Ok, so, been thinking about this for a while, and I have to put forward, I cant see any real reason to have guard systems, or to even have faction guards, for most factions. Other than the house military factions, and the Order, I don't see a point, and those, only because they would have some top secret things to keep everyone away from.
Now, in light of the player modded guard systems, such as the NovaPG home system, and the upcoming Corsair homes, which add things that will not change the npc behavior (but should) such as the massive shipyard in the novapg home (bd were, untill that point, fighter jocks, now they are apparently building battleships and cruisers) or the biodomes that the corsairs want to put up (which makes corsairs effectively a house, or at least not as active in their piracy, and more active in the war against the Outcasts (which they probably wont do).
The guard systems don't make sense in the overall RP, or even have much of a connection to RP, and are even more separated once a faction has had one modded. Moreover, factions want guard systems, but really don't use them for much. Guard systems are things of status, which make your faction one of the 'established' factions on the server...which, lets not forget, is an artificial and temporary position (AW and SF both had guard systems, both were axed for inactivity) And, perhaps, only wanted because of the prestige of the money that people must put into first getting, and then modding the systems.
Most guard systems are excuses to PVP anyone who enters, or just staging grounds for invasions or pvp training, both of which can be done near the normal NPC bases.
Lets not forget, that the prevalence of the Guard systems debunks the further argument against adding in items from RP events, because, of course, the mod is played on other servers: No faction from another server can request a system modded. Guard systems break the npc RP, are mainly excuses to PVP, are artificial social constructs due to their cost, and debunk the idea that objects from other RP on this server shouldn't be added(The Alteneria, corsairs wanted it to be a wreck, commemorating the RM/TBH war).
Not that I believe my post will change anything, but I feel it needs to be said.
Edit: tried to make it easier to read, some things moved, nothing else change.
Again Unselie i ask you why you pick something i am involved in.
i am getting pretty much sick of it, keep anything about me or the novapg out of your rants and raves and the sheer bunch of rubbish you post on these forums, or i may start thinking you have a personal issue with me and i would have to address that issue so severe your bloody head will spin.. OK?
Well, some wall of text syndrome here, but the point is good. Now, if guard systems were put in, which I don't have a problem with, I'd prefer that they weren't ignored RP wise.
So, if Corsairs get biodomes, I expect them to invade Theta to remove the BHG presence, which would probably reduce (or maybe increase...)BHG encounters in Gamma.
If Bretonia has an extra military shipyard, or Kusari does, I would expect the news to reflect the war's escalation, for example.
EDIT: Also, again, on shipyards... if the Blood Dragons have them, I'd like to see this have an effect on their war with Kusari, making them have NPC patrols with gunboats, for example, and possibly higher level NPC attacks in Kusari's main territories.
I always thought as Guard systems as a place to get everything (well almost everything) you need to get ready to RP any one faction. Be it NPC, Player, or <strike>otherwise</strike>. They also 'sorta' serve as a safe haven from enemies, provided that the enemies RP isn't F***ED up.
EDIT: There are no other faction types beside NPC and Player. Doh.
While being quite funny, your sig was the biggest one i've ever seen so far. No more than 700x250 please. ~utrack http://pastebin.com/SYQXBufs
' Wrote:Again Unselie i ask you why you pick something i am involved in.
i am getting pretty much sick of it, keep anything about me or the novapg out of your rants and raves and the sheer bunch of rubbish you post on these forums, or i may start thinking you have a personal issue with me and i would have to address that issue so severe your bloody head will spin.. OK?
' Wrote:Ok, so, been thinking about this for a while, and I have to put forward, I cant see any real reason to have guard systems, or to even have faction guards, for most factions. Other than the house military factions, and the Order, I don't see a point, and those, only because they would have some top secret things to keep everyone away from.
Now, in light of the player modded guard systems, such as the NovaPG home system, and the upcoming Corsair homes, which add things that will not change the npc behavior (but should) such as the massive shipyard in the novapg home (bd were, untill that point, fighter jocks, now they are apparently building battleships and cruisers) or the biodomes that the corsairs want to put up (which makes corsairs effectively a house, or at least not as active in their piracy, and more active in the war against the Outcasts (which they probably wont do).
The guard systems don't make sense in the overall RP, or even have much of a connection to RP, and are even more separated once a faction has had one modded. Moreover, factions want guard systems, but really don't use them for much. Guard systems are things of status, which make your faction one of the 'established' factions on the server...which, lets not forget, is an artificial and temporary position (AW and SF both had guard systems, both were axed for inactivity) And, perhaps, only wanted because of the prestige of the money that people must put into first getting, and then modding the systems.
Most guard systems are excuses to PVP anyone who enters, or just staging grounds for invasions or pvp training, both of which can be done near the normal NPC bases.
Lets not forget, that the prevalence of the Guard systems debunks the further argument against adding in items from RP events, because, of course, the mod is played on other servers: No faction from another server can request a system modded. Guard systems break the npc RP, are mainly excuses to PVP, are artificial social constructs due to their cost, and debunk the idea that objects from other RP on this server shouldn't be added(The Alteneria, corsairs wanted it to be a wreck, commemorating the RM/TBH war).
