Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo system
Friday - 27-7-819 AS
The Honorable Judge Saruwatari Michiyo walks in and sits down. Motioning for the people inside the court to do the same.
--“Please be seated, The Trial is now in session.” Sounded through the room, several spectators were there who were interested.
Silver was also in the court room but she was there to be the right hand of Nancy Sweetwater, it was the day her trail. Silver sat down and crosses her legs, eyeing the room while clears some of the orange hair in front of her eyes with a finger.
Steve had followed Silver into the court room being there as a spectator there, taking his seat a few rows behind Silver next to some unfamiliar faces.
Nancy soon followed and sat down next to her, just like the others on her appointed seat. Feeling more nerves coming up every second, wondering if it all would really go as she expected.
The judge eyes the court as all take their seat. Looking over at the Jury to make sure they're paying attention. Which was only replied with some light coughing from one of the jurors who had already taken then seat
--“Alright then.” The judge said as she crosses her arms and looks at the parties in the room
--“The way we will do this, Is we will give a chance for the defendant and party to make a statement. Then the prosecution will Deliver the statement on the arresting officers behalf.” She said and have a look at the prosecuting lawyer. --“The prosecution will put forward the arresting statement.”
The prosecutor stands with a sheet of paper and reads the following: --"There is not much to say about this incident. I first saw the Mandalorian in Kepler, where I had some talks with officers from the Liberty Navy. From there, she moved to Shikoku. Naturally, I followed her. Despite my warnings, she did not stop or turn around. In accordance with the Kusari Legal Codex, where Mandalorian Mercenaries are considered criminals because of taking bounty contracts against Kusari Forces, I proceeded to engage and destroy her ship. Along with a fellow officer I then dropped her off on Fuchu. And I think that would be all I can say about this matter."
The court room was in dead silence when the statement was read before them.
The judge turned her look at the defending party, Kalliste Silver and Nancy Sweetwater. --“You may now make a statement in defense.”
Nancy looked over at Silver, as she didn't come up with much of a defensive story herself.
Silver sighed as she saw Nancy looking and stood up. --“Evenin', fair gents and ladies of the Kusari Law.”
The judge eyes the woman with flamboyant hair with slight interest. --“I am Kalliste Silver, owner of the Reaver Merc. Co., current employer of the defendant, and the one that payed the issued bail on her.” Silver explained while the Jurors were whispering something to one another.
Steve leaned back on his seat and crosses his arms as he listened to Silver. While he received a glance from one of the jurors.
--“Now, I cannot answer why Nancy Sweetwater as a Mandalorian decided to ignore the warnings of the honorful Kusari Police Officer. But - I can answer for her after she entered service with my Company. And she is all that a owner of a mercenary company can wish for.” Silver explained before being interupted by the Judge who held up her hand to signal Silver to stop. --“Yes, your honor?” Silver asked. --“You mean to tell me, that you're representing a woman who has committed atrocities that you do not know of?” The Judge said before clearing her throat. --“Excuse me, Allegedly Committed.”
Nancy stood up and cleared her own throat. --“I think we all know why I was shot down, and I don't have much to hide about it either. Neither can I excuse myself from having done so.”
The judge looked down from her podium at her. --“Are you willing to testify right now to your crimes?” She couldn't help but let a little smirk slip onto her face. --“Since there isn't much to defend myself from what I did. All I can say is that I found it ... honorable from Kusari to allow me these last days to work in your favor and that of the Reavers.” Nancy explained while the Judge simply nodded --“Yes quite. But about your testimony.” --“I've committed crimes against Kusari, and I'm willing to take whatever .. punishments that apply to my crimes.” She said what a neutral expression, staring in front of her.
The judge straightening up some. --“Please list your crimes, if you would. For the Jury...” --“I'm assuming the ones from back in the day of the war with Bretonia also count?” she asked carefully hoping for a no.
The judge replied with a confident nod.
The nod made both Silver and Steve look up in a surprised way but remained silent. --“Right, I've assisted with forces considered the enemy of Kusari, and shot down several Naval vessels and one KSP vessel as far as I can recall. As a Mandalorian I've also fire Samura transports and the latest was ignoring any orders from the KNF and end up shooting them, which got me here.” she said in a short summerize. Unable to remember how many vessels she actually shot.
The judge had seemed to be frozen for a moment, shocked about the easy confessions. --“Wow... Honestly I had no idea you were going to deliver such.. Gold.... I'd have never called for a jury if this was going to be the case... However seeing as they are here. If the Defendant has no more statements?”
