This ship is named Phantomime and is not only mine
but Wizards aswell. I had it moved to my account
4 days before my 6 month ban was up. And i did this
after asking Garret Jax if i could be unbanned on forums
as my ingame account had been unbanned and i thought 6 months
had passed due to this being unbanned.
I will accept the loss of all other Cap 8 BS but im only
asking for this one ship to be returned as it was not mine alone.
You asked me if your 6 month ban could be shortened so you wouldn't lose your ships due to inactivity. The admins declined your request. You told me you would movechar your ships to keep them active. How did you do that without circumventing your ban?
The fact my ingame account had been unbanned led me to believe my 6 months was up.
So i asked you if my forum account could be unbanned aswell. When you said im still banned i
asked if i could be unbanned 4 days early then on forums. So the fact someone unbanned my
acc early i used movechar to get 2 of my ships on my acc. Was this early unban only done
so the Admins could wipe 2 more of my ships ?
' Wrote:People earning a six month ban are expected to start from scratch upon returning.
I have no problem with losing my ships , its fine. What im asking and you are not understanding,
is for 1 ship to be returned that was not mine. All the other ships are gone and i have no problem with that.