Identification: Heinrich Schmid Receiver: Buro Der Marineintelligenz. Subject:Feld Report
Meine Herren,
before a few minutes I assisting the RM with an patrol. We received some help calls from Stuttgart due a high Hessian activity. -Fortunately our present defending forces had already neutralized the Hessian armada.
After having received this message, we continued the patrol to Omega-7. The system was quite calm, though I met a member of the Independent Miners Guild. It told me that it's supplying their new base in Omega-3. This made me curious, so I offered it an escort to the base. It was carrying a load of water.
The base, which I think is important to know about, is called Falster. It has several weapons plattforms and is located near the Omega-7 jumpgate. Herr Banks, the IMG member, told me that they use this base as a storage depot and to fight the huge pirate activity near ze jumpgate.
Here the visual evidence and the message log:
"BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: Gday, Herr Banks.
IMG|Peter.Banks: Greetings, Sir.
IMG|Peter.Banks: What can I do for you?
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: Where are you heading to?
IMG|Peter.Banks: Omega 3.
IMG|Peter.Banks: Supplying
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: Could you please hold for a second?
IMG|Peter.Banks: Of course, Sir.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: Danke.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: So, you were telling me you are about to supply something?
IMG|Peter.Banks: It's just supply runs between Falster Trade Center and Freistadt base
IMG|Peter.Banks: Yes.
IMG|Peter.Banks: Sir, you are free to watch fly with me to check that I really unload at FAlster.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: Jawohl. I will wait for you here.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: Hurry.
IMG|Peter.Banks: Sure! Than kyou
IMG|Peter.Banks: Last load. *smiles* Then the Trade Center has enough.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: There's no need to wait, danke.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: Let's go.
IMG|Peter.Banks: Food, water, oxygen.
IMG|Peter.Banks: Here it is.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: Jawohl.
IMG|Peter.Banks: Harmless, just a trade outpost... with some self defense capacities.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: Interesting, though.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: Wait. One more questions.
IMG|Peter.Banks: Sure. *smiles*
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: What is the interest of the IMG of another base here? I mean the next base is Freistadt and Alan?
IMG|Peter.Banks: This used to be the most pirated spot in the Omegas
IMG|Peter.Banks: Guess what`? *smirks* It is not any more.
IMG|Peter.Banks: It also links our bases nicely.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: So, it's purpose is to keep pirates away.
IMG|Peter.Banks: One of the tasks, yes.
IMG|Peter.Banks: It can be used for storage
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: How do you use it for trading, Herr Banks?
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: I see.
IMG|Peter.Banks: Sometimes there is goods on it. But it has been empty for a while. I don't care much, personally.
IMG|Peter.Banks: I am only doing the routine shipments.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: So, the traffic isn't that high?
IMG|Peter.Banks: Used to be high. But now... not.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: Confirmed.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: Alright.
IMG|Peter.Banks: Good flight, Sir.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: Thank you for your coorporation, Herr Banks.
BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid: Auf wiedersehen."
My intuition says it is important that we know about these activities in the borderworlds.
Heinrich Schmid
Buro Der MarineIntelligenz
ID: Hans Schneider Callsign: BDM|U-Powerkraut Receiver: Buro Der Marineintelligenz. Subject:Mission report
Hail ladies and gentlemen,
I'm now sending this report of a recon mission. Me, Inspektor Hans Schneider and my comrade Oberinspektor Heinrich Schmid were on our regular Omega 11 patrol when we've encountered a Coalition fighter callsign Vasili.Petrenko near planet Schutz. We tried to get this done without a fight so my comrade Schmid asked the communist nicely to leave Rheinland borders. The hostile fighter agreed, he was outgunned and outnumbered. Shortly after he activated his cruise engines, a bounty hunter who was passing by stopped him and was going to claim the bounty on the commie's head. The coalition fighter headed towards the nearby Omega 5 hole to escape. Me and my comrade headed after them. While the hunter was chasing that commie, we encountered a hessian gunboat nearby. Hessian warships are to be destroyed on sight, that gunboat with a callsign Rabauke wasn't an exception. After we've dealt with the threat [X] we proceeded towards the running coalition fighter and the bounty hunter. We saw that the commie was heading to an uncharted jump hole. As we thought it was his home system. It was called Omega 52, the Coalition fighter jumped, as well as the hunter. We followed. After the jump was completed, we were on fire by the nearby Coalition rookies and weapons platforms, also a cruiser class vessel. It was nowhere to go back, the jump hole was blocked so we decided to leave that mess and went towards an unknown space station in Omega 52. We've been stopped by a couple coalition gunboats while approaching the station. They were dealt with [X] fast so we could probe the station It seemed like it was a shipyard, the main facility where Coalition's ships are made [X]. We also probed another station next to one of the Omega 52's planets [X]. After that my comrade Schmid ordered to head to a nearby ice crystal cloud from which some electromagnetic waves were caught. Seemed like an anomaly or a jump hole so we proceeded to the field to check it out. We were right, it was a Jump hole, surrounded by enemy fighters... [X] ...And a stationary capital class ship [X]. We got through undamaged and slipped into the jump hole. After we jumped we found ourselves in a desolate system free of civilization as it seemed at first, but the scanners showed a base next to a big gas giant [X]. The base seemed friendly, owned by the Zoners so we docked, got our ships patched up and were ready to leave back to Rheinland. I decided to contact the Buro's database and send our recon data. Me and my comrade Schmid think this information about Coalition's home system will be useful in the further researches of the Omega 52.
