- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
I haven't really worked anywhere yet, after my schools I figured out a freighter license would be a good start before looking for employment, so I proceeded to get that. Then I aimed for a large transport grade license, but the last session was left out because I ran out of money and my family thought I should learn to stand on my own feet. I didn't like the everyday life in Liberty, so I tried to find employment in the BMM and Gateway but they think a Kusarian can only be fool to look work in Bretonia. But I am NOT a Kusarian, I am a freaking LIBERTONIAN! Oh... my apologies. That concludes my experience
- To what division are you applying?
I'd like to ship goods with a freighter and make deals, so... I actually don't know how to call it... trading? Or was it logi sticks? Uh, logistics I meant...
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
It is the next on my list of possible employments, though I don't really know a more promising possibility either. All I can think of it would be very nice if I could get the job
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
I don't really know how to fight, so by default I'd prefer getting out of there and maybe call the local authorities, before they could think of attacking me too! But if it's what the directive of Bowex, I could turn on my defence turrets instead, but only if that's what the corp handbook says. Yes, whatever the corp wants me to do... there is a handbook, I hope?
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
I wouldn't think of croaking back the same way, rather just continuing doing my job? Or I could croak back in an annoyed manner if that's what the corporation wants me to do, and the list goes on I think...
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?
I don't know what those things could be... is it a sports team? Or maybe some sort of alcoholic beverage... I give up, I have no idea what it is! Must I need to know it for successful application?
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
I'm currently an independent contractor for Gateway Shipping, and I've been a Gateway contractor for twelve years. However, I am applying for Bowex due to the poor working conditions, low pay, and lack of patriotism of Gateway and it's employees. I'm currently the captain of a Stork class transport that is currently named the Powell. As such, I'd be joining Bowex with my years of experience as a transport captain.
- To what division are you applying?
I'm applying for the shipping division of Border World Exports.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
I'm interested in working for Border World Exports for several reasons. I have recently discovered that on average, Bowex employees receive higher wages, better treatment, and better working conditions than Gateway employees. This is based on a survey done by the Bretonian Business Magazine, of which I am an avid reader. Gateway employees and management have, on the whole, shown a frightening lack of patriotism for our nation in these trying times. As such, I would like to support a company which has the goal of supporting our great house, rather than it's own pockets.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
The number one goal for a transport pilot is the safe transportation of the cargo to its intended destination. I would continue to my destination, and inform the proper officials of the attack. I'm not a combat pilot, after all.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
It depends on the ship flown by the Gallic trader. If the Gallic trader is flying a ship that's capable of defending itself, it'd be best for me to move on and ignore the Gallic. However, if the odds are high that my ship would be able to take down the one flown by the Gallic, then I would attack without hesitation. The Gallics are the enemies of our nation, and the only good Gallic, is a dead one.
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?
I'm sorry? When it comes to badgers, I suppose my opinion is rather neutral. I'm not sure what the difference between a Glaswegian badger and a normal badger is. If a Glaswegian is a giant badger with the tendency to attack humans, then my stance towards them would be rather poor (unless it were used by the BAF to attack the Gallics). However, since I'm not properly educated on Glaswegian badgers, I cannot say whether I approve or disapprove of them.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
Well, not much I admit. I spent the last few years at Chichester University on New London working on a degree in literature studies and Bretonian history. I had a job as a courier pilot for a little bit in between semesters, but I really need to land a proper job to help pay off those debts that stacked up. Feel free to talk to Shaun McLafferty, he was one of the guys I moved some things for last year, I think he can vouch for me, you can also check the Freelancer trading records out of Waterloo as well. I still have my B-27-E in storage so if you guys say yes I can have the thing properly ready for space flight again by the end of the week. I mostly worked in in system stuff, moving small crates from station to station, but I have gone to Cambridge a few times during the Summer of 817, so I have had experience moving cargo from sector to sector.
- To what division are you applying?
