Back after a break, all my ships are still here! But ... one ship was docked on a player station, which subsequently blew up. Turns out it doesn't have a thruster, soo I'm stuck! The ship is nothing special, however the codes are shiny and I like them.
So, I'd very much appreciate some admin help here, a quick beam to somewhere I can buy a thruster would be great! Essen Station would work, but I'm not picky. Thanks!
I appreciate your trying to help, if that's true then maybe it's not my thruster. I am also missing a shield, but I didn't think that was the issue. I am missing some piece of equipment, and I am UNABLE to undock. I guess I didn't make that clear at first, the issue is that it won't let me undock, and since it's a blown up player station, I am unable to buy anything.
I am pretty sure only an admin can help, but I am defintely open to any work arounds.