to be malfunctioning and he ended up in Omega 5. However the munition arrived at Pacifia base without further complications.
Though the recent loss of Casablanca Base the Hessian Movement seems to be on the rise. We finished constructing the first Jormungand battleships, supplies are moved fluently and we are rising in numbers again.
Transmission source: Freital Base, Omega 11
Transmission ID: Koroglu
Transmission receiver: Red Hessian Army
Transmission begins:
Guten Tag Kameraden
[2012.01.17 16:20]
Nomad in Omega 11. Name: i'lam .
Transmission Ends
The history of human thought recalls the swinging of a pendulum which takes centuries to swing. After a long period of slumber comes a moment of awakening. Then thought frees herself from the chains with which those interested — rulers, lawyers, clerics — have carefully enwound her.
She shatters the chains. She subjects to severe criticism all that has been taught her, and lays bare the emptiness of the religious political, legal, and social prejudices amid which she has vegetated. She starts research in new paths, enriches our knowledge with new discoveries, creates new sciences.
But the inveterate enemies of thought — the government, the lawgiver, and the priest — soon recover from their defeat. By degrees they gather together their scattered forces, and remodel their faith and their code of laws to adapt them to the new needs.
Transmission source: Freital Base, Omega 11
Transmission ID: Koroglu
Transmission receiver: Red Hessian Army
Transmission begins:
Guten Abend Kameraden
Tonight , I was doing routine patrol near omega-41 jump hole. A corsair fighter entered our system. His name Eneas.Timoteo. After he told me and attacked me.
The history of human thought recalls the swinging of a pendulum which takes centuries to swing. After a long period of slumber comes a moment of awakening. Then thought frees herself from the chains with which those interested — rulers, lawyers, clerics — have carefully enwound her.
She shatters the chains. She subjects to severe criticism all that has been taught her, and lays bare the emptiness of the religious political, legal, and social prejudices amid which she has vegetated. She starts research in new paths, enriches our knowledge with new discoveries, creates new sciences.
But the inveterate enemies of thought — the government, the lawgiver, and the priest — soon recover from their defeat. By degrees they gather together their scattered forces, and remodel their faith and their code of laws to adapt them to the new needs.
- Incomming New transmission-
- Subject: Action report-
- Sender: Adam Vagner-
Guten tag.
We had a riad, few days ago, so, here you can find some nice pictures of corsaren fools burning while trying to counter our forces.
So, here one osiris went down. [1]
Cruiser went down. [2]
And another canibal went down [3]
There is only few pictures, but sairs lots much more. There was another cruiser, which went down, and one managed to escape with heavy damages and couple of gunships. Total number of their ship lost I cant say, because I had to fall back.
Ya, there was SCRA ships, which decided to shoot dirty canibals, so... we united our forces and didnt made a mistake.
Unfortunatly, as I sayed before, I had to fall back, due to some problems with my ship. Its now in repairs dock, soon should be ready for another fight.
Thats all. For the revolution! For the fatherland!
As stated in the last report, the Hessian Movement is on the rise. We welcomed many new pilots to the Army and due to our increased mining activity in Omega 11 we were also able to establish a new trader-hauler-agreement with several Junkers and Miners: Datalink.
However our work commenced like usual. We shipped several loads of Engine Components and Deuterium to the Mollys on Arranmore Base and Black Market Munitions to the Unioners on Pacifia Base.
Also we shipped another 3900 units of Blood Diamonds to Liberty and Counterfeith Software back to Freital. Attached File: Blood Diamonds.
During some cargo confiscation on the tradelanes in the Stuttgart system we encountered a Corsair-tagged luxury liner. Suspecting my ships recognition-system were malfunctioning we hailed the transport. Upon realising he was shooting our LWB friend, and him refusing to cease fire, we had to take him down.
During the process we also were able to gather over 3800 cargounits of MOX, which was transfered to Wolfsburg Shipyard immediately after. Attached File: Mox.
Transmission source: Freital Base, Omega 11
Transmission ID: Obereutnant Hans Gukel
Transmission receiver: Red Hessian Army
Transmission begins:
Guten Tag, meine Kameraden.
This report is about a victorious assault on the Cannibals Capital ship fleet.
I launched from Freital after getting an emergency transmission by one of our Kameraden about Sairs in Omega-41. We successfully forced them out of our Omegas and prepared a counter attack immediatly. I assembled a strike wing consisting of four bombers and one Odin under my command and we headed to Omicron Gamma.
We met our first target at Tripoli, ECG|Capt-Saros.