The Trade Combine should do nicely for me. I dunno if I would be up for going far into deep space like the ExSec does.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Well you gentlemen certainly know what you are doing, decades of experience and reliable backing have me more confident in your corporation than your competition. Also you are a delightfully patriotic bunch, I do like that.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
Well I am not exactly much of a fighter... I'd certainly try to help them out, they are still Bretonians after all. I would not hang around long enough to loose my life though, if things go south I may just have to try to save my own ship. If there was some kind of authority nearby I would call them first of course, be it the Federal Police of Rheinland or a combat worthy ship like a member of the BHG, better to have a helping hand in these kinds of things.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
Space a crate of toxic waste at them if I have any, and then reimburse the ALG for any potential credit loss and proceed with business as usual. But in all due seriousness, it would likely be in our best interests to pop a hole in the bugger if the chance presented itself.
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?
I can't say, I dunno much about Glaswegian badgers, though I am not much of an animal person I guess, so I doubt I'd like it.
Good day to you Captain Lars or is it Mr Mckinnis I'm a little confused;
We have reviewed your application and would like to offer you the position of Traniee Transport Captain with the Shipping Division.
Please report Scarborough Station to recieve your ID card and employment contract. Once you have you have been assigned a ship contact Kings Cross Control for the latest shipping news.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
I was a Freelancer and occasional smuggler, but I only did the dirty work that others didn't want to do, you see, none of that nasty Cardamine stuff.
- To what division are you applying?
Shipping Division
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Well smuggling has gotten a little grim, especially since Bretonia is under attack, too many patrols.
I feel like I should be doing something more useful for my home nation, perhaps a place in the next honors list? Or cash, more cash would be good, I seem to lack it at the moment.
Also, please don't think because I'm an Ex-Smuggler that i'm the kind of scum you find on your feet, cause I ain't, I'm just one person who happened to pick up the wrong Job at the wrong time.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
Depending on how much money I'd have in my neural net, I probably attempt to shrug them off with a bit of cash, I mean, how can you resist? If they don't bother with that, then depending on my mood I'd leave them too it or maybe considering shooting down the buggers. I've dealt with them before.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
I'd mock him back and hope to get a reaction, they don't seem to show us any remorse. Then if he trys anything on i'll just slip him into a few BAF patrols, I know the routes.
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?
Badger? Funny you asked, its not a bad taste, but too much isn't good for the health.
I have reviewed your application and although I would normally send the likes of you to Gateway, (they like smugglers), you have pointed out that you have not smuggled contraband which I must stress we do not tolerate at Bowex; if you are caught smuggling of anything of the sort then you will be reprimanded severely (as you will have probably noticed in the Corporate Handbook if you have read it).
As you have said though, times are hard; we are all short of pilots and we've recently acquired a new contract that could use a pilot of your experience.
Therefore we would like to offer you the position of Trainee Transport Captain with the Shipping Division.
Please report Scarborough Station to receive your ID card and employment contract. Once you have you have been assigned a ship, contact Kings Cross Control for the latest shipping news.
I look forward to meeting you in person.
Kind regards,
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
I've been hauling indipendantly in this Albatross transport for 5 years now, going from Cambridge, supplying the Libertonians' tobacco needs, and bringing light arms to the Bounty Hunters in Manchester on my way back.
- To what division are you applying?
Shipping Division
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
I've been working alone for a very long time and it doesn't half get boring. I want to join a corperation where escorts are readily available and where I can join convoys, convoys that hopefully have some interesting people to talk to in them. I've also got my sights set on one of those Shire transports, they're beautiful things and flying one would be a hauler like me's dream. I've not been able to afford one in my current business, pirates getting in the way of me reaching that 100 million credit mark, maybe these Borderworlds Exports convoys can give me the protection I need
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
Well I've no fighting experience at all, but for a fellow Bretonian I'd do anything I could, be it attempt to offer combat support or offer a credit persuasion for the Hessians to leave them be. Why? Well like I said, they're fellow Bretonians.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
Depends whether I've acquired a Shire yet, if not, then move on, perhaps leaving them with a return insult. However, in the cockpit of a Shire I'd not hesitate to pop as many holes in the bugger's ship as possible. Because a frog that's still croaking, is a frog that needs popping.
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?
It was a badger that crawled into my engine works, it was that same badger that meant I needed a new engine, and those things are damn expensive. How do you think I feel?