We of the Interspace Commerce have been lately been looking into the experimental technologies of this day and age to assist with the moving of commodities and goods. Mainly in this case, the Jump Drive.
According to the new laws that most houses almost instantly made after this technology was created, there are many restrictions on who can use this to enter their space. As one of Liberties large corporations, we would like to formally ask permission to use this technology to gain Jump Coordinates, as well as use this technology to enhance the rate of trade in and out of the Republic of Liberty.
We have looked into contracting a pilot of a Liberty Dreadnought to house this module we have recently finished building, as well as using the ship to help move around our transports through subspace. The vessel will not be a foreign warship as this will cause much trouble allowing into Liberty space, thus elimination any problems of security.
We hope we can expand our capacities within the Republic of Liberty.
After private discussions with one of Interspace's Directors, the Government agrees to permit the facilitation of Jump Drive technology, subject to the following conditions:
Jumping into, and out of, the Republic must be conducted in designated Jump Zones. For Interspace, these have been provided as:
1) The zone 15 k or further "behind" Planet Denver, Colorado (relative to the Docking Ring)
2) The zone in proximity to Doe Industries Space Port, in orbit of Planet Pittsburgh, New York
3) The zone 10 k or further from Detroit Munitions, New York, towards the Detroit Debris Field.
Interspace Jump Convoys should identify themselves and their intended destination to the available ranking officer of the Primary Fleets prior to jumping. The primary aim of this security protocol is to prevent contact with undesirable groups or individuals which may potentially appear on the convoy's intended route.
Interspace is required to identify which Dreadnought they intend to contract prior to the acceptance of this arrangement. Please note that this vessel is at all times subject to the command authority of the Liberty Navy, regardless of it being temporarily detached for commercial purposes.
Please indicate your acceptance of these terms so that we may proceed in finalising the arrangements.
- Boris Livingstone, Secretary of State for Internal Affairs.
These terms are reasonable and fit what we wish as a company as well. Our Liberty Dreadnaught contracted to house the Jumpdrive Technology is designated as the Aerial.Relativity, and will of course be at your disposal if anything comes up that it is required.
We accept your terms, and we will follow them as required.