Nova torpedos rained on this Legate, but soon backup arrived. Our Odin Die.Rote.Verdammnis took care of the incoming Praetorian.
More and more Corsairs arrived while the Legate was kept under steady pressure by our brave bomber pilots.
Soon another Praetorean fell against my wing.
The Legate didn`t stand a chance against our forces, it`s doom was clear.
The other Cannibals shared it`s fate. The Imperator Umberto fell to our weapons next.
The hostile Praefect Segovia was our next target.
Soon it was forced to flee to their shipyard heavily damaged.
My wing had to split up to optimize the damage output on the last two Imperators.
We crushed them within less than ten minutes.
We detected one last Sair near to their homeplanet Crete. He was eliminated by our Odin.
I ordered my wingmen to leave. Our assault was successfull. We weakened the Corsair forces deep within their homesystem once again.
Incoming Transmission
From: Rekrut Leonie Hempel, Vogtland Base, Dresden
To: Red Hessian Army Administration
Einen guten Tag, meine Mitstreiter,
Today I will report about my firs real fight as a pilot of the Red Hessian Army.
When I left the dock of Vogtland it was quiet in the Giftnebel. I had the coice between moving to Omega 11 or visiting New Berlin. I chose the trip to New Berlin, as it is a good place to bring the Red Hessian Army's message to Rheinlands people.
And it did not take long until I had my first encounter. When passing the Stuttgart gate - Bonn Station tradelane I met a pilot of the Military. It seemed he didn't serve long yet, and together with the fact he did not start shooting immidiately I saw my chance to tell him the truth. We talked about several matters for quite some time. The false games of Daumann and Kruger, the states authority just existing to control what Rheinlands people know, many several topics were discussed. Unfortunately the pilot did not seem to be quite comprehensible, and soon another pilot arrived. I did my best to show them what is actually going on in Rheinland and that nobody should take it how it is, but they were obviously not open for the truth. After a third fighter arrived, I considered it the best to leave the stage, according to the fact a Rekrut like me could not handle 3 Wraiths.
Although the two pilots did not learn anything I learned something: Some people prefer a live in ignorance, as long as they don't have to think on their own.
Comm ID: Major Peter Schubert
Location: Freital Base, Omega-11 System
Today we received disturbing reports about Corsair presence in the Omega-7 systems, I headed there to check it out, there were about four Benitez and one Corsair Cruiser in Omega-7, however they 'behaved' and left the area after a discussion with Major Hoerst and the IMG.
We were surprised they just went away into Omega-5, so we decided to follow, the Benitez were gone, the cruiser was not, however it did not engage our forces at that moment. There was a Reaper in the area who had Hessian pilots in his cargo hold, he refused to release our pilots, a bad move and I had to force him to follow our demands. It did not end well for him.
In the meantime the Cruiser engaged our forces and it was time to crush it with one of our own cruisers, namely my personal one, the Lauterbach.
We continued to take care of the last remaining enemy, who preferred it to run away instead of fighting, it did not help him, not even Cadiz could save him.
The area was pretty much silent for some time after we were done with the last Corsair, however we had the 'pleasure' to have a talk with a gallian who appeared to be on the side of the Corsairs. Even though Major Hoerst tried to tell him the truth about his friends it did not have the effect we hoped for. As soon as more Corsairs entered the area he attacked us together with them. We took care of them and I was able to take a guncam of an exploding gunboat.
[color=#996600]F[color=#995500]R[color=#994400]O[color=#993300]M [color=#992200]THE FRONT
Meine treuen Kameraden, und meine tapferen Kampfgenossen der Reaver, today I am voller Stolz, as the Tapferkeit and relentlessness you display in our Krieg day after day fills me with pride.
While many Wolves with fangs so keen try to tear apart our flesh so that they may gnaw on our bones, and where many more Bulls try to trample us as they attempt to stampede through our Omegas, our Land and our Reich, it is but thanks to our defiance and our undying will that we march on closer to victory with each passing day.
Jawohl meine Brüder und Schwestern, we are getting closer and closer - slowly and steadily, as the Lions we are, circling our prey, the rich grounds of the Omegas that rightfully belong to us.
Whenever one of ours falls, seine Kameraden vow to avenge the noble sacrifice of the one, never in vain and always bringing us closer, closer to our Endsieg.
And as we tread through these lands, besieged by our enemies, branded traitors, terrorists, and enemies of the common man, we bring death to those truly deserving of these titles.
Keine Gnade is ever given to those who dare try deny us our sovereignity and our birthright as Hessen, those who attempt to aid the Military in its hopeless struggle against our very revolution.