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*****Incoming Transmission***** COMM ID:Lt Cmdr Remus Sius
TARGET ID: All Navy Officers Concerned
SUBJECT: Liberty Navy Officers Database
My congratulations to the officers promoted and may they continue to serve the Navy well.
I wish to report also that my continued absence from the field will be indefinite... paperwork has increased and I find it difficult to fulfill my duties in space.
For Freedom and Justice, Lieutenant Commander Remus Sius
COMM ID:Commander Jane Hartman TARGET ID: Liberty Forces Reporting Centre SUBJECT:Roster ENCRYPTION:Low PRIORITY:Low
Lieutenant Commander Sius,
Be advised that I have recently resigned from my position as Fleet Logistics Officer. It'd be appreciated if the roster could be updated to reflect this. The new LOGO is yet to be decided. Expect an update on that within the month. Additionally, Lieutenant Commander Lewis has transferred to the reserves.
I hope you're able to wade free of that paperwork Sius. If you're in need, I believe Admiral Malrone has a flamethrower you could loan.
COMM ID:Vice Admiral Alan Polstari TARGET ID:Primary Fleet Command HQ SUBJECT:Liberty Logistical Service Announcement ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
The resignation of Commander Jane Hartman from the head of the Liberty Logistical Service is formally approved. In her place I'm assigning Commander Rohj Teerin. His service in the LLS has been exemplary thus far and I expect that he'll find leadership here a natural transition.
COMM ID:Commander Rohj Teerin TARGET ID:Liberty Forces Reporting Center SUBJECT:New Hampshire Corridor Patrol ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Teerin here.
This evening, Lieutenant Jack Will and I decided to patrol through New Hampshire and onto Bremen. We flew about for quite a while there, until we came across two things. The jump hole to Hamburg, and RNC-Pandora, which had just jumped through.
We managed to elude the Rheinland Cruiser by flying through some thick gas/debirs cloud, and slowly circled back around to the Hamburg jump point. RNC-Pandora followed us through, however it disappeared shortly afterwards. As the two of us headed for the Bering jump hole, I was contacted by Captain Pablo, who asked about our situation. Based on a hunch, I ordered his vessel, LNS-Santisima.Trinidad, to Planet Houston and await further instructions. X - X - X
After reaching the Texas gate, we turned back to the Freeport. Upon arrival, my hunch was proved true; RNC-Pandora had followed us there by using the trade lanes. At this point, I informed Captain Pablo that he may bring his ship to Bering, but remain at the Texas jump gate. The plan was to lure Pandora back to Texas, but there was an unexpected bonus. The Rheinland vessel decided to fire upon our snubs right next to Freeport 2, and a message has been sent to the station's administrators so that they can handle that issue. Nonetheless, Will and I continued to lure Pandora to the Texas gate, where the Santisima Trinidad engaged and defeated RNC-Pandora. X - X - X - X
My commendations go to Lieutenant Will and Captain Pablo of the LNS-Santisima.Trinidad for their coordination in this impromtu ambush. Furthermore, Jack Will is back on active duty, and should be re-added to the various active rosters.
"You see what your knowledge tells you you're seeing. ... how, what you think the universe is, and how you react to that in everything you do, depends on what you know. And when that knowledge changes, for you, the universe changes. And that is as true for the whole of society as that is for the individual. We all are what we know, today. What we knew yesterday, was different; and so were we."
- James Burke, The Day the Universe Changed (1985)
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*****Incoming Transmission***** COMM ID: Lt Cmdr Remus Sius
TARGET ID: All Navy Officers Concerned
SUBJECT: Liberty Navy Officers Database
Good day,
It seems that the records of Lieutenant Jack Will are buried somewhere in my file cabinet... I am unable to find the exact date as to when he was admitted into the Corps but I am fairly sure that Lieutenant Will is an old veteran.
In the meanwhile, I will be creating a temporary record for him.
In addition, the capital registry for Primary Fleet Capital Ships has been collecting dusk... it'll appreciated if all officers commanding a capital ship check the current registry and state if any changes/additions are to be made.
Furthermore, I will be returning to active flight duty soon. As soon as the proper paperwork is filed, I will be cleared to fly. Do leave some for me...
For Freedom and Justice, Lieutenant Commander Remus Sius
COMM ID: Recruit, Daniel Stevenson TARGET ID: Liberty Forces Reporting Center SUBJECT: Action report ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
On my usual patrol I came across junker named "Killerman", smugling black market munitions. I managed to stop the vessel in California system and destroy it together with two surprisingly friendly pirates. I sent the pics I made to my personal computer.
After that I've been called to New York gate where some Reavers attacked our pilots. Soon many pirates joined the fight and we have been quickly outnumbered. My fighter was destroyed in that fight. That's all.
