Ok, let me give some real advice about taking a barge through an asteroid field. It sucks. This advice is worse to execute than /stucking your way through on full cruise. But it works sooooo much better.
First bind all the strafing directions to your keyboard. I put up to be Q and down to be E, that way I can strafe in all directions, A,D,Q,E. as well as x and w for reverse/forward. The barge can do 25m/s in reverse as well as forward. Very nice. Now, go into Turret view. scroll around your ship. I personally like to keep the mouse near the edge and just let it auto turn all around 360 degrees. This way I can identify the actual asteroids pinning me in place, all around. I can then strafe and forward/reverse my way out of just about anything. PLUS! When you do this you'll learn which asteroids acutally hold you up and which you only think are holding you up.
But yeah, go into your field on cruise and try to do the /stuck as much as you can, because if you break free you'll gain a lot of ground. But seriously, you're trying to make it 8k to a jumphole. 25m/s is fine, don't try to hang onto the cruise, just hit X when you're really stuck and do the above for the last 5-6k to the jumphole/station (why else would you go into an asteroid field?)
My $0.02
This being said I dont go into O-5. Eff that place.