Kallisti popes!
Today i was patrolling in Baffin first time. It began very strange, when i realized some noms in Coronado. So i visited our neighbors to look if all is fine there and met a young k´hara at the freelancer station there. More of them, i realized one Marduk.
But i only tried to look, that all stays friendly there in Coronado, gave a trader an advice to fly out via Baffin for his own safety.
Then i received a telepathic message from one k´hara, that they want to meet Eris eventually. I am not sure, what this should mean, as soon all nomads dissapeared from Coro but not to Baffin. Maybe they will return soon.
Later, back in Baffin, two ships tried to dock at pueblo. I was forced to pentabarf both of them. The first one, "brabax" was detetected first by Carl Bergmann, and after a short discussion with him he left the system. Later i met him again near pueblo and he docked although i said him, he should not do.
The other one was a zoner, black mamba. He decided to dock without permission and insted to talk to me he only fleed me.
Here the log to both incidents:
[29.12.2012 22:53:25] [TAZ]Ariadne: kallisti
[29.12.2012 22:53:37] Traffic control alert:
Brabax has requested to dock
[29.12.2012 22:53:41] Brabax: h9llo Ariadne
[29.12.2012 22:53:47] [TAZ]Ariadne: here is
no docking allowed
[29.12.2012 22:54:00] Brabax: iam green with
[29.12.2012 22:54:10] [TAZ]Ariadne: here is
not allowed,
[29.12.2012 22:54:37] [TAZ]Ariadne: you will
be pentabarfed for that
[29.12.2012 22:54:46] [TAZ]Ariadne: a ban
from the system
[29.12.2012 22:54:52] [TAZ]Ariadne: stop
[29.12.2012 22:54:58] Brabax: no
[29.12.2012 22:55:17] [TAZ]Ariadne: stop
[29.12.2012 22:55:28] [TAZ]Ariadne: you will
be pentabarfed if not
[29.12.2012 22:55:41] [TAZ]Ariadne: so stop
[29.12.2012 22:55:58] Brabax: what is
[29.12.2012 22:56:04] [TAZ]Ariadne: stop
[29.12.2012 22:56:14] [TAZ]Ariadne: you will
be banned from here
[29.12.2012 22:56:20] [TAZ]Ariadne: no entry
[29.12.2012 22:56:25] Brabax: hmm
[29.12.2012 22:56:38] Brabax: i have
explored this system
[29.12.2012 22:56:45] Brabax: so its no
[29.12.2012 22:56:46] [TAZ]Ariadne: i said
it is not allowed to dock at pueblo and you
did though
[29.12.2012 22:56:52] [TAZ]Ariadne: it is a
[29.12.2012 22:57:02] [TAZ]Ariadne: you
should not dock, you did not hear
[29.12.2012 22:57:10] [TAZ]Ariadne: so we
will ban you from here
[29.12.2012 22:57:11] Brabax: i said im
[29.12.2012 22:57:25] [TAZ]Ariadne: so leave
the system and dont come back
[29.12.2012 22:58:08] Brabax: i'll be back
[29.12.2012 22:58:13] [TAZ]Ariadne: you wont
[29.12.2012 22:58:19] Brabax: sure
[29.12.2012 22:58:26] [TAZ]Ariadne: or we
will get angry
[29.12.2012 23:29:33] [TAZ]Ariadne: kallisti
[29.12.2012 23:29:41] Traffic control alert:
Black_mamba has requested to dock
[29.12.2012 23:29:48] [TAZ]Ariadne: what do
you want?
[29.12.2012 23:30:24] [TAZ]Ariadne: this is
our curch and it is not allowed to visit
[29.12.2012 23:34:22] [TAZ]Ariadne: black
mamba you are not allowed to dock here and
also not to buy anything
[29.12.2012 23:34:48] [TAZ]Ariadne: i asked
you and you did not response
[29.12.2012 23:35:11] [TAZ]Ariadne: you
should undock and talk with me or you will
be pentabarfed
[29.12.2012 23:35:55] [TAZ]Ariadne: so stop
[29.12.2012 23:36:11] [TAZ]Ariadne: stop
[29.12.2012 23:36:31] [TAZ]Ariadne: or you
will be banned
[29.12.2012 23:36:37] [TAZ]Ariadne: from
[29.12.2012 23:37:09] [TAZ]Ariadne: stop
I hope I did it all well, as it was my first patrol. And not counted these two idiots the day was nice and quite.
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To: All TAZ
Madamoiselle de Sonne,
I tend to give people with Zoner paperwork and transponders a little leeway. If they're willing to donate to the Temple, I don't mind giving them docking permissions. Of course, attitude warrants how much and if. I think was Ravenhurst has it's gun emplacements, security won't be such an issue.
To the rest, I may have a break through with the Gallic Royals so be prepared.
I have also just returned from a few days with the family. It was much needed.
Today i helped out the so called 'Hermit' Zoners. They are stationed in Omicron Lost. Well its a dangerous place for sure. But they seem to be a kind group of Zoners. Talking about Zoners. I see lately many other small groups of Zoners appearing on my Radars. It might be a nice task to let them show some of our ways of life. Even if they are interested, to try to give them some knowledge of our beloved Eris.
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seems a lot happens around us and not all is shiny.
In the last days we, my crew and me had several meetings (or encounters) with K`hara near Baffin. Some were nice, really nice, as i do not hate them, more i can say my interest to know more about this so different life form is grown, but others, - let me say, that i am lucky to be alive after contacting them the darkness of Sirius. Erisians they are, and for sure, like Eris they aren´t, what i would call "easy party people"...
