The history of human thought recalls the swinging of a pendulum which takes centuries to swing. After a long period of slumber comes a moment of awakening. Then thought frees herself from the chains with which those interested — rulers, lawyers, clerics — have carefully enwound her.
She shatters the chains. She subjects to severe criticism all that has been taught her, and lays bare the emptiness of the religious political, legal, and social prejudices amid which she has vegetated. She starts research in new paths, enriches our knowledge with new discoveries, creates new sciences.
But the inveterate enemies of thought — the government, the lawgiver, and the priest — soon recover from their defeat. By degrees they gather together their scattered forces, and remodel their faith and their code of laws to adapt them to the new needs.
The history of human thought recalls the swinging of a pendulum which takes centuries to swing. After a long period of slumber comes a moment of awakening. Then thought frees herself from the chains with which those interested — rulers, lawyers, clerics — have carefully enwound her.
She shatters the chains. She subjects to severe criticism all that has been taught her, and lays bare the emptiness of the religious political, legal, and social prejudices amid which she has vegetated. She starts research in new paths, enriches our knowledge with new discoveries, creates new sciences.
But the inveterate enemies of thought — the government, the lawgiver, and the priest — soon recover from their defeat. By degrees they gather together their scattered forces, and remodel their faith and their code of laws to adapt them to the new needs.
Transmission source: Freital Base, Omega 11
Transmission ID: [RHA]Koroglu
Transmission receiver: Red Hessian Army
Transmission begins:
Guten Tag Kameraden
I saw a RM cruiser near freital . RM wanted me to leave the system .I said The System is ours , your leave is best for life. He attacked me and i killed him with Hessian Comrades helping.
The history of human thought recalls the swinging of a pendulum which takes centuries to swing. After a long period of slumber comes a moment of awakening. Then thought frees herself from the chains with which those interested — rulers, lawyers, clerics — have carefully enwound her.
She shatters the chains. She subjects to severe criticism all that has been taught her, and lays bare the emptiness of the religious political, legal, and social prejudices amid which she has vegetated. She starts research in new paths, enriches our knowledge with new discoveries, creates new sciences.
But the inveterate enemies of thought — the government, the lawgiver, and the priest — soon recover from their defeat. By degrees they gather together their scattered forces, and remodel their faith and their code of laws to adapt them to the new needs.
The history of human thought recalls the swinging of a pendulum which takes centuries to swing. After a long period of slumber comes a moment of awakening. Then thought frees herself from the chains with which those interested — rulers, lawyers, clerics — have carefully enwound her.
She shatters the chains. She subjects to severe criticism all that has been taught her, and lays bare the emptiness of the religious political, legal, and social prejudices amid which she has vegetated. She starts research in new paths, enriches our knowledge with new discoveries, creates new sciences.
But the inveterate enemies of thought — the government, the lawgiver, and the priest — soon recover from their defeat. By degrees they gather together their scattered forces, and remodel their faith and their code of laws to adapt them to the new needs.
Transmission source: Freital Base, Omega 11
Transmission ID: [RHA]Koroglu
Transmission receiver: Red Hessian Army
Transmission begins:
Guten Tag Kameraden
Omega 41 .. Again cannibals party.. Caps attacked fighters (corsair style) . We've done a great war. I went corsairs for my daddy (Hans.Gukel) . I think i was worthy of my daddy. A kill ...
The history of human thought recalls the swinging of a pendulum which takes centuries to swing. After a long period of slumber comes a moment of awakening. Then thought frees herself from the chains with which those interested — rulers, lawyers, clerics — have carefully enwound her.
She shatters the chains. She subjects to severe criticism all that has been taught her, and lays bare the emptiness of the religious political, legal, and social prejudices amid which she has vegetated. She starts research in new paths, enriches our knowledge with new discoveries, creates new sciences.
But the inveterate enemies of thought — the government, the lawgiver, and the priest — soon recover from their defeat. By degrees they gather together their scattered forces, and remodel their faith and their code of laws to adapt them to the new needs.
Transmission source: Freital Base, Omega 11
Transmission ID: Flieger Lukas.Eberhardt
Transmission receiver: Red Hessian Army, to whom it may concern
Transmission begins:
Guten Tag meine Herren,
I have been out on patrol in the Omegas during the last week, but nothing really exciting was ever going on. here are my results of the last days:
I have managed to talk to 2 citizens. One of them Rheinland, and another one Kusari if I am not mistaken. I managed to get them to donate something to our cause without forcing them into it and therefore maintaining a better image of the RHA with the general public.
The first one was harder to convince but when I told him about the evidence we have he decided to donate some money for the Volksrevolution:
The second one was surprisingly convinced rather fast and I never had to go into the detail.
All in all not bad vor the RHA. And 3 million credits are being made ready as we speak to be sent off via Credit Transfer.
Transmission source: Freital Base, Omega 11
Transmission ID: [RHA]Koroglu
Transmission receiver: Red Hessian Army
Transmission begins:
Guten Tag Kameraden
Omega 11 Diamant defend. Cloaked RNC caps . RF RHA and KUDOS SCRA pilots defended Diamant . Caps dead . Two bomber escaped stut. we rf guys and me have followed up.
The history of human thought recalls the swinging of a pendulum which takes centuries to swing. After a long period of slumber comes a moment of awakening. Then thought frees herself from the chains with which those interested — rulers, lawyers, clerics — have carefully enwound her.
She shatters the chains. She subjects to severe criticism all that has been taught her, and lays bare the emptiness of the religious political, legal, and social prejudices amid which she has vegetated. She starts research in new paths, enriches our knowledge with new discoveries, creates new sciences.
But the inveterate enemies of thought — the government, the lawgiver, and the priest — soon recover from their defeat. By degrees they gather together their scattered forces, and remodel their faith and their code of laws to adapt them to the new needs.
Comm ID: Falk Herrmann
Source: Vogtland
Subject: Returning to Duty
[color=#FFFFFF]Gut afternoon, some of you may have noticed, I've not been so active with what we are doing in the Red Hessian Army recently, I apologize for this, though there is a reason for this. Lately I have been drawn away by looking after my sick mother, she was terminally ill and died exactly one month ago. My family and I have been morning this loss since and I felt it best that I temporarily discontiued my duties here. Now the time has come where I feel I have got to a stage, that may allow me to fulfill my duties here to the standard required. It is in this transmisssion that I announce my full return to service here. I look forward to working with all of you again.
[font=Impact]- Incomming New transmission-
- Subject: Non combat work-
- Sender: Adam Vagner-
Guten tag.
I had small time for last few weeks, had many things to do. Also, I get on with some utility work, like cargo transportation, mining and stuff like this. So there is small report about what have I done.
I used cargo runs mostly for Diamant needs, now I can try to make additional runs to Liberty space with diamonds, and free some people, who had bad luck to be captured. I think, that get freedom from us, much better than being enslaved by Outcasts, so I'm poiting this job in my list "what to do"
Also, I worked on our large mining ships. For few seconds, I feld into my memories, but, it was short. Its very well, that we running all our craft in briliant conditions and nobody suffering while working there.
So there are couple of pictures from my work.
Also, not very long ago, in Omega 11 system, I meet stranger. He had canibal made ship and freelancer's papers. He moved to our base and have send docking signal on our freeqyency, and base's system allowed him to land. I managed to intencept docking signal. I send disturbing signal, but to late. Pilot's name : Conan_the_babarian. [Docking request]