Comm ID: LSF Director, Brian Copeland Call sign Sniper Message to: High Command of Colonial Remnant
**Message Begins**
This message is to inform you, that i sirs am not happy with you. A Colonial tagged vessel was caught smuggling today, the pilot dropped the contraband, and moved on.
As our diplomacy is currently at a friendly stance, i thought i should bring this to your attention. Im afraid if this happens again, you will be no longer welcome within our space. And i mean it, im already close to stepping you down to neutral. If i am not clear on this, please do tell.
Now, again. you know your pilots are more than welcome within our space, don't make a new enemy.
Thank you sir for reporting this...I will personally take care of this heavy breach of your laws. I also offer formal apologie to entire Liberty. Our civilian fleet must obey laws in Sirius and this pilot will be punished.
Thank you again for your straight forward actions regarding this matter.
You still don't get it, do you? The top brass ain't got anything to do with what you call here an "incident" They have problems with me too while I'm simply balancing supply and demand. Some want some goods - I get them, No matter what they are. Yes. I am a smuggler. Yes, Varsovia is a smuggling vessel, using Colonial IFFs, since the whole crew is colonial. What did you expect? All colonials being peaceful, law-obedient sheep? Big mistake.
Do whatever you like, Liberty, but don't mix my people in it.