Incoming Transmission..
Comm ID: LPI_Karl.Agathon
To: Recruit Cy Singleton
Good day, and welcome to the Liberty Forces, perhaps we will take part in an operation together one day.
I just felt obligated to inform you that ships bearing the mark [M] are one of the Mercenary groups, which have passage through liberty space, as Liberty is one of their clients.
Ending Transmission..
Iâll carry this flag
To the grave if I must
Because itâs flag that I love
And a flag that I trust
Com ID: Capt. Daniel Carpenter
Callsign: =LSF=Liquid / Fluid / Impact
Transmitted to: LPI. SA High Command and Director of Operations LSF
This morning reports indicated an HF precense in Texas, moving to intercept I asked SGTMatt if he would care to assist. On arrival in Texas I set a course for Beumont and came across a Xeno named Cobra in a Falcon. System comms indicated another Xeno in system as well as the HF and Cobra continued to fall back obviously to rendevous. In sector 5D we came across the other Xeno and the Hacker was on approach.
The fight began and the Xenos and Hacker seemed to put aside there diferences for the moment to dispatch myself and Matt. I requested LPI Marshall to make his way to our location as futher support. After a fine tussle I destroyed Cobra with a missile salvo. Moving on to Rattler he again was dispatched by a missile salvo with Matt also pounding him with his guns. Finally we switched to the Hacker in his Sabre and once again my trusty missiles did their function and he too was destroyed.
LPI Marshall was chargrinned to find the fight over before he arrived, but I would like to thank the LPI officer for responding and SGTMatt for his invaluable assistance.
Capt. Daniel Carpenter
LSF Fighter Combat Instructor
To: LSF Director of Operations & SA Navy High Command
*Decryption of secure data complete...
I launched today from hiding in the Omicrons to deliver a message to the Corsair nation. High command had advised of a Corsair Osiris and TBH Gunboat invading Liberty this morning and they wanted payback.
I entered Gamma and made my way to Tripoli, there I destroyed 5 minor Corsairs (NPC's) and moved onto Crete. There I encountered Benito Huarez in a Centurion who moved to engage me. After a short fight 2 missiles and a torpedo despatched him.
I continued to kill more Corsairs (NPC's) curiously a Titan was 6k away from me named FR-Alex-FR and he ignored me, I continued to kill more Corsiers until this pilots cowardice annoyed me and I flew over and engaged him. The fight was a short one and his Titan shattered before my eyes.
I continued to wait to see what Crete would offer but there was nothing so I made my way out of Gamma, curiously I was stalked by FR-Alex-FR who had managed to attain a new ship and launched claiming my Raven Claw was a Corsair ship and he would bring his battleship to Liberty for revenge because apparentley he is also a Battleship Commander.
*Scrambling signal transmission location
*Agent security code confirmed
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.
While Undercover i took a image of a Artifact Smuggler, due to security reasons so i do not comprimise my operative's cover i need a secure LSF or SA officer to transfer the image to.
[Incoming Message]
[Comm ID: Fleet Admiral Richard Woolsey]
[Begin Message]
[color=#FF0000]>>>Priority Message<<<
At this time I must inform all parties that Zoners, independent and otherwise are banned form initiating or participating in combat scenarios, self defense excluded. It is not within the best interest of the Zoners to dispute this, please accept this now. Zoners as of now not allowed to participate in military actions within Liberty until further notice. Please forward any and all questions to the Liberty Questions Bureau.
Com ID: Capt. Daniel Carpenter
Callsign: =LSF=Liquid / Fluid / Impact
Transmitted to: LPI. SA High Command and Director of Operations LSF
Launched today to encounter Hacker Mori spouting Propoganda worse than any Lord Haw-Haw in ancient Earth 20th Century history. There was also a Xeno named Cobra that I eventually located as this terrorist seemed disinclined to fight. On contact he ran, eventually I managed to CD him and engaged but he ran again, this happened 3 times and I simply let the cowardly dog run away.
Mori met his end in Alaska to an ally while I engaged a hacker at Norfolk named [HSP]Voronov who was eventually killed by PRF Pancamo! Next was Blofeld who had engaed Black Wing at Norfolk. Our overwhelming coalition of forces arrived and Blofeld retreated.
Time passed and data indicated USS Midway was in Alaska with an Order ship and 3 TBH vessels! I hastily called for lawful support and assembled them at Z21. Midway returned advising enemy was inbound and the Osiris Bs|Kemoseri jumped through to be surprised by our task force. The Tbh arrived shortly after and instantly returned to Alaska while we poured fire on the Osiris. The attack had been repelled with no casualties on either side which was a pleasant change of pace.
On that final note, it seems that the TBH now launch daily attacks on Liberty! This has become a war people! I call for action officers. President Jacobi must be persuaded now to launch a full and utter devestating offensive on the Corsair home world, destroy all supplies to them and starve the already hungry Corsairs into submission!
Capt. Daniel Carpenter
LSF Fighter Combat Instructor
***Incoming Transmission***
To: LSF Command/SA command
From: Lt. Kell "Chaos" Tainer
Sirs, i have to agree with Cpt. Carpenter
We need to take this to the corsair homeworld and stop this thing where it started. I see this as an opportunity for LSF to fulfill its mission profile, as an Intel Service, we are not meant for open field battles.
WE ARE INTEL we deal best with Quick strikes at enemies
I have stressed this before and will keep stressing this until something is done.