Best thing to do is check out the website for more info but in short we run a basic rp system, we do not go on the basis of factions although you can still use one as a clan and act it out. We use a simple rp system which allows players not used to heavy rp play with those who are are. By adding a simple tag X, P, T and so on you can brand yourself as a pirate or a trader ect this means that there is a simple and basic rule set to follow by allowing all types of players to play with each other and if you prefer not to play rp and just want pvp or exploring then do jot add any tag and your free to do as you wish other then engage in pvp with rp players unless you have consent check out for more info or send me a pm on there and I'll happy talk you through it or search starworlds in team speak 3 to speak with us direct and i hope the 150 mill was of use