Location: Leipzig, Dresden Comm ID: Lt. Ivonne Wolffe
Hello everyone!
It seems that Freport 101 is under attack by a some reservists. I was patrolling Stuttgart when I got a call from Leipzig that there was sudden increase of military traffic going to the O15 jump hole.
I don't know what's going onm but it seems those battleship captains are attacking the base because they can't dock there. Now I'm no military expert, but as far as I know; if you don't get invited to a party, you don't go set the place on fire as revenge; I could be wrong...
I left the area after a few minutes, but it seems the militaries will stay there for some time. On the way back I met a hilariously dumb MND bombers. He disrupted me, so I disrupted him back. He went mad and threatened to splatter my brains around the place if I dirsupted him again... Naturally I dirupted him again, but decided to get back to Leipzig. He tried to disrupt me again and probably attack me, but he failed on his attempt. Expect an angry letter soon, security commander.
Sender ID:Hermann Otto / DHC-Gatzweiler Location:Stokes Mining Station, Bretonia Subject:Pilot Report on last Convoy to Stokes Mining To:DHC Headqutors, Convoy Reports, The Ring CC:Every DHC Employee Priority:Medium Encyption:-
Guten Tag, Damen und Herren.
Last night (regarding to the clock) Stefan (DHC-Fulda), Michael (DHC-Rheinhausen) and I formed a little convoy loaded with aluminium ore for Stokes.
I took the lead and reported on every step of our jurney whether it is save to follow or not.
Everything went fine so far, till we reached Cambridge. Unfortunately Stefan didn't hold his distance. He followed me to close up. - My luck, his bad luck.
Because on Cambrdge side of the gate waited a Gallic Junker who startet to pirate us. (His name was Jules.Verne )
But I didn't got his ship class because, when I scanned him I first looked for his ID. And when he started his demand, I started my cruise ... and saw Stefan appear. I first thought that the pirate's demand was meant for me and because Stefan didn't wait for my report, I commanded him to start engines and flee.
But whether the pirate's demand was initially meant for Stefan or if the pirate just decided to take him, I don't know.
Of couse I jused the chance to escape when that pirate was buisy with him. No use to be caught as well.
And then I was out of range for scanning his ship.
... Jules.Verne demandes 5 million from Stefan, whats quite moderate. Stefan said he paid and that the pirate denied he had. I belief him.
Whether that junker starts shooting or not, I do not know. Sure is that in the meanwhile a Wilde one appeared. That one asked Stefan for his destination. He answered "Stokes" which caused the wild one to answer something like "You're not to remove ressorces from Rheinland!" and then opened fire.
That was just before I read about Stefan's ship to blow up. ... I really hope he saved his life!
If he make it through he might be able to report the pirates ship class to us, as well as the wild one's.
At that time I was cruising on a free route through Cambridge. Of cause I advised Michael who was a few lanes behind in Omega-3 not to follow. But he was caught by onther pirate still in Omega-3. (That one's name was Los|Arbiter )
But somehow he managed instead of beeing robbed, he managed somehow to hire the pirte for escord knowing that on the Cambridge side of the jump gate a wild one waits. (And although told him that there were a wild one, he agreed to escord Michael!)
Then he decided against my advice to go on ...
... better he had taken my advice. Because short after he entered Cambridge ... his ship blew up too.
I hope you have saved your life, friend!
If he comes through save, he might report the 2nd pirates ship class to us as well as the wild one's ship. That one was named Wilde.Vardogr !
At least, to get some comfort in ths incident, the wild one also shot both pirate ship untill both blew up as well.
After all what happened I reached New London jamp gate unharmed and met with a Bretonian Policeman. Who kindly scouted for me through New London and Leeds till Stokes. He offered also to scout again till I am out of bretonian controlled space. But with that wild one still on long range scanners visibile and regarding to the clock showing it's getting late, I refused to and decided to stay in Stokes this time.
It was quite enough action and danger this time!
I wish you saver flights than this one, captains.
Signed, Hermann Otto DHC-Gatzweiler
- < < < : : : End of Transmission : : : > > > -
To the stars!
Pavel prompted:We are the money making company! And Hartmann added later while discussing that with me:The DHC way to solve problems? - Throw mony at it, until it diiieees!
~ because you can't spell SLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER ~
Sender ID - Captain Andreas Schmidt Location – The Ring, New Berlin Subject – Pilot Report
Guten Morgen,
There did not happen too much in the last few days for me~ *cough* ~and my crew, so I keep this report rather short. We~ *cough* ~mined alot of Aluminium Ore and supplied Edling with required commodities for further upgrades & projects. *cough*
However, there is something a bit~ *cough* ~more remarkable some of you might know about, I tested this new piece of technology myself and have to say it is quite wonderful. I won't say more about it as these channels could be hacked by criminal~ *cough* ~informants.