Schneider out.
Hans Schneider
Buro Der Marineintelligenz
"Earlier this evening, Daumann Heavy Construction requested aid against a Red Hessian Battleship that had parked itself in Munich. The local security forces kept the vessel occupied with inane babble while the Neidersachsen entered the area and got the ship on scanners.
With careful sniping tactics and Bomber-interference the ship was finally destroyed and the area made safe once more.
Callsign:BDM|Rasiermesser Receiver: Buro Der Marineintelligenz. Subject:Patrol Report
Guten abend,
I am now reporting my patrol of the Rheinland's borders. A local Daumann miner contacted me and I was warned of some unidentified ships roaming the Omega 7 system, then decided to check them out. At first they looked like normal MND patrol [X] but after a few minutes a Sabre flying along with them made me suspicious. Then my comrade oberinspektor Heinrich Schmid joined me and he came with some data about infested military pilots. After the further scanning of the MND patrol we detected some nomad equipment. The unidentified patrol reacted aggressively and engaged, we understood that they were the infected pilots. We were accompanied by a couple of federal polizei officers and a bounty hunter so the enemy was outnumbered and headed to their settled system Omega 55. We followed. Then the fight began [X]. I managed to land a nice razor on one of them and blew him up [X] but somehow there weren't any remains after his ship exploded. The rest of them pulled back to one of the stations in the system [X] so me and my partner along with another MND pilot had to go back to Omega 11.
Hans Schneider
Buro Der Marineintelligenz
Identification: Heinrich Schmid Receiver: Buro Der Marineintelligenz. Subject:Feld Report
Meine Herren,
here a little report about ze recent Wilde activity. Offizier Fischer and me started our patrol at New Berlin, setting course to ze Omega-7 system. An emergency call of a Kruger vessel made us curious and because of that we decided to help it out. What we found there was rather not what we hoped to. Three Wilde vessels, which I was already able to identify, were waiting for us and there was not a single sign of ze Kruger vessel who had actually called us. Shortly after talking to ze nomads' hosts their incubes took control over them and we were forced to engage.
Due to ze fact that we were outnumbered, we had to retreat to ze Stuttgart jumpgate. Herr Fischer's Wraith has been destroyed on ze way.
Fortunately, ze RNC-Koblenz listened to our emergency calls. Together with ze capital vessel, I set course to ze Omega-11 jumphole, once more. Our opponents decided to flee to their home system, Omega-55.
Regardless of our casualties, ze mission was successful. Das Wilde has once more been pushed out of our important economical systems.
Though I think that there has to be a change. There must be a way to hurt ze nomads inside of their hosts. Fighting them is like hell, because they somehow feel everything what's going on around them. There has to be ze opportunity disturb ze thoughts of ze incubi. Something like EMPs. I'll talk to ze staff on Schatten.
Heinrich Schmid
Buro Der MarineIntelligenz
Identification: Heinrich Schmid Receiver: Buro Der Marineintelligenz. Subject:Feld Report
Meine Herren,
we have succeeded a great victory. Our long range scanners detected hostile contacts near Solarius Station in Omega-11. This threat had to be removed and so I decided to first reconnoitre ze whole system in order to find ze enemy vessels.