Yesterday lots of K´Hara and Wilde together with Outcasts were spotted in Tau 29, lurking through the JH into Baffin from time to time. I got this message first from a zoner, who owns a base in Coronado, and so i stopped my hauling for Ravenhurst to look for security in Baffin. I stationed the Dead near the Tau JH and gave order via system channel to all foreign ships to leave Baffin to Coronado, as i was not able to guarantee their safety in our beloved home.
Cause this Zoner, Freyr Loki, told me, some wilde threatened him to destroy his base and also he and other other traders got shot in Tau 29, i informed the CR about that and told them about this strange meeting in Tau 29, where lots of ships got shot by K´Hara and wilde.
After this they sended several ships into the Taus, meanwhile the most of the intruders left the system into Tau 23, where a big battle started. So i opened Baffin again for visitors and hauled the rest of the robos for the new base.
Also i helped this zoner with hauling stuff for his base, as i dont want ot see a friendly nice zoner attacked by damn wilde from Tau 117.
Later i met JhC and we first patrolled around Baffin and leter he helped me with the rest of the robos. Damn little idiots they are, seems they look too much starwars vids, thinking they were little R2D2´s and beeping all around in my ship. Oily and dirty they are too, so the cargo base of my ship later looked like a junker mess.
And at the end one little nice thing: i spoke with Freyr about the TAZ and maybe he will join us. I for my would like that. He is a nice guy and friendly. I told him a lot about our philosophy and he seemed really interested.
Dear [TAZ],
Me and my crews, are very tired from base supply. Crews doing overtimes and i have to say big thank you to them! Crews are 100% loyal to me and im very happy be on vessel with crews, like i got here. Our routes are vary. Just depend, what we need haul. My first Commander, Mr. Apgar and me decided to ask [TAZ] for help with base supply and join to [TAZ].
With Carl, i spoke long time through my routes and Carl helped me out with hauling Ship Hull Panels from Kyushu. It was honor for me and my crew flying with Carl. I am very happy, that i know Richard Cole as well. It is honor for Captain as me.
Seriously, i love our neighbours and i belive, that is good way, how to be frienldy just more, then neighbour.
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To: TAZ; Freyr Loki
Captain Loki, I thank you for your assistance with supplies. Please, if you haven't done so already, fill out an application. You come well recommended.
I make no secrets about my own past with the K'Hara and the Nomads. I have studied them and even communicated with them in hopes to understand them. While it has been some time since my last communications with them, my overall reactions with them have been peaceful. I should probably continue that research.
To all TAZ, let's continue the supply efforts to Ravenhurst. I'd like to get those turrets up and running. It'll make securing the Temple much easier as well.
Well i have just brought in the last munitions. And well the ones which where building are done now. I am informed the new ones are also started. So still a lot of work to do.
I also have heard about some rumors of pirates trying to harm us TAZ more. If these rumors are true, time will tell. But still i will trust in Eris keeping us safe!
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Comm ID: Gypsie Skripto
Origin: Lower hangars of Shasta
Kallisti gentlefolk!
How has all the mojo been? Speaking of Mojo, haven't had a word from him in ages... At least not after he told me something about the Keepers and some project. Not a clue about the replicants either. To be honest, I have been encapsulated in a nutshell more or less since the passing of our dear Polyfather, so I better catch up huh! Anyways, I'm trying to get my wings back here at the hangars, but the silly salespope will only gimme a drommie. What is the matter here?!
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Comm ID: Doc
To: All TAZ
Nice to see you back around, Gypsie. We need some activity here so welcome back. While you're in Baffin, check out Ravenhurst.
To all TAZ, I have updated the Penterbarf a bit. Not WHO is on it but WHAT is on it. Since I keep getting reports of people dragging fights from the Taus and Coronado into Baffin, I spelled it out for them. BOTH parties are guilty. Also, rivals leave their differences at the other side of the jumpholes.
Been getting reports of Nomads. Don't instigate them but do keep your distance. I have long wanted to study them. If you must destroy them, make darn sure that they take the first shot. That rule applies to anyone.
I have had a strange day. When i was exploring a littlebit i encountered a Gallic Royal Navy ship. It was a lynx. I shall add the transmission logs from my ship as i think it will clear some things up.
Transmission logs Wrote:[23.01.2013 19:34:30] Arthur.Choret: TAZ..............
[23.01.2013 19:34:37] [TAZ]Euphoria.Discordia: Eric: yes?
[23.01.2013 19:34:47] Traffic control alert: IMG|Clairvoyant has requested to dock
[23.01.2013 19:34:50] Arthur.Choret: Let me find you first
[23.01.2013 19:35:10] [TAZ]Euphoria.Discordia: Eric: For what purpose do you need me?
[23.01.2013 19:35:13] Arthur.Choret: Ah...why I did read instructions
[23.01.2013 19:35:15] IMG|Mo.Farrah: Sarah: Kalisti discordia
[23.01.2013 19:35:20] Traffic control alert: IMG|Mo.Farrah has requested to dock
[23.01.2013 19:35:31] Arthur.Choret: Oh nice ship
[23.01.2013 19:35:34] [TAZ]Euphoria.Discordia: Eric: Kallisti Sarah
[23.01.2013 19:35:35] Arthur.Choret: very nice
[23.01.2013 19:35:51] Arthur.Choret: Ka li sti ?
[23.01.2013 19:36:16] Arthur.Choret: ah, nevermind
[23.01.2013 19:36:28] Arthur.Choret: you can keep your route..
[23.01.2013 19:36:50] [TAZ]Euphoria.Discordia: Eric: Hmm ok.. littlebit confused but ok. 23's folks
[23.01.2013 19:37:02] Arthur.Choret: * would I had opportunity to counter that beast if something just goes wrong*
So it seems that he had plans to shoot me. But when seeing my ship he turned around and left that idea behind him it seems. I suggest to be aware of such pilots and to keep track of the transmission logs.
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