Sorry, I catched a cold over the weekend, I was out in the snowy weather of New Berlin for too long. *cough*
I am going to visit~ *cough* ~the doctor later this day.
Signed, Andreas Schmidt
Captain of the Puttgarden
Captain of the Westfalen
Miner Division
Security Wing Division
Sender ID:Hermann Otto Location:My parents house on Planet Nuremberg, after a single but well earned holyday. Subject:Pilot Report on my first trip to Gallia To:DHC HQ CC:All interessted DHC employees Priority:Low Encyption:-
Guten Tag, meine Damen und Herren!
Some days ago I visited Gallia for the first time. It was a very long trip, so please don't be angry with me that I didn't report earlier ...
The background for my trip to Gallia was that Edling needed some Cryocubes for building further upgrades. There were still two Stock's holds left, when I was ready for a trip to Gallia, where I never was before. But because I wasn't there before I wanted not to fly all alone. On top of that I had a description of the way but not all waypoints in my computer. And I knew the Taus to be a dangerous place ... As Andreas Schmidt decided to fly there for one hold full of crycubes and offered to show me around, this problem was solved and to I agreed to acompany him bringing the secound load needet to Edling.
So we both loaded up our cargo holds with military vehicles at Nuremberg and set out for Kusari - the first step of that route.
Everything went fine, so we were in Kusari fast and proceeded without interruption to the Taus. From Kyushu we went via jump hole to Tau-23 Unknown terrain for me. So our trip became interresting for me at this point. First, the large astroid field and moderate radiation - both no real thread to us - but then: red dots appearing on the scanners! Enemy bases! And on top of that Andreas telling me that usually a lot of pirates, semi lawfulls and lawless folk used to hang around here!
But our luck doesn't desert us. We came through fine and went - again via jump hole - to Orkney.
First thing to see: the large minefield. But Andreas prepared me, so I did'nt run into it. He also told me that Gallia has a battleship next to neraly every jump gate and we discussed a while the benifits and losses of militarism ...
After that the third jump hole lead us to Languedoc and to the Gallic border. And near the Dauphine jump gate, I saw my first Gallic battleship. This ships are nearly as elegant as a liner. Knowing the gun power of Gallias gunboats and cruisers from meetings in Bretonia, that made me fear them even more ... Good thing I am having no querrel with them anymore! Also notable is, that Languedoc has eight planets! Something I haven't seen many times in Sirius.
Dauphine, we entered afterwards and through an as alien as elegant shaped jump gate, while having 'just' 7 planets suprised with another couriosum: it consists of unbeleavable FOUR suns (!!!) which are seeming not to rotate around a shared gravitational centrum at all (!!!). ... But thats not enough! In Dauphine you can find a cluster of four planets, forming something like an thetraeder around a fifth, smaler one! Physical impossible!!! But it was real. Andreas warned me not to came to near to that phenomenom. And I resisted to watch from a closer distance. When I remembered it afterwards, I am very glad I have risisted. That I was more than close enough.
Throughout all this suspense I nearly oversaw that at every jump gate we passed, a battleship has taken position.
In Burgundy, wchich has ten planets, we were welcomed again by a battleship. I think it was around here we recognized some space traffic. Besides its military presence Gillia seems quite empty to me. So we traveled to Ile-de-France, Gallias main systhem, unharmed.
Now it got very exiting again. Ile-de-France contains thirteen planets and another couriosum. This time not build by nature, but by the Gallics: they have built a double trade line through out more than half the systhem!! ... A double trade line, where nearly no space ships are around ...
That we were greeted by another battleship doesn't really reached my mind on this systhem beeing so big and shiny all around.
Suitable for a double trading lane, Planet New Paris has three docking rings. Not that suprising anymore. Anyway I had to concentrade on docking procedere now, because we finally reached our destination. So we landet on Planet New Paris to sell our Military vehicles and loaded up polymers Sarcelles Shipping Facility. Our way now led us past Montmartre Space Colony on wich Andreas made me aware. That one is really big and shiny. We really should invest some billion on Augburg to expand it ... or better built up a new colony!
But then we hurried to Sarcelles Shipping to swap our polymeres with cryocubes we have come for all the long way.
Afterwards we set out for the jurney home. But by using the jump gate between Ile-de-France and Burgundy we ot cought by a ion storm, cunfusing not just our ship's computers but the jump gate as well. But luckily we both got through well and could after our ship's systhems got back to normal proceed finally.
I can't say much to our jurney back. It was quite eventless after the ion storm. And still 'drunken' from all that new expiriences and wonders I have watched, I just regocniced the way back as quite long. You all can imagine how exhausted I arrived at Edling. And why I took a holyday after this to visit my parents. But I am glad I made this trip and don't want to miss it now. Thanks to Andreas for flying with me and showing me all this wonders!
Signed, Hermann Otto DHC-Gatzweiler
- < < < : : : End of Transmission : : : > > > -
To the stars!
