It is an unfortunate event which has taken place. Attacks on Zoner installations are either repelled or dealt with via diplomacy. Piracy and violations of our neutrality are dealt with via removal of access to Zoner installations. Disputes between Zoner groups are normally left for them to deal with themselves. This instance, however, is essentially embezzlement and theft to to the tune of just under a billion credits. It is not due to accident on the part of the OSI but a fault in the programming of the banking security system, a fault which was exploited for spite and for personal gain by a single individual.
To the outside world Zoners are thought of with disdain as rich traders hiding behind neutrality, when in fact our neutrality is hard fought so that we can trade and survive. That one of our own would so cheat the community at large and place us all in danger from the repercussions of their actions, shows that the perpetrator of such action is not deserving of the task or title of station administrator.
As chair of the Confederation of Freeports I am personally disturbed by the actions of Mr. Orphelia. The entirety of our membership discussed at length the ramifications of not only his actions, but those of our own in supporting his removal. The impeachment of a station administrator is a rare event and one not to be taken lightly. Mr. Orphelia's lack of remorse, refusal to make amends, and his apparent pride in his misdeed, make the decision of the Confederation one of necessity and for the greater justice.
The Confederation of Freeports therefore supports the removal of Mr. Orphelia from his position as station administrator and will, as requested, administrate the station known as Freeport 11 until such time as a new administrator is installed.
Incoming Transmission
Adress: Freeport 69 Construction Site Temporary Diplomatic Communications Sat., CLASSIFIED SYSTEM
Origin: [ZF]Glorious.Advance Speaker: Honorable Administrator Marvin James Orphelia
Quote:This instance, however, is essentially embezzlement and theft to to the tune of just under a billion credits. It is not due to accident on the part of the OSI but a fault in the programming of the banking security system, a fault which was exploited for spite and for personal gain by a single individual.
I really hope they fired their equipment dealer.
I tricked him easily. It is indeed their own fault for not hiring someone more competent.
I've also heard rumors that somehow a Molly got ahold of secret codes for Nichols. Not sure if they are true or not, but if they are...
Y'all should probably think about 'impeaching' another administrator.
I would never do anything for spite, I have nothing against the OSI.
More for personal gain.
In other words:
Quote:Comm ID: Jonah Robinson
Please let me know the response to my previous inquiries.
Thank you.
-Jonah Robinson
That will never happen, because they are just as powerhungry as they say I am.
What a joke. Democracy. Hah. Right.
Quote:To the outside world Zoners are thought of with disdain as rich traders hiding behind neutrality, when in fact our neutrality is hard fought so that we can trade and survive. That one of our own would so cheat the community at large and place us all in danger from the repercussions of their actions, shows that the perpetrator of such action is not deserving of the task or title of station administrator.
The task and title? The task is done. Peace with the BHG, the Nomad attacks have been on the decrease for years. In fact, I'd done all of this nearly singlehandedly. Where were the TAZ when the Corsair/BHG alliance was assaulting the Freeport? What about OSI? Nowhere to be seen. We only have the Order and independent Zoners to thank. The title? Meaningless.
You've made that perfectly clear.
The community at large? Please.
No, you make it sound as if i've wronged all zoners by merely tricking an equipment dealer aboard OSI's station. The danger is minimal at worst, probably lower than what we deal with on a normal basis, You'd know that if you were a Zoner for longer than my cigarette has been smoldering.
Quote:As chair of the Confederation of Freeports I am personally disturbed by the actions of Mr. Orphelia. The entirety of our membership discussed at length the ramifications of not only his actions, but those of our own in supporting his removal. The impeachment of a station administrator is a rare event and one not to be taken lightly. Mr. Orphelia's lack of remorse, refusal to make amends, and his apparent pride in his misdeed, make the decision of the Confederation one of necessity and for the greater justice.
Quite funny how you can impeach someone who is not even part of your group.
Probably because your group is a front the TAZ and/or OSI trying to control us all... Where are the Omicroners when we need them... sigh. They always were the balancing factor.
Like the ZUI, the ZA, the Council before you
You're silly charade will fall like a house of cards.
This is quite disturbing... I did not realize that Zoners could impeach other Zoners at the drop of a hat such as this. I suggest you don't go down without a fight Mr. Orphelia, it is not the Zoner way to take these strong accusations sitting down. While I am on the entire other side of the galaxy, I can say that you have my personal support. If need be I have certain security assets, personal friends and loyal soldiers, that can be sent to stop any efforts at "Being taken over" by the confederation. Zoners don't flex against other Zoners, Ms. Blake, but know that not every Freeport wishes to be governed by a "Confederation." The current administrator of Freeport 11 knows the diplomatics of his Freeport better than any damned Confederate.
