When I was playing SP one day, I found jumpholes to Nomad systems and Nomad bases like Planet Xerna and The Ravine. I know you can't dock with them in multiplayer, since the admins have to let you be a nomad/wild, but can you dock with them in single player? If so, how? Do you have to seriously screw up your rep with everyone in Sirius?
Carlos Rivera: Corsair Brotherhood Pirate - Retired, shifted to Tripoli Shipyard's Research and Development engineering teams Anthony Cameron: Guild Core Bounty Hunter - Killed in Action, committed suicide after being trapped in Omicron Minor following its destruction Juan Ruiz: Outcast Ghost of Razgriz Pirate - Killed in Action, killed by the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army during Bretonian piracy raid Michael Winchester: Liberty Security Force Agent - Missing in Action, likely killed during Rheinland espionage mission or trapped in Rheinland Space Eric McCormick: Order Pilot - Retired, shifted to planetside training of new recruits
' Wrote:No. Nomad/Wilde reputations have to be manually set by Ioncross SP if you want to dock on said bases in SP.
How do I manually set the reps by Ioncross SP?
Carlos Rivera: Corsair Brotherhood Pirate - Retired, shifted to Tripoli Shipyard's Research and Development engineering teams Anthony Cameron: Guild Core Bounty Hunter - Killed in Action, committed suicide after being trapped in Omicron Minor following its destruction Juan Ruiz: Outcast Ghost of Razgriz Pirate - Killed in Action, killed by the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army during Bretonian piracy raid Michael Winchester: Liberty Security Force Agent - Missing in Action, likely killed during Rheinland espionage mission or trapped in Rheinland Space Eric McCormick: Order Pilot - Retired, shifted to planetside training of new recruits
Carlos Rivera: Corsair Brotherhood Pirate - Retired, shifted to Tripoli Shipyard's Research and Development engineering teams Anthony Cameron: Guild Core Bounty Hunter - Killed in Action, committed suicide after being trapped in Omicron Minor following its destruction Juan Ruiz: Outcast Ghost of Razgriz Pirate - Killed in Action, killed by the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army during Bretonian piracy raid Michael Winchester: Liberty Security Force Agent - Missing in Action, likely killed during Rheinland espionage mission or trapped in Rheinland Space Eric McCormick: Order Pilot - Retired, shifted to planetside training of new recruits
Download Ioncross SP from; http://www.ioncross.com/ and follow Igiss' instructions in the Readme to get Disco files into it.
Use the interface to get to the saved game you want to edit, then click on the Location/Faction tabs, and set the Nomads/The Wild reputation to a place above unfriendly. Save, then you can dock.
at one point, dont recall if it was single or multiplayer, with disco 4.83, I was able to bring nomad rep up a few bars quit by accident by slagging untold thousands of either BHG or Mollys, dont know which.....
There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for. -Elizabeth Elliott
' Wrote:Download Ioncross SP from; http://www.ioncross.com/ and follow Igiss' instructions in the Readme to get Disco files into it.
Use the interface to get to the saved game you want to edit, then click on the Location/Faction tabs, and set the Nomads/The Wild reputation to a place above unfriendly. Save, then you can dock.
Probably gonna sound really stupid but...I can't find where in the website you download Ioncross SP. I clicked on Freelancer: Total War, Community Forums, and Voip Servers, but I can't find it. Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough or something, but could u help me?
Carlos Rivera: Corsair Brotherhood Pirate - Retired, shifted to Tripoli Shipyard's Research and Development engineering teams Anthony Cameron: Guild Core Bounty Hunter - Killed in Action, committed suicide after being trapped in Omicron Minor following its destruction Juan Ruiz: Outcast Ghost of Razgriz Pirate - Killed in Action, killed by the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army during Bretonian piracy raid Michael Winchester: Liberty Security Force Agent - Missing in Action, likely killed during Rheinland espionage mission or trapped in Rheinland Space Eric McCormick: Order Pilot - Retired, shifted to planetside training of new recruits