Not that I believe my post will change anything, but I feel it needs to be said.
Edit: tried to make it easier to read, some things moved, nothing else change.
Why is that whenever you stop complaining about something, you find something else to complain about? Guard systems are meant to be a place where you can safely position ships (especially treasury ships) and where you can retreat to when outnumbered or outgunned. I've used it a few times. Twice as my Wraith, as RM usually outnumber me, since I don't have many other Rheinland pirates to call in to help me. It worked perfectly well. The RM came in that first time and got their butts whooped, one died, others had to leave as I simply dodged and let the guards go to work.
As AW we used Omi-74 once. We had 1 GB and 2 fighters out in Theta. Someone, I forget who, brought six gunboats into Theta. We retreated to Omi-74, let the guards go to work. We only used FPXV too, not Livadia which had easily three times as much firepower.. Eagles did the trick though. We wiped them up with a GB, 2 fighters, and a few guard ships.
Guard systems are not meant to be RP systems, they are purely for defense. You can mod them to add some RP, but their main use is for defence. The Corsairs want some biodomes to give their guard system some RP, Outcasts have Corsica, and AW has Corinth Research Station and Livadia. Livadia being the Zoner's only shipyard, and Corinth being their main research station (read the infocard, its where the Fury 5 was made).
SA used Virginia alot too, when they were running away..
Oh, and btw for the record, AW isn't dead/axed. If you read the roll call I made a week ago, we have 8 active members. My faction status post is going to be remade soon, but I'm making a lot of changes (which I've been doing for the last 3 weeks, but it was put on hold because of school). I already have permission to repost it, that came as soon as there was evidence that more than 5 people still in the faction.
During my tenure as Chijin, Taisho of the KNF, we waited almost three months to gain title to Hiroshima.
There is nothing special about Hiroshima.. well, one thing.
The only roleplay resutlting from Hiroshima's existence that I'm aware of was due to its use as a "shortcut" for traders coming from Liberty. The decision was made that Hiroshima would be declared closed to traders who were not affilliated with KNF or Kusari Corporations. This resulted in a few solid weeks of "education", and not a few hefty fines against ships that ventured through Hiroshima without permission.
One exception to this rule was made, due to some very nice donations to the Kusari cause. To my knowledge Yoda-[T] is the only non-Kusari vessel allowed passage through Hiroshima for trading. That could now be argued, as Yoda now "trades" in a Battlestar Advanced, which is probably beyond the scope of his original "franchise", and rather thin RP as well, IMHO.
Hiroshima is unique in that it has access to both New Tokyo and Honshu, and was often used for staging when NovaPG came to Kusari on a regular basis. To my knowledge, it has never been invaded or threatened by any large force.
Lately, I have seen traders violating Hiroshima space yet again. Hopefully, the KNF will again begin to enforce the ban on trade through Hiroshima, as it should be. It would be nice if LPI would enforce the same policies on their end, the Illinois system; but as it's not "owned", I doubt that will happen.
That seems a pretty good argument for ownership in itself.
I can't speak for the rest of Bs| but I can say, Omicron 100 is perfectly fine being our home. The Order itself wanted to settle on a planet in that system and it got too hot, so we abandoned it. It also serves as a connector system between Omicron Major and Omicron Minor. Now, I've heard of plenty of people coming in and out of 100; so what do I do if I catch them? Tell them they have 30 seconds to leave the way they came or be shot at. Unfortunately, I can only do so much in my Nephthys when everyone crossing 100 is in a capital ship.
Our bases are set far and wide apart, except for the Battleship Apophis and its neighbouring base, Lisbon Station. Our most powerful base, or so I've seen from all the accidental firings at it, is Evora Shipyard. That is set pretty far away from any jump hole and deserves to be where it is, it's where we would keep original plans to the Osiris and the Nephthys. (Don't know why we keep the Raven's Talon there, but oh well...)
I've RPed in my home system a couple times, especially when the little Nomad Fighter Evil_Doctor was around, being the little Nomad he was he came through trying to destroy the Guards in 100, and fled more than once back out to Minor because of it (can we say, adequate defences against the Nomads of Omicron Major?). I'll even say that with the help of another pilot, I killed the Nomad in Minor. Great day for me, yeah?
But okay, back to the point, the Guard systems are fine as they are. When people get into Omicron 100, I RP before I open fire. I've just been following the rules DBoy probably laid down forever ago. They are no excuses for PvP, if the people that control their Guard system RP their way to opening fire. Plus, they need to exist because that's where all the best technology of that certain faction should lie, you shouldn't be able to go straight to a House/Faction planet and find their newest and best technology. If you wanted your hands on such technology, you'd join that specific House/Faction.
I like guard systems... though one thing you say is true. They mostly just sit there. Corsica is a symbol for all Outcasts, but to my knowledge, a battle has never been fought in Omicron 85. If it were inbetween Alpha and Eta or screw Eta and just put 85 there, it'd see more action, but seeing as you have to be gunning for it specifically, no. Can't see it happening.