Comm ID: PFC Joshua Hunt
Location: Milford Base, Pennsylvania
Subject: Short patrol
PFC Hunt reporting,
PFC Keita and I went out for a short run to California when we were contacted by a vessel named "444.". The pilot was screaming about a corrupt Navy Officer that had been trying to destroy his ship for Freedom of Speech. Who knew? Anyways, we set course for Pennsylvania, found 'em at Erie where the Freighter had been chased far off from traffic. Before we could intervene my vessel was attacked by some CSV, I warned him to back off and fired a warning shot at him, then he directed his attention to PFC Keita. We had no choice but to destroy him, as he was rather uncooperative.
After that bit of unwanted action, we stopped the freighter and found out more about the situation, the Navy officer started to run when me and Keita disrupted him. we -tried- to talk to the Naval pilot, a 41st bomber, when he became unresponsive and just drifted there. We made the decision to destroy him, and Keita did the job. When the bomber exploded, a Rogue Gunboat flew down the lanes, with a 41st Dread close behind, we got out of there, as we were outmatched.
From: Legion High Command
To: TF Warhammer
Sub: Promotions
Major William Sweeney has been promoted to Fleet Captain. Lieutenant John Grey has been promoted to Major. PFCs Joshua Hunt and Keita have been promoted to Lieutenant.
Congratulations, pilots.
+++ TOP SECRET +++
To: High Command
All members of High Command should return to private quarters and prepare to receive a Priority Alpha maximum-encryption transmission from the Lord Commander.
Fleet Captain Aeron Valentine reporting in.
First off, we headed to Magellan for a shakedown and ended up avenging a DSE transport who fell victim to a Scylla.
Then, I launched the Damocles after reports of a Ransuer came in. We immediately hleaded to the scene, where the LNS-Menlo.Park, accompanied by snubcraft of the Bretonian Armed Forces (probably led by BAF|Cdr.Austin.Goodman) were assaulting the Ransuer, Posideon's.Mescaline, as the LNS-Kitty.Hawk bravely took fire. We lost the Kitty Hawk as the Damocles arrived, and we immediately moved in to engage. We did our best, but we were forced to fall back to Ouray for resupplying. We then came back with elements of the Xeno Alliance, Pygmy and Fred Boyardee came, and we launched a second assault of the Ransuer.
After this, the Damocles again fell back to Ouray, where we were preparing to rest when the Xenos again called for aid, this time against enroaching Liberty Navy ships - which is frankly hilarious, as just a few minutes ago we were ensuring their continued safety - LN-Jim.Raynor' and the LNS-BlackStar. We pulled out and came back around, and finally went on a full offensive once the Polyphemus came out. LN-Jim.Raynor' fell first to the Arbiter's guns, and then the fire was turned to BlackStar. Polyphemus then fell back a distance, where we resupplied them with our own stores of regens. We then took the fight right back to the BlackStar, tearing it asunder.
Polyphemus was successfully moved back to Magellan system from it's post in New York system. It's new orders are to monitor suspicious behavior from various groups we've encountered. The fighter patrol in New York spotted a Rogue Scylla "pirating" by the lanes to Manhattan. In collaboration with the Xenos it was brought down without attracting too much attention.
Location: Ouray base ID: Mike Spacer, PFC Receiver: Legion HQ Subject: Report
I've just finished my first 'patrol'. I was accompanied by a Fleet Admiral Markus Brass in this one. At first we went to New York to poke some police and see how are they doing, then, after a couple of outcasts and freelancers came, it became a serious brawl. After we destroyed one of their fighters we had to flee towards Colorado jump hole. We managed to hold them off and quickly resupplied at Ouray. After that we faced even more of them, even a rogue destroyer. My companion was swarmed so he had to eject, then I was alone between a few fighters, a gunboat and that big rogue destroyer. Not long after a couple of navy LABCs and bombers came and brought the boat down and the dessie managed to slip into Rochester's docking bay while exploding. I bet the junkers had a lot of scrap to collect... The bombers and a fighter pushed me back to Colorado jump hole. Markus was waiting on the other side. After we both went hard on the navy guys, they had no other choice than to leave. My ship was damaged and I received an order to leave the navy ships. Then we safely parked our ships in Ouray.
