I am Flox CEO of [FC]
I am sending this to touch a concerning matter.
The attack towards [FC]Mining and Storage Facility.
I was not contacted by any employee or given a notice.
I simply undock from the Station due to my engineers telling me there is something wrong outside.
I undock and see an entire LNS fleet outside attacking the station.
The worst part is that it was a Bring your kids to work day.
As i told the Fleet children where inside crying, a captain of a Liberty Carrier, named
LNS-SS.MinoW began to laugh about it.
This is very concerning, that is a sick thing to do.
Is that whats allowed in the LNS now?
Captains who laugh at scared children?
This is just sickening.
Luckily i was barley able to beam the Children but not the crew inside the station.
Apart from that, why is the LNS in Humboldt and attacking a base that is not hostile towards the miners there.
Also there are no direct orders to destroy the station is there?
Thus the LNS breaching 1.2 and 6.9
This is a serious matter and would like to be contacted as soon as possible.
I was wording the same thing when I was told to destroy that base I asked and they did not reply.
also they said you were paying [HF] and your base was to be destroyed without warning and I did not want to be striped of my ranks so I had to follow orders.
I wish to sue LNS.
They are abusing there power and destroying stations without warning and slaughtering crew members aboard.
Apart from that, where is the proof that [FC] is paying [HF]
There is none, i was also told at the scene that [HF] had landed on the station, this is impossible.
The only vessels that are allowed to dock are [FC] crew members.
I await for proof from the LNS showing [HF] landing on my station, and also any proof that i payed the [HF]
This abuse of power can not continue.
Apart from that, i demand that the children that were rescued from the station to be entitled to free sessions with Therapists, and to be sent to a good home.
We all know how it works in the foster homes.
Not only are they traumatized from the incident.
They also lost their parents.
[FC]Mining and Storage was destroyed, and all the crew inside where slaughtered.
This was abuse of power.
::Incoming Transmission ::Communications ID: Captain Zack Archer, LNS Los Angeles::
::Location: Manhattan Low Orbit::
::Encryption: None::
Suing all the ships bearing the designation LNS? Do you understand what LNS stands for? Liberty Navy Vessel.
You are wishing to sue every single vessel that bears the tag. My vessel, the Los Angeles, which was in New York. The Thalia Grace, in Texas. The Lake Shasta, wherever... Oh, and the Anchorage, currently in Leeds!
If you are going to sue, then why don't you sue the people that shot their station, not them and whoever else has the gross misfortune to be in the same Navy as them.
That is all. Besides the fact this was sent to the LSF as well.
COMM ID:Scott Williams TARGET ID:Flox Corporation SUBJECT:So... ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
You should still be in custody at Prison Station Mitchell. According to this transmission, and my strict orders to not let you or any of your crew use any communication while your...time at Mitchell, your not. While I have not heard of any orders to destroy installations in Humboldt, your repeated breaches of the law has led me to recommend the apprehension of all Flox Corporation Vessels to my superiors.
Scott Williams
Internal Affairs Division, Liberty Security Force
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.
Captain Steph: How does Flox's legal status make ALL FC members be liable to be put in jail. Guilt by association I suppose but is clearly unfair and is very poor in judgement. As far as LNS tonight, they looked like a bunch of hooligans ganging up on our base and made themselves look far worse then any unlawful faction, in short..abuse of power, period.
::Incoming Transmission ::Communications ID: Captain Zack Archer, LNS Los Angeles::
::Location: Manhattan Low Orbit::
::Encryption: None::
Are you ever going to differentiate?
Jeez Lousie. I find more children with better sense then you, to make sure you're singling those who shot your base, and not us all; and actually, I have. And she's so shy, she barely speaks to anyone not in her family!
Well as Captain of the S.S.Defiance, myself and the S.S.Minnow where chasing some rouges through the Badlands when we received the call. We where told that there was an FC base in Humboldt that was being backed by the HF.
We then broke of chase with the rouges we where chasing and answered the call. We where simply following orders. I would suggest speaking with whoever was first on location and decided you base was a large enough threat to call for assistance in removing it. I myself am not sure at the moment who was first on location.
So someone ordered the destruction of our base, based upon a rumour wow....we have no affiliation with HF OR LR we are simple miners and haulers trying to make a living. If rumors can make stations and countless lives dissapear I worry for the safety of anyone flying out there. I do not know what crimes Flox has commited but >I< am innocent until proven guilty, atleast that's how it should be. Can someone fill me in privately as to why LNS is destroying our base and being so damn rude with us because i'm ready to leave SIRIUS if this continues.