COMM ID:Commander Jane Hartman TARGET ID: Liberty Forces Reporting Centre SUBJECT: Retrieval ENCRYPTION:Low PRIORITY:Low
Good Evening Sir/Ma'am,
Patrol tonight was uneventful; however, I did receive a hail from the Shirayuki - A Kusari Naval Forces vessel. The Captain didn't deign to speak to me personally, but his Comm's Officer claimed that they'd picked up three of our pilots off a Rouge ship heading through Shikoku.
Nice of him to volunteer to give them back.
Lieutenant Samantha Archer was dispatched aboard the Little Rock, a Grizzly-Class Freighter, to retrieve the casualties (see below for a list). Archer rendezvoused with Shirayuki at Ames Research station in Kepler. All three casualties were transferred to the medical bay aboard Rio Grande, and two have since returned to active duty.
MEDICAL NOTIFICATION Prepared by:LT Dr. YAXSLEY, Brian. Medical Officer
LNS-Rio Grande
LTCDR NELSON, Liam - Returned to Active Duty
Strain, left ankle. Minor scratches from canopy release. No permanent injury.
LT JONES, Veronica - Returned to Active Duty.
No injury.
LT TAGGET, Christopher - Retained for Treatment
Radiographs indicate C1-C2 sublaxation, forward displacement of .75cm. Light headedness reported immediately following arrival. Possible concussion. Retained for monitoring and treatment.
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*****Incoming Transmission***** COMM ID: Lt Cmdr Remus Sius
TARGET ID: Liberty Naval Forces Reporting Center
SUBJECT: First Flight in Months
Good day,
I was cleared yesterday of the enormous amount of paperwork that was backed up over the past few months and was able to finally clock in some hours in flight duty.
Due to the recent reports of harassment attacks on Long Island Station and increasing numbers of pirate small crafts, Flight Command ordered the MacArthur back from the Leeds front. Her tour of duty there was rather uneventful as the Bretonians mostly tackled large capital ships.
I personally went onboard the MacArthur to oversee her flight conditions and I am pleased to say that she is still in one piece.
Our first assignment for the day was to patrol around LIS. Nothing of concern to report except a minor infraction by an ALG ship.
The captain was not aware that Behemoth was illegal to fly. As it was his first offense, the captain was given a standard Sirius week to report back to his HQ and requisition another vessel.
If any of you see this captain again and he still hasn't changed his vessel, you may issue a more severe punishment ranging from a standard fine... or , if he refuses, to the destruction of his vessel.
For Freedom and Justice, Lieutenant Commander Remus Sius
Start Port Log
24-03-820 20:12. ................. .End of Spacepassage
24-03-820 20:12. ................. .NOR tendered
24-03-820 20:20. ................. .Vessel passed through Docking Ring | Entering Orbit
Arriving at York spaceport
24-03-820 21:30. ................. .Requesting Landing clearance
24-03-820 21:54. ................. .Landing permission granted
24-03-820 22:04. ................. .Touch down and mooring clamps all fast
24-03-820 22:54. ................. .NOR Received
Discharging Military Vehicles from Fort Severn, Ontario
25-03-820 00:00. .25-03-820 00:30. .Safety meeting
25-03-820 00:37. ................. .B1 Ramp down
25-03-820 00:41. .25-03-820 01:36. .B1 Unloading
25-03-820 01:31. ................. .B2 Ramp down
25-03-820 01:43. .25-03-820 02:29. .B2 Unloading
25-03-820 02:32. ................. .B3 Ramp down
25-03-820 02:40. .25-03-820 03:49. .B3 Unloading
25-03-820 03:55. .25-03-820 05:16. .Bay cleaning / Refitting
25-03-820 05:20. .25-03-820 05:26. .B1, B2, B3 Ramp up
Departing from York Spaceport Military Terminal
25-03-820 05:45. ................. .Start up, system checks
25-03-820 05:51. ................. .Vessel left platform
Arriving at York East-Wing Passenger Terminal B
25-03-820 05:56. ................. .NOR tendered
25-03-820 05:57. ................. .Requesting Landing clearance
25-03-820 06:02. ................. .Landing permission granted
25-03-820 06:08. ................. .Touch down and mooring clamps all fast
25-03-820 06:10. ................. .NOR Received
Loading at York East-Wing Passenger Terminal B
25-03-820 06:12. ................. .Passenger Ramp B1, B2, B3 Connected
25-03-820 06:13. .25-03-820 07:12. .Loading provisions at SB1
25-03-820 06:14. .25-03-820 06:59. .Bunkering T1 (Water), T2 (Water)
25-03-820 06:15. .25-03-820 07:43. .Boarding
25-03-820 07:45. .25-03-820 07:49. .B1, B2, B3 Ramp up
Departing from York East-Wing Passenger Terminal B
25-03-820 07:55. ................. .Start up, system checks
25-03-820 08:00. ................. .Vessel left platform
> ETA next Spaceport Oath Lake Mining, Planet Pittsburg, New York, Liberty > 26-03-820 08:00
> No pirate encounters have been witnessed so far.
Please find attached all relevant cargo documents.
- (See attached file: 8464616841.pdf)
- (See attached file: 8568888721.pdf)