From: Joe Raison
To: HellFire Legion HQ
Sub.: Report
G'Day , Pilot First Class Joe here.
I've started my first patrol with Fleet Admiral Markus Brass.On our way ,we has met Rogues and Outcasts at California Jump Gate , in Magellan . First they ran away , loocks like their waypoint was Cortez jump hole , but we stopped them. Then we engaged them, defeated them without losing anyone. All , from treir group , has died.
Attachment file: *
Returned to Vespucci , we finished our patrol. Right now my way to bar , I want to drink something.
We took the Last Sunrise out on a patrol loop around New York, having delivered some supplies earlier to Nome Base in Kepler. PFC Joe Raison accompanied me. We intercepted a Carrier, one LNS-LongIsland, at Manhattan high orbit, bare of any escorts or support craft, and I ordered the attack.
A lone interceptor came at us, attempting to disrupt our assault, but was quickly shot down by PFC Raison. #[1]
A Bounty Hunter Orca-class Gunboat in the vicinity moved in to try and cash in on PFC Raison, but failed to do so as he evaded fire while beginning his strafing run on the Carrier. I called in backup and the HFGB Idiot's Array arrived on site to provide covering fire.
The Sunrise initiated a long-range artillery bombardment of the LongIsland. Eventually, we drew the Carrier out of range of Manhattan's defense grid, and heavily punished it due to its lack of mobility. #[2]
A critical Mortar strike penetrated the LongIsland's hull, triggering a chain reaction that lead to a reactor breach, sinking the Carrier. #[3]
From: Joe Raison To: HellFire Legion HQ Sub.: Report
Pilot First Class Joe here.
When I’ve ended my patrol with Fleet Admiral Slade , I have went to bar to drank something , but rumors about LPI party in New York was so height . Well I’m curios , so I've went to New York, to check , what’s going on there . The rumors wasn’t false , three Liberty Police officers tried to caught two Rogues . Two polices officers has downed , third has ran away . One rogue wanted to hurt me . His result: [File]
Another rogue didn’t wanted to fight . And he proposed to solve all peace’s way . Well , I’m accepted it . And I’m hoping , police will catch him with time. Joe out.
Yesterday Polyphemus received a request for assistance from an assault wing in California system again a Carrier. The rogues were firing on them aswell and by the time we arrived there, Beta 1 was shot down. The carrier was shot down shortly and then later everyone was extracted to Magellan system where we were followed by the Rogues.
Polyphemus set course for Vespucci to repair when a scylla intercepted us in the middle of an asteroid field and engaged, thinking that he had the advantage. It was destroyed without much effort. The rogues brought even more ships against us and we ended up losing a single prosecutor.
The Emperor was dispatched immidiately to provide support against numerous hostiles and after a short time fighting, we won the battle and only LR-Switchback survived.
From: Fleet Admiral Markus Brass
To: High Command
SubSE Operations in Humboldt
It seems Deep Space Engineering has began the construction of an installation in Humboldt with the purpose to extracting the metals from the fields and providing a safe haven for those who happen to pass from there. The LSF or Navy aren't interested in coming to their aid and they have brought their own security wings to defend the station. Currently they are being extorted by the Rogues in exchange for their safety and I myself have witnessed an increase in their patrols, consisted of destroyers and other strikecraft.
I do not think of this as a threat to us, instead I find it to be an excellent opportunity to make ourselves more likeable to the civilian population, get financial assistance for protecting and exporting the hull panels Leniex manufactures and open a new route for future supplies we may need.
I will be waiting for your response.
Admiral Brass out.
PS. Lieutenant Wanx has been appointed as Hell FM operator.