After quite a short time I reached ze Daumann base and there I was able to see a huge fight of eleven vessels. Four Hessians and four infested pilots were fighting. It seemed like ze fight had just begun and so I decided to stay in safe distance and watch how it might end.
But equal of ze result, we don't want to see both of them, Hessians and Wilde, in this area, so I called in a small battlegroup. As our battleship and three Wraiths and additionally one Bounty Hunter appeared, ze Hessians have left. Ze Wilde pilots were jumping to their Home system.
A decision had to be done and so we left our single battleship behind and followed ze Wilde scum into their home system. Having arrived there, it was raining heavy missiles from their stationary batteries. Our opponents used it as a cover, but after some time they recognized that they will lose.
Our mission was successful. We were able to remove ze active threat from Omega-11, but though our strike force was just able to kill one of them.
Though, we can't keep on concentrating our military power on das Wilde threat. Liberty is stronger than before and ze Buro is too small to fight ze nomads alone.
If there's a way to gain a advantage in fighting das Wilde, meine Herren supervisors, I am willed to give everything I have, just to make this advantage become ours.
Heinrich Schmid
Buro Der MarineIntelligenz
Identification: Rekruit Sigmund Vogler Receiver:Buro Der Marineintelligenz. Subject:Bering patrol report
Mein Herr,
Today I waz on a routine patrol on the border when I spotted an IMG vessel named "Trucker-2" entering the Bering system via the Hamburg jump gate. A quick scan showed zat ze ship was carrying diamonds on board so I gave an order to cut its engines. However, the trade vessel gave full power to zeir engines and quickly got out of cruise disruptor missile range. I gave it another warning but ze trader just kept on flying to ze next trade lane ring. I followed it to the freeport but as I got zer they have already disrupted ze trade lane and entered ze other lane leading to Texas jump gate. It was clear to me zat zis trader is running and will not stop so I gave chase until zey jumped to Texas, disrupting ze lane behind zem, again. I decided not to follow into Liberty territory and turned around.
I am uploading ze evidenz of ze whole incident. I must apologize for my failure to get a clear cargo scan footage.
I was on a patrol in Liberty space yesterday when I stumbled upon LNS Normandie of ze primary Liberty Navy fleet. It was in a middle of a fight with some pirates and nobody seemed to have noticed my presence. I took zat opportunity to get within 3 kilometer distance and scan ze ship to collect all ze intelligenz I could and fly away probably unnoticed. It appears it had some nomad materials on board. Here is ze information I have gathered.
ENCRYPTION: PL07 D3V1C3 COMMID:Flotillenadmiral Siegfried, BDM| U-Flotte LOCATION:BDM|RNC-Brynhildr, Mephistopheles Class 005 Production Type Cruiser, BDM|U- Forward Operating Base
It would appear that Omega 7 continues to be a hive of activity for the Corsairs, SCRA, and other degenerate elements.
A basic patrol revealed the presence of an illegal base, calling itself the Othala Research Business Centre, in sector B2 of Omega 7.
Corsair forces have apparently also discovered the installation, and have been observed to be interacting with a small commercial fleet of stolen IMG, ALG, and assorted other corporate vessels which appeared to be supplying the station under the collective callsign of ORBC.
Also sighted was a suicide SCRA unit calling itself the SCRA|Kalashnyx-01 which appeared, attempted to trap the Brynhildr for a small SCRA battlegroup of several capital vessels to engage, and was promptly removed while making a full stop in a failed attempt to disrupt a nearby lane.
Resident analysts of Schatten Research Facility are unsure whether or not both the firing solution glitch of the SCRA Nyx and the fatal full stop prior to the attempted firing upon the trade lane had been the result of faulty hardware or pilot error. Further tests are required for any reasonably justifiable conclusion may be reached.
As the Brynhildr is now firmly within Rheinland proper for the first time in months, it has been decided that several days be dedicated to maintenance and refit.
A berth in Schatten Research Facility and several hundred man-hours of maintenance technicians have been requested.
REKRUIT SIGMUND VOGLER: Your intel has been transmitted to High Command for review. Your diligent efforts have been noted by several of your superiors. Good work.
BRYNHILDR: Your request has been received, reviewed, and granted. Berth 2 will be cleared for your arrival. Welcome home.