This is my exact point some people here cant take a god damned joke.
They cant take a situation where they know a superior force is out to kill them. They cant take ganking or raping or any type of.. tenie weeny semblance that Oooh look this ship is overpowered and it will kill you because its exists even though I KNOW FOR A DAMN FACT the nomad tech has been superior for awhile in many ways (just not the the ways that count). And despite this we've still been overcome we've still been killed.
More juice in the guns OR cloaks or anything to ADD to us (not asking everything just something more) wont make us indomitable. In fact most of the satifying gameplay in disco is OVERCOMING the odds.... right?
(11-06-2012, 08:30 AM)Xelon Wrote: Why Flood?
This should be an event. (nerd)
I can see the trollstorm already. >.>
because it doesn't matter where i post this crap the same folks come to it and it always gets attention at least here the running off topic and B.S. is acceptable. See admin/dev team? im a team player i look to minimize your issues. Much love. Rasta.
(11-06-2012, 08:34 AM)Echo 7-7 Wrote: This sounds like something fun. Better get a ship ready.
PS. Huggie, what's the construction plan for our STO base?
The event is going to be during Saturday as i am leaving Sunday the 11th to see my family that i left behind 5 years ago. there's some new additions I've never seen including a niece and a godchild. if things go well I may not be back (to disco) but I promise not to leave the noms in the dark. im 31 kinda.. getting older here.. picking and choosing what may not speed my ass to an early grave including but not limited to perpetual frustration.
The event will be simple.. You will come before harbinger and get blown up. I will add the blue message to a type of petition consisting of all who support stronger/private nomads.
((As for the STO base max.. we want the fleet yards to get to level 5 asap.. its gonna cost a lot but we can probably get it done in 3 months.))
(11-06-2012, 10:21 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: Meh. Just meh. Wilde have themselves to thank for the balancing - they know why. Could go into detail but the forum search will do. And with the Nomad ID going open (I believe that was your brainchild, Huggs?) leaving its tech drastically more powerful then that of Core or Order wouldn't have made the Nommicrons fun to play in. Not to mention caused the inevitable abuse of a "nom" group of players plopping a base down somewhere in Penn or such, and launch raids from there (kinda surprised that hasn't happened yet). Nomad tech -is- still more powerful then Sirian tech and will remain so. The drawback: Restricted ZoI and almost nowhere to dock. That'll also remain that way.
preface: Aet I dont hate you buddy. I sound heated/retarded when i get passionate about things but when confronted with stuff that really matters.. I find it easier myself to let go of childish things. of course... finding this out takes time... often..more time then we think..
1: If the wild nerfed the noms. Im sorry. thats all i can offer. I didnt want us to suffer for it. ive asked for feedback from the admins and the community what they wanna see from us. i don't see it being possible with this.. attitude that has been levied at my faction.... and others? I tried to start off with something new. ended up being buried in old brown stains. i don't blame anyone well anymore. I just know that the decision and the power to change it isnt in my hands anymore and will likely never be.
2: Public nomads was Yuris/Phoenix's idea why did they think it up? no idea.
I oppose it. because it will kill the official faction I worked hard to preserve and change... and if its your wish to do it. then.. well. im sure those in charge, and the community at large will handle public nomads about as well as they handled public A.I. ID's And in your words.. A simple forum search will suffice on that reference. however i doubt this time it will go out with a wimpier. noms like to make a bang.
3: There is an interesting problem with the mental process "if it can be abused it will be so lets make it less painful when its abused". For starters.. its a damn game.. whats abuse? killing people...too much? When does playing a game become not playing a game? ...
I think weve been there for awhile now. in some ways its fun... but there almost this.. idea that you guys that run this place don't do or handle conflict too well or care too much about how kids play a game and take it beyond what it should be. Those are called brats. and you spank the living shit out of brats. brats ruin the life of adults who have lived thier own lives and perfer a mature fun environment.
This is not a life this should not be an extension of your ego or self esteem. This game should not make you feel better or worse about yourself in any way.
On the other hand.. player bases are an oorp platform that alone has had me say negative things about any nom official bases.. we welcome those that let us dock at theirs.. but really the system doesn't support us at all. if anything we just want cloaks nomads should have. offensive ones. not cloaks we can load up liquid cardi and become space alien pussies that run from and skitter away. Again im not sure if its moddable i get no feedback from whom it matters despite having made several versions myself on my own.
Finally "leaving its tech drastically more powerful then that of Core or Order wouldn't have made the Nommicrons fun to play in." well both of those have been exiled effectively from the rest of the map. carving up a giant map with more zoi's... well lets just say i predict it wont -help- anything. Also weve already been there.. We didnt need nerfing to die to superior tactics and teamwork.
