Incoming Transmission:
Adress: Zoner Federation Juggernaut Pendulum
Ping Sat: Planet Gran Canaria, Zoner Federation HQ - Redirect to all Zoner Freeports
Speaker: Honorable Grand Admiral Marvin J. Orphelia
We... We've done it. Finally. Those lives we lost those fatefull days. Have been avenged. I thank you, Corsairs. You've assisted us in destroying those who've killed so many... For that, I can never be more greatful. Broken-Hammer, I couldn't have done it without you. We shall all one day march into the festival of lights in peace knowing our people's murderer has fallen and will burn in hell for all eternity.
Incoming Transmission:
Adress: Zoner Federation Juggernaut Pendulum
Ping Sat: Planet Gran Canaria, Zoner Federation HQ - Redirect to all Zoner Freeports
Speaker: Honorable Grand Admiral Marvin J. Orphelia
Those Zoners that died that fateful day will not be a product of Silvan's unwillingness to step down.
He is not after only the CoZ. By assaulting our stations, He had touched us all that day. How dare you not recognize that.
-----Incoming Message on Line 51-22-----
--Target: Open --Source ID: Captain Kashiwaba Tomoe
--Source Transponder: Zoner Exploration Vessel Hinaichago
--Encryption Level: none ----Message Begins:
He is insane. Yes the lives lost were horrible, however the fact is that violence begets violence.
Attacking him when his focus is in the CoZ and Silvan will only cause him to PURPOSELY target us.
To me, personaly, I feel that is quite foolish.
Especily to attack him in defence of a party that is neutral to us. If it had been GMG or the order..... well they are our allies, but the corsairs are simply a freindly neutral party. No offence to the 'sairs, just stating the truth of the matter.
Incoming Transmission:
Adress: Zoner Federation Juggernaut Pendulum
Ping Sat: Planet Gran Canaria, Zoner Federation HQ - Redirect to all Zoner Freeports
Speaker: Honorable Grand Admiral Marvin J. Orphelia
His focus has been many. The desicion of the Council to ignore his demands and put us all at risk demands for action. The SCRA had even severed contact with many zoners due to the Council's unwillingness to negotiate. Violence may bring violence, ashes may bring ashes, and dust will bring dust.
-----Incoming Message on Line 51-22-----
--Target: Open --Source ID: Captain Kashiwaba Tomoe
--Source Transponder: Zoner Exploration Vessel Hinaichago
--Encryption Level: none ----Message Begins:
Indeed. The council seems to be one of our major problem sources these days.
Which is ironic, considering how little influence they have over any of us.
---Message End---
// OORP comment: btw, posting a 'victory' message seems rather presumptuous here. Joker and his allies had 4 GBs, and a mix of fighters, Vs a reletivley equal number of corsair vessels, plus the corsairs had a pratorian there. Then an order osiris shows up, then a Juggy AND your fearless ? seems like a tad bit of overkill .................
"Which is ironic, considering how little influence they have over any of us."
"One of the directorates of ANY faction of the Zoners should be to never want to control or directly influence those outside of their party. This is an assumption made by many people during the recent talks that the Council of Zoners wants power, or likewise even on our end, we have similar accusations to those people as well. In short, stow the power-talks on how the CoZ has 'little influence' as if this is a power struggle. The Council of Zoners was erected to give structured and orderly negotiations and a way for Zoners to voice issues and opinions.
"It makes me irritated beyond all measure that someone continues to claim as such, let all the Zoners know, this is how one of their Guard captains feel. We made an exodus to the edge systems to escape tyranny, governments that suppressed us, and the bootheel of officials who don't care to even listen to the people. The Council of Zoners has not forgotten that, and still enforces those ideals, which is why.."
"Which is ironic, considering how little influence they have over any of us."
"Zoners don't have to bend over and take it from terrorists like the Joker, and people who insist we should sicken me."
"Captain Izii Helfari, terminating this transmission."
/Transmission terminated.
My honest reaction upon reading the forums, whenever I rarely do. Joe Kucan, he's the man.
Incoming Transmission:
Adress: Zoner Federation Juggernaut Pendulum
Ping Sat: Planet Gran Canaria, Zoner Federation HQ - Redirect to all Zoner Freeports
Speaker: Honorable Grand Admiral Marvin J. Orphelia
You'd done it, Captain Helfari. Summed up in words how I never could. Thank you. Let it be known we need never to take orders and bow down to such terrorists as the Joker.
I made my desiscion on the matter at hand. Because nobody else would.
Message: This is not a triumph. This seems a bit foolish to have set off after a known criminal with A FLYING CITY! You endangered yourself, your crew, and those whom depended on you. Shameful.
Incoming Transmission:
Adress: Zoner Federation Juggernaut Pendulum
Ping Sat: Planet Gran Canaria, Zoner Federation HQ - Redirect to all Zoner Freeports
Speaker: Honorable Grand Admiral Marvin J. Orphelia
I shall forward that to my first leiutenant, Who happened to have a wife whom died on Corfu. My Juggernaut had no civilians onboard. I would never risk their lives. We do not carry civilians often. The Pendulum is a Freeport defense ship, and not to mention a research ship.