Pavel prompted:We are the money making company! And Hartmann added later while discussing that with me:The DHC way to solve problems? - Throw mony at it, until it diiieees!
~ because you can't spell SLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER ~
SOURCE: System Munich, Edling Mining Facility
Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,
I'm just reporting about the status of the Edling Mining Facility.
Current status of the base is good. Enough Supplies to take this base alive.
Further we have a factory under construction, which we hope to finish it soon.
SOURCE: System Munich, Edling Mining Facility
One herzliches Grüß Gott from munich meine Herren.
Here some information about our lovely base in the current situation.
Base still constructing an important module but the production stagnate.
A reason could be the declining economic output DHCs.
I hope there will be a economic upturn at least that brings rheinland to new horizons and far behind.
In this sense , Glück auf.
Sender ID - Captain Andreas Schmidt Location – Briesen Mining Facility, Omega-7
Subject – Report of 12th of April
So, today's been quite busy.
At first, with the help of the pilot of the miner DHC-Briesen.1 and mainly myself, we filled two Border World transports full of copper ore. Plenty of money.
Little later, the two contacted me again, for another load which I mined shortly after. Additionally, there were two holds of our transports to be filled with copper, which are my own, the Puttgarden and the transport Roter Sand. Both loads of copper have been successfully delivered to New Tokyo. That was the copper mining for today.
Later in the evening, I contacted Bowex about some ore, whether they're interested. Luckily, shortly after they aswell had their holds full of ore, and my account full with money. Since no other miners came, even after calling, all of the money goes to me. *smiles*
After the Bowex transports were full, their escort had to go, don't ask me why, I don't know. I offered to escort them up to Leeds, which I did, what gave me a bonus from the leader, who offered me a price of 5000 credits per piece of ore of his load if I do as I suggested. Needless to say, even more profit coming.
So, list of minerals gathered and money earned.
23900 units of Copper Ore
15900 units of Aluminium Ore
about 208.000.000 Sirian Credits
Today was a good day for my pocket. That's it for today.
Also for our company. Leader of the convoy told me that Daumann proved itself again very valuable as business partner. I'd say that sounds pretty good. The two borderworld transports might become regular customers aswell.
Signed, Andreas Schmidt
<Daumann Heavy Constructions>
Captain of the Puttgarden
Captain of the Westfalen
Miner Division
Security Wing Division
Sender ID - Captain Andreas Schmidt Location – Briesen Mining Facility, Omega-7
Subject – Report of 12th of April
Today there were a few holds filled with Copper Ore, captain of DHC-Munchen filled the hold of my transport. I brought the ore to Krupp.
Additionally, we supplied Krupp with the required Basic Alloys, Food, Oxygen and Water. More is going to follow now on a daily basis.
Later on, there was a huge siege in the Omega-3 system. A few days prior, I checked the field around Rugen on my patrol, and got to visit the comet. However, a base with the callsign 'Tortuga' was hidden in the cloud that the comet left behind. I contacted a BAF ensign back then about the base, turns out it was illegaly build.
Today, this base was sieged and successfully destroyed. Attached, there are a few shots and a video footage with my brand new camera. *smiles*
Signed, Andreas Schmidt
<Daumann Heavy Constructions>
Captain of the Puttgarden
Captain of the Westfalen
Miner Division
Security Wing Division
SOURCE: System Munich, Edling Mining Facility
SUBJECT: Mining Research
Grüß Gott from munich meine Herren ,
Our Research department discovered a quiet new way ro raise the efficiency of the hegemon mining ship by using special mining turrets at the same time . They gave me this sketches to tell the whole DHC- ablout it (look at attachement)
Here some explanations:
Blue Line: The line where rocks appear in cockpit view (Ctrl+V)
Red Line : The line of flight of the front mining turrets projectile
White Line: The line of flight of the rear mining turrets projectile
Yellow Line: The line at which the Mining Turrets (front OR rear) has exactly the same range to its destination.
THE IDEA: The researchers found out that the mining efficiency could be significantly raised by hitting a rock with more than one mining laser. To achieve this they told me , we should use mining turrets on same range.
They are currenty at the testphase but they think that the rear weapons are more efficient using them.
The Mining Turret Modification for the rear weapon group is:
1. no mining turret
2. no mining turret
3. no mining turret
4. no mining turret
7. no mining turret
8. no mining turret
If someone thinks the front modification is better try this:
SOURCE: System Munich, Edling Mining Facility
SUBJECT: Mining Research-Testphase-Update
Grüß Gott from munich meine Herren again,
Our Research department found out after some tests that the front modification is the most predictable way to mine. The testresults you find below
Here some explanations:
Inside the Yellow rectangle: The area where you can often hit one rock twice
Inside the Green rectangel: The area where you can nearly always hit them twice and maybe more than twice.
A possibility to use that circumstances could be to constantly move down and to stay within the green targetzone with the lasers.