That is what you need to build on the server and foster it quickly in order to save it.
Comradery, Teamwork, and community. No amount of balancing or buffing the badguys is going to save it. If you do nothing about anything ELSE IN THIS THREAD... Please understand what i just meant.
(11-06-2012, 02:20 PM)Timbuktu Wrote: @Huggie: I try too hard to troll. So I type long and hard yet, eloquently phrased, opinionated ad-hoc nonsence. Karlotta Style
I dont know when I crawled up your Eplurbis anus son but good show.
(11-06-2012, 04:12 PM)jammi Wrote: So far as I know, this is a quote from a film, with contextual bits swapped for Disco references. People who are nit-picking the argument are therefore losing pretty badly.
When i posted it was the 5th. I am currently working for my county elections office counting and veryfying votes and ballots. It was a pretty ....late job.... so I had like an Hour before 12 am. so i cobbled it together.
Any who thanks everyone for your time. and your reading this. it was real funny. Fun. and i hope to see more then 4 people on Saturday.
(11-06-2012, 06:30 PM)Timbuktu Wrote: And if you think that people who call a bunch of nonsense a bunch of nonsense are losing pretty badly because its a bunch of nonsense quoted from a movie which doesn't even seem like a movie worth watching, then you're losing your argument pretty badly.
Otherwise known as "quick, I done goofed - keep making noise to cover my mistake so I don't look silly!"
Are you talking about yourself or someone else here?
Is it a mistake to not have watched a movie that someone decided to quote from while he was ranting about the same stuff as always?
Or is it a mistake to think that not having watched a movie that someone immitated in order to bring across the same stuff that he always rants about makes one's disproving of the points brought forward amid the quotes invalid?
(11-07-2012, 04:02 AM)HuggieSunrise Wrote: This is my exact point some people here cant take a god damned joke.
Now that you mentioned it, you really would be bloody funny if you were really making a charicature of... what ever you are trying to be.
(11-07-2012, 04:02 AM)HuggieSunrise Wrote: They cant take ganking or raping
Now thats more funny stuff right there!
(11-07-2012, 04:02 AM)HuggieSunrise Wrote: I KNOW FOR A DAMN FACT the nomad tech has been superior for awhile in many ways (just not the the ways that count). And despite this we've still been overcome we've still been killed.
I'm so glad you've stopped beating about the bush and finally asked for some admin shields.
(11-07-2012, 04:02 AM)HuggieSunrise Wrote: In fact most of the satifying gameplay in disco is OVERCOMING the odds.... right?
That's exactly why I play, and why I play like I play, and I love it.
Why can't you love it?
Why can't you learn overcome the odds just like most other people, without screaming for more powerful ships? Why?
(11-07-2012, 04:02 AM)HuggieSunrise Wrote: The event will be simple.. You will come before harbinger and get blown up. I will add the blue message to a type of petition consisting of all who support stronger/private nomads.
Ah. Not a ***sit-in***, but a ***petition***. It was close though.
I think I'll make one too. I will add every blue message I see outside of Gallia to my petition to delete Gallia.
(11-07-2012, 04:02 AM)HuggieSunrise Wrote: We didnt need nerfing to die to superior tactics and teamwork.
You didn't need nerfing to scream "stop ganking" at people who used superior tactics and teamwork either. Now you can die with more dignity. I was gonna say now you can scream gank with more dignity too, but realized that its not true shortly before I said it.
(11-07-2012, 04:02 AM)HuggieSunrise Wrote: I try too hard to troll. So I type long and hard yet, eloquently phrased, opinionated ad-hoc nonsence. Karlotta Style
I've read a lot of things being said about Karlotta, but "eloquent" was never part of it. You know her better than most, yes?
(11-07-2012, 04:02 AM)HuggieSunrise Wrote: Any who thanks everyone for your time. and your reading this. it was real funny.
Thank you for writing it, Huggie. I'm laughing tears man.
Kangarawrawr Wrote:Huggie trying to quickly cover for the fact that his veiled attempt at whining sucked hardcore.
The moderating team is being as stupid as ever.
General idiocy.
Ah... Kanga, my friend, you should know by now that there is one imperturbable thing to discovery, and one thing only: If you choose to hang out here, a lot of times you will be surrounded by idiots.
(11-07-2012, 05:54 AM)Echo 7-7 Wrote: @Timbuktu, Gallia is here to stay, but it is getting a serious facelift for the next mod version.
I'd personally go for the term "Liposuction".
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.