Republic of Latium
Sender ID: Lucius Aurelius
Priority: MEDIUM
Encryption: LOW
Location: Omega 49, Lavinium
Greetings Zoners, it has been a while since my people were welcomed in the Freeports after the attack of the nomads. We have begun to rebuild ourselves from the refugees we were and we have explored the Omicron and Omega systems, until reaching Omega 49. Here we have built an outpost to continue the exploration of Sirius, and at this point we would like to ask you a permission to bring our people from the Freeports to Gran Canaria. The reasons for this request are many. First, we can not allow our people, especially the newborn, to grow up between four walls, when there is a planet so wonderful in wich our future generations can grow up, also we miss our loved ones and family, while they are divided into structures which although they are well managed by our Zoner friends, they still feel like prisoners. The blame isn't going to the Zoners, but the nomads, mind you. But above all, our activities have led us to Omega 49 and soon we will go in Bretonia space, thus being more distant from our civilian population and in case of danger we will not be able to protect them. I know that in recent times Omega 49 has been shown to not be be exactly safe, but after the many dangers that my people faced, to be divided or prisoners, and to deny a decent life and the right to live together as one, these are the last things that we don't want for our population. This is why I ask you a permission to bring my population to planet Gran Canaria.
Gran Canaria has long been a haven for those seeking her refuge. You're more than welcome to establish a new home for yourselves planet side. I will caution you that many different peoples reside on Canaria. Zoners, Bretonians, Corsairs, and even a few Outcasts.
There is currently no single ruling body on the planet, for the most part each colony, town, or city takes care of itself. Port Canaria, however, does control the orbital elevator to the docking rings. There are rumors of a council of sorts forming to represent the residents, but rumors are typically rumors.
So,not only are we allowed to not live in giant metal structures, and not only are we allowed to not live in refugee camps with the same hygiene conditions of a monkey's anus, we're even allowed self-government?
These are indeed excellent news.
To the boss;may I request to build my people's colonies as far as I can from yours?
Thanks for the eventual "yes".
If the answer will be "no",then it's one more point to desertion (*smiles*).
Republic of Latium
Sender ID: Lucius Aurelius
Priority: MEDIUM
Encryption: LOW
Location: Omega 49, Lavinium
I'm glad to know that, William. So we will prepare the convoys to bring our people to planet Gran Canaria.
After that, our people will build a new city where live in peace while we'll support them. We are happy for this opportunity to review our loved ones, and to have them close in our journey.
To Vibius Egnatius: <<we will talk about that in another channel, let free this communication from other issues>>