Hey everyone I'm new to the game and still learning trying to figure out all the factions histories and what not. Can't say I'm much of a fan of the role playing as it limits what I can own for ships but since this game is free I guess I can't complain.
So since this is a role playing server how would I go about properly owning a AI ship? I don't see any restrictions on who can own it in the description but I'm sure their are rules regarding it that I am not finding or am unaware of. Also if I was to own one what exactly would I be able to do in it? I really like the look of this ship and would love to fly it so any help would be much appreciated thanks.
Thats the AI ID, it should be the only ID that lets you fly this ship without a huge energy nerf that would render it useless.
I always considered these ships to be Alien made AIs, so you could RP that pretty well.
The ID has a lot of restrictions which sadly dont make a lot of sense in my eyes. But people have abused these ships in the past to a point where it wasnt funny anymore, so thats why we have ended up with that ID.
If I was to role play It as an AI that chose to branch away from other alien AI's to carve it's own path by being a mercenary or bounty hunter to vacillate it's own agenda. Would that believable and excepted? Also I read that they no longer sell the ID has that changed?
honestly- if you go out and bounty hunt with the AI vessel you do what 100 before you did: being the toster that simply random fires at everything in your allowed ZOI.
While it surely is possible you won't amke any friends with that(maybe Core) and generally add to the clichee of the whacky AI player.
Honestly- the AI do have a lore about being explorers and researchers that have little to no interest in meddling with human affairs- and i am not sure if they would even value money at all, so bounty hunting is not so sensible.
In the end- if you want to rp a robot you could probably do that with every ID, so there might be a single bounty-hunter robot in Core or the regular BHG, after all even furries are allowed to fly
If you are dead set on using the AI tech and ID you will have to think of a good plan of what to do with it as at least to me the original intention was to give AI some otions in their rp not handing out a omega+omicron police ID...
~signd by someone who had 2 non-lolwut encounters with AI in the last 1,5 years...
(02-07-2013, 10:39 AM)Jansen Wrote: Thats the AI ID, it should be the only ID that lets you fly this ship without a huge energy nerf that would render it useless.
I always considered these ships to be Alien made AIs, so you could RP that pretty well.
The ID has a lot of restrictions which sadly dont make a lot of sense in my eyes. But people have abused these ships in the past to a point where it wasnt funny anymore, so thats why we have ended up with that ID.
On the contrary of alot of restrictions, it doesnt have 'that much' of restrictions
The only issue I see with the AI ID is that its more off lawfull sided. That is the only issue, at least to its description.
I can understand the cannot gage in piracy parts, but I cannot understand this "- Can actively hunt pirates and terrorists in systems that do not contain a jumpgate but cannot do so in systems that do contain a jumpgate.".
This is a huge grey zone, as hunting can be varried from just picking a pirate on your scanner.
EA: I play my drone, TGA-Rover, as an ally of IMG, which is owned by IMG Freelancer Anna McCarthy. If IMG are in problem and I see it on my scanners, I will ally with IMG to support. This is perfectly in RP as you can see, but poeple may consider it a darkened spot in the grey zone.
The AI core isnt really that much of an great fighter. Its turnrate is pretty slow, and it has no jousting capabilitys due to the fact that you can never fire both turrets that fogether to down the shield properly.
The review for that ship, is also outdated. You are not able to buy the turrets manually and they only come with the ship when you buy it. The review of that ship also is wrong in many ways.
The ID should imho be:
- May not trade at all. May escort thou.
- (Lawfulls) Can actively hunt pirates and terrorists in systems that do not contain a jumpgate but cannot do so in systems that do contain a jumpgate.
- May ally with allys within roleplay if spotted on scanner.
- (unlawfulls) Can support Pirace but cannot start pirating themselfs.
Side notes: Allying means using a name tag that shows your allegiance to said faction/vessel. (EA, TGA-Rover and The Guardian Angel, played by two different players, or IFF usage is one of them too.
The ID should be sold where the ships are sold at, thats Planet Gammu.
You could try to play that as long as the ID allows it, but Im not sure why an AI would be motivated to fulfill bounty contracts. At least I would say that they have no real use for Credits, thats why I really dont like that ID, its just not making a lot of sense to have AIs that can only hunt down pirates or other criminals.
(02-07-2013, 10:56 AM)Jansen Wrote: The ID should be sold where the ships are sold at, thats Planet Gammu.
You could try to play that as long as the ID allows it, but Im not sure why an AI would be motivated to fulfill bounty contracts. At least I would say that they have no real use for Credits, thats why I really dont like that ID, its just not making a lot of sense to have AIs that can only hunt down pirates or other criminals.
Bounty's should not be filled, I agree. However, it is perfectly sensable since they are drone's to aid with piracy, but not start them.
What is the point of these ships then? If the AI has zero interest in human affairs why then are they even playable? Since one would presume they would not care to align with any humans at all ever. I love the look of these ships and there aren't many ships I've found to appealing. And I love the Idea of an AI and role playing as one Im not to fond so far of being a miner/transporter and I'd like to switch it up. And I think being an AI would be a nice way to do it.
I guess I'm just really confused as to what Is possible with these ships in a rp setting. It's really the cruiser I want. I can almost get it im only about 20m off. But I don't want to buy it if I literally can't do anything with it other then stay in systems with zero jump gates and be bored all the time.
That's the problem spot on- the AI s were included as a gimmicky faction - there could have ben a Space-Ape-ID , too someone decided for robots though.
When it comes to roleplay - if you want to do it(which i strongly recommend) you will ahve to think on what is logic ?
Assaulting Corsairs while your homeplanet is pinched in between Corsair bases in Lambda, Delta and Gamma? Really? Stirring up the wrath of a big player in the Omicrons might not be the wisest move for a tiny inRP faction that has a -clearly- localized homebase.
That said, of course you can pick pirates- i mean your AI could have done "research" on how traders function and sees a trader as a fuctional logic unit that brings stuff from A to B , now here comes the bug into the program, stopping the trader and trying to destroy teh logic chain of getting stuff from A to B by taking stuff making the move from A to B irrelevant and unlogic.
Stuff along these lines...still originally the AI were intended as 95% rp 5% pewpew faction so if you do the research and exploring hing you might find awfully little time to shoot around in your cruiser, which seems liek the thing you prefer?
Just please don't use the "can hunt pirates phrase" to actually do it, that is what makes AI a headache to everyone
Well I do like combat and i don't see enough of it but it's not all I'm looking for. I do want a good role playing character though. This AI faction seem to need some more work on the devs part or on a story and history side of things to give them reason to interact with humans more.
I'm thinking I might be able to play it off as an AI ship trying to learn human behavior by working as a freelancer ship for different player factions. What do you guys think of that? It seems logical as they wouldn't think like humans and wouldn't be able to relate and would need to gather data to be able to understand and figure humans out. But then I would need a freelancer id though. If I had an AI id would I be able to do something along those lines?
Also would these ships be allowed in liberty space and other major human faction systems without being attacked by the local military or police?