Nancy looked at Silver, in a way to ask if she had anything to add.
--“Your Honor.” Silver started, having the attention of the judge. --“I am considered a terrorist in Bretonia. If i am caught, i have no trial, no defense. I am executed on the spot. Yet, i am respected in Kusari for my work.” Silver explained while the judge replied with a snort. --“Then be glad we Kusarians have more brains than them.”
The comment from the judge made Steve chuckle lightly as was Silver. --“The mercenary business is not a pretty business. We are tools of war. We are guns that are pointed at a direction and that someone presses the trigger. Do you blame the smoking gun on a murder, or the one that used it?”
The judge gave another smirk. --“We blame who we must. However your statement is noted.” she replied and gave a nod towards the jury.
Silver raised her hand again, wishing to speak up. --“May I your honor?”
The judge gave a smile nod, telling her to go ahead. --“You see, as i said, the mercenary business ain't pretty. But it does offer something rare in most jobs, quite regularly - Redemption. Sometimes, the smoking gun is used against the one that created the original sin. It acts as the balance. Allow Nancy Sweetwater to keep working for the Reaver Merc. Co., to work for Kusari. Until one day.. She achieves that balance.”
Nancy arched a eyebrow as she looked up at Silver while being seated.
Silver also receiving a look from the judge who hummed a little. --“Pft...” Could be heard from the audience, Steve grinning in an attempt to contain a chuckle.
The judge gave another slow nod, holding a neutral expression. --“Very well. The Jury will give their sentencing. Should she be found guilty. I assure you we can work something out.”
Silver slightly bowed her head to the judge and sits down, crossing her legs once more. --“I will give the Jury a moment to Deliberate.”
Nancy kept her silence while some thoughts ran through her mind.
The judge looked at the jury. --“I'll need your verdict soon.”
Silver looked back at Steve with a serious face, Steve casting back a motionless glance at Silver and shrugged.
Upon which Silver nodded towards Nancy, with a nagging movement.
The judge took a sip of water nodding slightly while she waited for the jury to come with their conclusion.
The jurors nodding some at each other before one of them gave a piece of paper to the judge, who opened the folded note to read it. Giving a small nod once she had.
Nancy returned a rather annoyed look to Silver, unsure about the verdict but she had her expectations.
At the same time the judge picked up her Gavel.
--“You're hereby found Guilty by the Republic of Kusari, For crimes against the nation and it's people.” --“You're sentenced to service to the Reaver company of mercenaries until the Repuiblic of Kusari states otherwise. To ensure this is met, you're to be implanted with a Kill-chip in the heart.” --“Which will explode if you do not check in monthly with the Kusari Law enforcers.” --“You will be given a tattoo of a Barcode, which will be coded with your Criminal number. This will be used to check in.”
After her words she banged her gavel and gave an affirmative nod.
--“A killchip!?” Steve couldn't control the impulse over how shocking the idea looked to him.
Silver raised an eyebrow and asks to speak. --“Go ahead.” The Judge replied to Silver with a small nod. --“Sounds pretty, explosive.” Nancy mumbled to Silver in her ear.
Silver chuckled but quickly composed herself. --“Using.. My Company as.. forced work detention.. Isn't the purpose i have for my Company. People join if they want. Not if they are forced to.” --“May I put this to you. It is rehabilitation or Death. Considering you have already spent a vast sum of money on this person. I would think you do not want to see it go to waste.”
Silver coughed a little. --“Extreme...” she mumbled. --“Very well your honor.” She sat and took her seat again --“She's a damn thug from Leeds, not a Blood Dragon...” *He mumbled* --“Order in the court.” The judge banged her gavel. Which was replied with a quiet sigh from Steve.
Silver turned to Steve and made a sign with her hand for him to chill.
Nancy sat back with a light sigh, crossing her arms. Staring in front of her. While keeping her silence.
The judge motions for the bailiffs to move forward. --“If you'll follow these gentlemen, Miss Sweetwater. You'll undergo the required surgery before leaving.”
Silver caught Nancy's hand and squeeze's it slightly, in a encouragement. --“No worries. All will be fine, love.” She whispered.
Nancy nodded while she stood up from her seat. Giving a small bow to the judge and flashing a smile to Silver, unable to hide a grievous look. Stepping towards the two men further up. She followed the two officers out and towards the location where she would be treated to round up her sentence.
Steve clenched his jaw, remaining silent.
The judge stood and a third Bailiff announces. --“Honorable Judge Saruwatari Michiyo.”
