You can't know what is going on on other Disco servers.
So, you can't implement something from here to their Disco server.
It should stay playable for all servers, not our community only.
Events yes, like Corsair-RM war. It was made like that so Corsairs can't win.
About the BD and Mito shipyard. That means nothing.
They are still few in numbers, they don't have the population to overthrow the Shogun.
They can fill one Battleship maybe, that's it.
Kusari can fill many with much more professional crew (Blood Dragons know nothing about Capital ships, they are fighter aces. Yes, they use them now it seems, but they can't educate people properly, like Kusari can. They can educate them in use of Fighters however. That's the whole point of BD, elite fighter group, few in numbers, but much more skilled then others).
Giving Blood Dragons many Battleships and Cruisers is funny and not realistic.
It is the same like Corsairs sniffing Cardi.
Yes, they could use 1 Battleship (like NovaPG), but hordes of Battleships and Cruisers is nonsense.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
' Wrote:Perhaps we can have a "diplomatic" convoy in game, with the Emperor and Empress on board, traveling from New Tokyo to Honshu. The NovaPG and friends will be able to attack... but, conversely, the allies of Kusari can come out to defend?
This is just hypothetical, of course. After all, I'm pretty sure that I need to consult people in the future...
And the BDs wouldn't win a war! XD
Sorry, I'm biased. ^_^
Actually i like this idea, Maybe we should butt heads over coffee Dear ?
There could quite easily be a popular revolution with Kusari citizens, tiring of the war with Bretonia, shifting allegiances to the Blood Dragons (who would probably receive implicit backing from the Bretonia).
They wouldn't gain control immediately, but might contest more ground in Kusari and would force the KNF onto the defensive against Bretonia.
I think this would be cool.
I'd also like to see IMG bases in Bretonia, such as Cardiff and South Shields nationalised and given over to BMM. IMG and Bretonia are pretty much at war, after all.
But, on other servers, IMG and BMM only started a spark.
Brettonia can't be bothered with IMG while KNF is on their doorsteps.
It says clearly in the News on many IMG bases that IMG isn't happy with KNF presence in Tau-31, and war all around them.
They don't want the war, they can't fight the war with Brettonia.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
The Brotherhood will attempt to follow Corsair plans and news already incorporated in Discovery mod and we will try to use current weakness of Bretonia (caused by the war with Kusari).
The details are still secret, but there will be lot's of attacks on several places in Bretonia to distract military forces while the main battle group will attempt to invade certain system. If you read the news, it shouldn't be so hard to find out where.
I am currently compiling the background, and plans of attacks, and I am also finishing the story with Maniaco's return, as we need him to lead the events.
We should be ready to launch it within 1-2 months. If you want to participate on this event (it should be much larger than the TBH/RM war), direct your attention to Bretonian factions (QCx, BPA, UoG) and Corsair factions (TBH, Benitez, OPG).
No worries, I will as soon as I have something written to discuss. So far I have just been traveling through Bretonian and Corsair space collecting all the news, infocards and rumors and all the plans are still in my head only.
Methinx IMG could try something - like taking over the BMM outpost in tau-23. If not that, then some changes on the map, some bases getting reposessed etc. I'm missin' that a lot. Say: What if INDEED Dragons succed in turning Kusari around? Let's see... Dragons win one bigger fight, KNF is weakened domestically, but still hold the taus firmly. Dragons move politically and do some nasty, but good reforms (BOOT! Samura and the puny lil' Farmers. I'm sure they could get along with Hogosha) and finally without internal enemies - take good car of the Taus. Brets get booted out of Harris, and PEACE!