This is captain John Sky of the Independent Zoner Reconnaissance Cruiser Far Horizon. It seems that our dear corporations have once more forgotten about what being a Zoner means. It does not mean that you can be oppressed bullied or exiled from a Freeport. It means you do what you have to and face whoever you have to. Believing that you can control Independent Zoners just because you give yourself a fancy title is a short-sighted decision. What really matters is who your allies are. And mr Orphelia has earned a trust and friendship of many over the years. Not just from the Zoner community. So I suggest you take your corporate behaviour and stuff it under your bed. Otherwise things might get messy in the upcoming days.
John Sky signing off.
..:Transmission terminated:..
[22:52:23] Michał Golański: Not everyday leader of warrior feminists sleeps with one of the most powerful admiral badasses in the universe!
-- If it's not happy it's not the ending! - Shah Rukh Khan
My name is Colin O'hanna and I am the
Chief of Security for the Obsidian Zoetic.
Most of you may or may not know that we
are neighbours of Freeport 11 from Omicron
Whilst I wished to stay out of this until
our spokes person and astound leader
returned I believe perhaps the opinion
of another almost independent Zoner,
and a local one at that, was needed.
Anyway, here it is.
I agree with the removal of Mr Orphelia,
sorry sir, but you have acted rashly and
currently I believe you are acting a little
too... childishly, for a man of your position.
However, I do not condone the seizure of
FP11 by the CoF... I have no issues with
your group or with you eventually becoming
the ruling body of FP11... Yet I do not
believe this crisis should be used as an
opportunity to seize power for your people.
We are Zoners, not Corsairs, why don't we
do this as it should be done? By the books.
Freeport 11 should decide its fate, not us.
You never know, they may wish to keep
mr Orphelia as their leader and as Zoners
we must accept that.
Freeport 1, while always adhering to the values of the independent nature and structure of the Zoner life, sees the actions of the FP 11 administrator as being harmful to Zoner neutrality and detrimental to our allies. We respect Mr. Harvey's dissenting opinion and encourage the vocalization of the Zoner community at large. However, a person in an leadership position taking the actions as performed by Mr. Orphelia, and doing so with such glee just to be a troublemaker, is not fit for the duties of a station administrator.
Freeport 1 supports the Confederation, OSI, TAZ, and other station administrators in their push for his removal from office. There will be no FP1 tagged ships fighting for his defense.
Quote:This is quite disturbing... I did not realize that Zoners could impeach other Zoners at the drop of a hat such as this. I suggest you don't go down without a fight Mr. Orphelia, it is not the Zoner way to take these strong accusations sitting down. While I am on the entire other side of the galaxy, I can say that you have my personal support. If need be I have certain security assets, personal friends and loyal soldiers, that can be sent to stop any efforts at "Being taken over" by the confederation. Zoners don't flex against other Zoners, Ms. Blake, but know that not every Freeport wishes to be governed by a "Confederation." The current administrator of Freeport 11 knows the diplomatics of his Freeport better than any damned Confederate.
Neither did I, go figure, right?
Years of diplomacy, blood, sweat and tears.
Hope whoever replaces me doesn't muck it up.
I won't go down without a fight, sohelpthem if a shot is fired. I trust they will not become hypocrites in that regard, endangering all sorts of civillians on my ship. In fact, as I've said before, The population of civillians that both live/work/stay on my ship is more than several of the border/edge world freeports populations combined.
This "Confederation" is becoming an awful lot like the Zoner Council... huge, maurading, corrupt...
Quote:This is captain John Sky of the Independent Zoner Reconnaissance Cruiser Far Horizon. It seems that our dear corporations have once more forgotten about what being a Zoner means. It does not mean that you can be oppressed bullied or exiled from a Freeport. It means you do what you have to and face whoever you have to. Believing that you can control Independent Zoners just because you give yourself a fancy title is a short-sighted decision. What really matters is who your allies are. And mr Orphelia has earned a trust and friendship of many over the years. Not just from the Zoner community. So I suggest you take your corporate behaviour and stuff it under your bed. Otherwise things might get messy in the upcoming days.
John Sky signing off.
People like him are those who will suffer most from this descision. Indepdent zoners and the like. I appreciate your support, Mr. Sky. Corporate corruption has infected the Zoners.
In fact, I may use the money from OSI to build a new, external freeport.
External from everyone.
No Confederation will ever be able to impeach me, except with weapons. And that would be very ironic indeed, endangering civillians.
Quote:Freeport 1, while always adhering to the values of the independent nature and structure of the Zoner life, sees the actions of the FP 11 administrator as being harmful to Zoner neutrality and detrimental to our allies. We respect Mr. Harvey's dissenting opinion and encourage the vocalization of the Zoner community at large. However, a person in an leadership position taking the actions as performed by Mr. Orphelia, and doing so with such glee just to be a troublemaker, is not fit for the duties of a station administrator.