The judge bowed a little and leaves the room swiftly.
Silver sighed as the people started to empty the court room. --“A effin' chain. No one deserves that.” --“She was looking for it, apparently.”
A police officer enters the room and approaches Silver. --“Miss Silver. The Chokan would like to speak with you.” He told her and left after a light bow --“She awaits you in the side office.” --“Very well.”
Silver stands up and stops at Steve seat. --“You commin'?”
Steve didn't reply, tilting his head. --“Suit yourself, Steve. Although, waitin' for Nancy to clear out of the surgery would be a mighty fine move.” --“I don't know if I care enough to do so right now.” He replied.
Silver rolled her eyes. --“You two look like kids sometimes.” Silver commented. She sighed and exited the court into the side office where the Chokan was waiting.
--“Evenin' Chokan.” Silver bowed her head.
The Chokan, standing 5 feet7 inches tall was not exactly an intimidating woman, Long black hair and deep brown eyes being an almost norm in Kusari women. She was leaning against her desk with her arms crossed when Silver came in. She motioned for Silver to sit down. --“Konnichiwa... How are you?”
Silver sat down and sighed lightly. --“Not that great, since i just saw a kid getting chained for life.” --“Hai... I understand. But she is lucky to get off as she did. It was that or high profile execution for her crimes. Mandalorian mercs are.... not well liked people.” --“Uh. I wonder what Bretonia thinks of me.” She chuckled. --“You would probably face the same kind of charges there Iie? But as this is Kusari, and I am the Kusari State Police Chief.. I can only work my lines. They were pushing for the death penalty. This was the best I could do.” --“T'is better than death for this kid. Not her time yet, i think.” Silver looked around at the sparse, minimalistic office.
The Chokan giving a nod. --“The Reavers are well liked in Kusari. She would do well to learn from your example of treating those who respect you.” --“Again, this is until the High Command of the Judicial system feel she is rehabilitated.” --“I am sure you can prove that she is. Eventually.” --“Eventually. Is that all, Chokan? 'Cause i bet someone is frackin' up on the job. I feel like a mother everyday.” Silver grinned --“Iie, One more thing.” She reaches behind her and pulls out a folder. --“Take this. It's the time and location for her next check in, which will be with me personally.”
Silver grabbed the folder. --“Understood. I'll be sure to get her ass there.” --“If you need anything while in Kusari.. You let me know.” --“Thank you kindly, Chokan. I'll be sure to beep if i do.” Silver bows her head. --“Sayonara.” The Chokan said with a small bow of her own.
Silver exited the office and looks around for any familiar face.
Steve was leaning his back against the wall in front of the office, waiting for Silver, maybe, or just decided to rest there a bit.
Silver grabbed the folder and adjusted it under her arm. --“So... You gonna wait for Nancy?” --“You're the one who invested on her, didn't you?” --“You're the one that asked for a favor, wasn't it?”
Silver turned around and leaned against the wall. --“So what? There you have her, working for your 'balance' cause.” --“No i don't. This is a chain. I ain't gonna force her to work. Hells.” --“Well she finds herself in debt with you, that's for sure.” --“I can very well send her away and only return to get her periodic check.” She whispered
Steve shook his head. --“I've got nothing to do here anymore, I screwed it up by shooting her ship in 'york, then told her about the 'favor', she didn't buy it which I understand and... and here we are.” --“She's a woman. Duh. She's burned. So you have to make due. Prove her she's wrong every way you can think. Normally, the first step would be waiting for her. But since you're that thick skulled like a bretonian constable, i may have to punch you so you can get the idea.” --“Perhaps I'll think about it twice and will wait.” --“You do that. Meanwhile i'm gonna check who fracked up while i was gone.” --“Hold on, before you leave..” --“Hm?” --“My Odin is back at Lisburn. Melt it, scrap it, sell it, do as you please with it.” --“You're leavin'? Again?” Silver sighed. Her words replied by a sharp nod from Steve's side. --“Your call Steve.”
She extends her hand to him. Steve was hesitating a bit before shaking Silver's hand gently. --“Thank you, either way.” --“No prob. Do keep in touch.” She sighed --“Sirius is becomin' so empty these days.” --“I'll be spending a week at Curaçao tho. Tomorrow will head there. Then we'll see how the peak season goes.” --“Eh. I'll be doin' what i've been tasked to do... Balancing.” --“Yeah, sure. Take care then.”
She turned her back and waves as she walks away. --“Take care of her, Steve.”
Steve shrugged and turned around to walk away himself.