Incoming Transmission..
Comm ID: Vice Admiral Kress
To: SA, LSF and whole Liberty officers
We have had enough of this mockery. Be advised that mercenary ID holders will be shot from now on in Liberty. They will not be asked to leave Liberty or be assisted out, they will just be shot at sight. This is not valid for bounty hunter ID holders, Jupiter Guild and Mandalore vessels. These are free to operate in Liberty.
This order will take effect from now on and is to be obeyed by any Liberty officer without exceptions.
To: Vice Admiral Kress, Fleet Admiral Richard Woolsey
I trust, sir, that the new regulations concerning mercenaries do not cover the Patrolmen. We are not mercenaries, but paid independent guardians of secure locations. If need be, you may contact our CEO to discuss these matters in greater detail.
Not to get to nuts but where can we go? Bering is going to get a little crowded. Rein has the same rule.
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.
Incoming Transmit..
To: Unknown Classified
Comm ID: Vice Admiral Kress
If your patrolmen are interested in guarding secure locations in Liberty, then make them wear either navy, police, lsf or bounty hunter IDs. We will not be applying any kind of exception to the mercenary ID.
Com ID: Capt. Daniel Carpenter
Callsign: =LSF=Liquid / Fluid / Impact
Transmitted to: LPI. SA High Command and Director of Operations LSF
Officers! Intelligence recieved indicates a bounty has been placed on my head on 3 of my Craft! Fluid, Liquid and Impact. Inital reports indicate the bounty has been placed by a disgruntled ex-LSF Agent although at this stage this information remains un-confirmed.
The price is 20 million per destruction of each of the above ships! A sizeably flattering bounty that should make the following weeks interesting.
Two mercenaries today attempted to claim that prize! Ledboy2000 and Cimson Reaver engaged myself and Maximus outside Mojave and a firefight errupted. First to go was Ledboy2000's bomber that ate a missile salvo from myself flying my RC Liquid, the fighter proved more difficult but was gradually being worn down. He switched targets from myself to Maximus and I continued to grind down his Talon untill finally Maximus in his bomber landed the killing blow!
As has been noted the only mercenaries permitted to operate in Liberty are the Mandalorians [M] and the Jupiter's Guild [JG]. All other mercenaries are to be treated as hostile. As for Ledboy2000 and Crimson Reaver they have proved themselves to be hired assasins and are to be treated as KOS targets.
Capt. Daniel Carpenter
LSF Fighter Combat Instructor
Com ID: Capt. Daniel Carpenter
Callsign: =LSF=Liquid / Fluid / Impact
Transmitted to: LPI. SA High Command and Director of Operations LSF
Gentlemen, again I come seeking guidance and orders. Today in the Alsaka system several officers remarked that they beleived the Alaska system to under the same laws as Zone 21. Indeed that they beleived the Alska system was Zone 21. Now my understanding was that the minefieild and Alaska jumpgate was Z21.
This raised an interesting question to me. Alaska is a dangerous system and can be accessed by pilots from New York only by travelling through restricted space. We maintain 2 prisons in this system and the Bounty Hunters and Order use this system as their battleground. My question is should Alaska be restricted to Military ships and Bounty Hunter Guild vessels who should be encouraged to continue their war against the Order to eat their resources. Therefore I suggest BHG vessels be allowed access through Z21 on their way to the battlezone as well as Navy, Police and LSF. All other contacts should be considered as in a restricted system.
Your thoughts and guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Capt. Daniel Carpenter
LSF Fighter Combat Instructor
Comm id: LSF officer Koace Didro
Callsign: =LSF=Koace_Didro/Koace
Transmitted to: LPI. SA High Command and Director of Operations LSF
I personally agree with Capt Carpenter. Alaska is most certainly a system that should face certain 'restrictions'. My personal belief for this is the prisons. I know that the other houses may or may not have built their prisons in plain sight of any snap happy interstellar tourist, but we as liberty should know that these prisons should be in a secure location. Now i know that alaska is a wasteland, and a dangerous one at that. But should we rest all our security on that alone? Or should we consider attempting to restrict access to all ships that do not have specific permisson to be there?
I leave this as an addition to Capt Carpenter's suggestion.
Koace Didro
LSF Officer
...Transmission terminated...
//Don't know if we are allowed to do this. But thought i would just provide rp from a more extremist section of the LSF (as of now lol)
Message to: Whoever the Thud is in charge over there
Comm ID: Malaclypse, for the TAZ
Subject: Recent Zoner "Issues"
Since you all seem to be clamoring at once on the "evil Zoner threat", I am addressing this to all and sundry in both the SA and LSF, until you lads can decided where the "buck" actually stops.
I have perused your recent communications, including one that was allegedly directed to the Council of Zoners. I am not amused. Primarily I am not amused with the alleged actions of the two Zoners mentioned specifically in your complaints.
I have brought these matters to the attention of the full Council of Zoners. As leader of the TAZ, I can only guarantee the response and actions of my own Organization, but I'm sure you know that.
I highly recommend that you review your communications protocols in future. How in Thud can we address these issues if we don't know about them, eh? I can't be everywhere, nor can the Council act on matters they know nothing about.
If one of your multitude of "Chiefs" wishes to address the Council regarding these issues, I will sponsor him or her. Leave all the "Indians" home, however, to babble amongst themselves.
Acting CoZ Chair, in the absence of Isaac Drake,
Episkopos, Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Comm ID: LSF Officer Koace Didro
Callsign: =LSF=Koace_Didro/Koace
Transmitted to: LPI. SA High Command and Director of Operations LSF
Topic: Structure and Leadership
Whilst recently discussing matters with one of my 'contacts' i heard an interesting rumour circulating about Liberty's command structure.
It seems that some parties are unclear, and indeed are mocking us for what is an apparant lack of structure and communication between the 3 strands of liberty protection. The result is that people are unsure who among us is the voice of overall command. I know that the LSF will make decisive decisions based solely on our director's orders. but is that the same across all 3 groups? Or is there a command structure that our director participates in, that has another pilot in high command able to order all 3 parts of the defence around?
If this is how it is then could someone just make this clear to me. If not then could i suggest that we have a Liberty Defence committee that contains the three CO's and the 3 XO's from the different branches.
Koace Didro
LSF Officer
//This may be already in place, just seems to me and others that it is a bit hidden and the organisation is in a word 'scraggly'. Sorry if this is just a load of rubbish. Above post is one example.
Com ID: Capt. Daniel Carpenter
Callsign: =LSF=Liquid / Fluid / Impact
Transmitted to: LPI. SA High Command and Director of Operations LSF
After assisting a combined force in the destruction of Hacker vessels in the vicinity of Ithica I encountered a Rhienland Police Cruiser in restricted are Zone 21 travelling from Alaska. I enquired as to his presence in Liberty and requested he jettison the Nomads in his hold as they were illegal in Liberty. The Commander of the Cruiser refused and started to run.
I broadcast for assistance and commenced an attack on the Cruiser. After a short pursuit support had arrived and our combined force destroyed this Rogue Police vessel. A formal protest is being prepared to the chancellor regarding this breach of our borders.
Returning to the Alaska JG I found LSF Joolean engaged with a Nomad light fighter, designation: Darth with a pirate registration equiped with 3 Black Widow Xeno guns! I moved to assist and the Xeno ran to Alaska. More support arrived and after a long pursuit the Nomad LF was destroyed.
Capt. Daniel Carpenter
LSF Fighter Combat Instructor