Freeport 1 supports the Confederation, OSI, TAZ, and other station administrators in their push for his removal from office. There will be no FP1 tagged ships fighting for his defense.
Genine San Savage
Administrator, Freeport 1
Harmful to nuetrallity? Not a shot was fired on my end, I'm not sure about yours, if there will be...
And I find it funny an administrator of Freeport 1 would tell me i'm not fit for the duties.
How many administrators of Freeport 1 have there been over the years? Something on the order of ten?
You know how many there has been since Miss Elizabeth Tate, the administrator of Freeport 11 before me?
None. But alas.
Of course you see eye to eye with them, confederation cooperative member.
I'm not a troublemaker, really *smiles*
Like you're corporate masters, I take advantage of a situation to make money.
I'd probably be 'elected' leader, if I were in their group and pulled this on someone else.
So we are speaking about fighting ships now commander Savage? This situation seems to be quickly escalating to violence. So tell me TAZ and OCI is that what you want? Are you willing to risk an armed conflict between Freeports? A civil war between Zoners? Are you willing to get there just to sate your hunger for power and control over Zoners?
I agree with letting the population of Freeport 11 decide for themselves, whether or not Commander Orphelia acted in their interest. I however won't sit idly while corporations try to take freedom from Independent Zoners and getting control of Freeports.
If OCI has a problem with commander Orphelia it's OCIs problem. Not a Zoner problem. They may withdraw their support and refuse to trade with Freeport 11. But they may not change it's leadership.
Cpt. Sky signing off
..:Transmission terminated:..
[22:52:23] Michał Golański: Not everyday leader of warrior feminists sleeps with one of the most powerful admiral badasses in the universe!
-- If it's not happy it's not the ending! - Shah Rukh Khan
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Staff roles: Moderator
*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
To: All Concerned
I think this is somewhat being blown out of proportion. Nothing was said of a civil war. What was stated in the beginning, per my own Ambassador, is that TAZ will NOT recognize Marvin J. Orphelia as administrator.
As to the Freeport Confederation, it can also feel the same. As TAZ has no membership with them, we have no influence on them.
I don't believe there will be nor will I condone armed conflict as it isn't now nor has it ever been the Zoner way. While I don't support the actions of Mr. Orphelia, other measures will be taken to be discussed in conference.
For now, I support my appointed ambassadors stance for the TAZ. Let's not get into the issue of armed conflict and let's keep the discussion internal.
So we are speaking about fighting ships now commander Savage? This situation seems to be quickly escalating to violence. So tell me TAZ and OCI is that what you want? Are you willing to risk an armed conflict between Freeports? A civil war between Zoners? Are you willing to get there just to sate your hunger for power and control over Zoners?
I agree with letting the population of Freeport 11 decide for themselves, whether or not Commander Orphelia acted in their interest. I however won't sit idly while corporations try to take freedom from Independent Zoners and getting control of Freeports.
If OCI has a problem with commander Orphelia it's OCIs problem. Not a Zoner problem. They may withdraw their support and refuse to trade with Freeport 11. But they may not change it's leadership.
Cpt. Sky signing off
..:Transmission terminated:..
I wish more than just us felt the same. Unfortunately, many have fallen under their spell.
They took it from being an OSI/Me deal to being a me/Zoner deal which is not what it is about. At all.
I released the codes -they- had. For christs sakes! They were selling them on the OPEN MARKET.
I purchased the codes from them before this whole thing happened, and simply released them so they would not make as much profit the next month.
This was not to harm security in any way, and I do not know why it is so hard to understand that...
Taken directly from the Nichols Database...
Quote:'¢Hyperspace Coordinate Library Access - 20,000,000 monthly
◦Our library contains 11 coordinates to popular trade locations within the Border Worlds and the Edge.
Quote:I think this is somewhat being blown out of proportion. Nothing was said of a civil war. What was stated in the beginning, per my own Ambassador, is that TAZ will NOT recognize Marvin J. Orphelia as administrator.
As to the Freeport Confederation, it can also feel the same. As TAZ has no membership with them, we have no influence on them.
Apparently you'd felt the need to "exile", which, in itself is a funny doctrine considering we are all exiled in some form or another, me from -all- Freeports. No membership or influence, huh?
Quote:so I announce the
immediate cessation of all responsibilities of Marvin Orphelia followed by exile
from all Freeports with the consent of both the OSI and the Confederation of Freeports (CoF).
So it seems like you do have some say, influence.
The first part of that is dandy, a neccesary casualty to make $800,000,000 in two seconds flat.
But the last part is unfounded.
Quote:I don't believe there will be nor will I condone armed conflict as it isn't now nor has it ever been the Zoner way. While I don't support the actions of Mr. Orphelia, other measures will be taken to be discussed in conference.
For now, I support my appointed ambassadors stance for the TAZ. Let's not get into the issue of armed conflict and let's keep the discussion internal.