This sort of discussion is what happens when you decide that running, shieldrunning, 2 on 1, 3 on 1, big ship against smaller ship, that ships against this ship, are all totally unfair and that people who do it need to be burned with fire.
70% (probably 90% 8| ) of the 'vets' as you call it don't bother with the high train, high use, high skill based snubs, just because they aren't here anymore to sweat through their fights.
And as for technical discussion of 2-1 or 3-1, shieldrunning, cloaking, etc..
That's up to each player.
If you're here to have fun and share some good stories and pew, normally you stick to the end.
Even if you're in the losing side 8|
Ask the LN yesterday. Reavers went spartans. Or was it spartans going Reavers?
Who the hell knows?
I sure don't. I was half drunk.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:12:00] Traxit: this is smut stop
Turtle can easily killa LD. all it needs to do is cruise up and press right click. a LD cant kite a turtle in the real word because the turtle will just cruise up as the LD gets cd-ed
Dashiell, stop using your Connecticut fair duel example. No heavy battleships will be able to cruise on light battleships if your team is 1) competent 2) organized. That.Is.Impossible. Simply impossible. There's no efficient counter to CDers outside of Cloaking devices.
But that's only half of the problem.
The cruise power drain nerf, that took his place a year+ ago (or was it more?), to stop battleships from pewing fighters on EK, broke balance even more. But I guess, since the majority of veterans prefer snubs or light/agile capital ships and are almost never found in Turtles and other super-heavies, nobody even bothered or seriously raised that question.
Before it was 5 seconds and Heavy was starting his fight with 0 energy against 7-8 millions + 220 or 270k x 5 seconds. of Light/Medium dread's powercore.
Now it's 20 seconds, i.e. 220k or 270k x 20 seconds + 7 or 8 kk energy vs 0.
now transform this into 0.40 or 0.28 DpE of Cerbs/Prims, and take into account that LD got 7.200.000 hull with bots, while turtle got 10.400.000 hull with bots, bats excluded, on Cau8.
And what if you get CD'ed right after you engaged cruise? Same conditions, but at long distance.
Good luck. lol.
Cloaks are the only things that help them to survive, but cloaks are available for both sides, and can be used by both parties, in the way most fitting for their and adversary's ships and weaponry.
(11-16-2012, 04:29 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: Thats not tactics, thats organisation. If you want to start a group for someone to be head battle-manager then go ahead. Its what you do in a fight that is tactics.
With respect, but there're no tactics without organization. A well organized fleet with poorly made tactical decisions will do better than poorly organized fleet with well made tactical decisions.
I'm being Cpt. Obvious here.
As for the efficient cloak use, I've already dropped possible ship setups in the previous thread. I think it was Jack's one, about Capital system raids, somewhere in the end.
Bullcrap. Cruising up still happens. Espcially when there's 5765385 turtles around. which are either cloaked or get past the cds due to CM or simply the cds not tracking/working like they ought to.
(11-17-2012, 02:14 AM)Dashiell Wrote: Bullcrap. Cruising up still happens. Espcially when there's 5765385 turtles around. which are either cloaked or get past the cds due to CM or simply the cds not tracking/working like they ought to.
Riight, that means we have pretty big battle goin' on. That also means that we, likely, have a bunch of LDs fielded as well.
And what happens then, when 1-2 turtles suddenly manage to break formation and cruise up on your LD group? Riiiight, they get focused into oblivion. Which puts Heavy side into even worst position, since 1 of them is currently focused, and others cant do anything.
All instances during last 1.5 years (which is not much compared to some) here when LNS force acted accordingly, cooperated well and was consisted of more or less competent pilots, RNC groups were simply annihilated.
That is, caps vs caps engagements i'm talking about.
Cloaks is the whole different question and, how I pointed out several times, can be efficiently used by both sides. In a low-scale engagements cloaks favor heavies more, in a large scale - vice versa, since dreads get enough firepower through Mortars to take out at least 1-2 heavies before they even get into firing range.
i think i know what you want.
More powerful and bigger ships than turtle in Liberty fleet,then you will win,right?
If organization is nothing for you,why you writing here then?
Here people looking for organization their fleet,not for new ship request.
You could never ever pull off anything remotely like that in a Valor or a Turtle unless your skills are more than god-like. It doesn't matter that his hull is 800K when he can dodge incoming fire to the extent where his shield doesn't even get ripped.
We know from all the other ship classes that disco is generally balanced in favor of small size and agility - the same is (generally speaking) true for caps.
(11-17-2012, 02:48 PM)Anaximander Wrote: Ok RNS failed badly in this assault, and he's a really good captain (at least a lot(!) better than me), but take a look at this video:
You could never ever pull off anything remotely like that in a Valor or a Turtle unless your skills are more than god-like. It doesn't matter that his hull is 800K when he can dodge incoming fire to the extent where his shield doesn't even get ripped.
We know from all the other ship classes that disco is generally balanced in favor of small size and agility - the same is (generally speaking) true for caps.
Nice movie there , but i don't see any Turtles or Libby , or maybe i'm blind .
from my perspective and to put it in fighter terms its like this:
-new player in turtle beats new player in libdread, just like new player in spatial beats new player in eagle. once you are on average level, its exactly the opposite.