On my way to Texas, I collected two capital ships mainly the SFC|LNS-Ravager, LABC, and Cata, a Dreadnaught. Both ships were instrumental in bringing those Krauts back to the Stone Age but one ship was commendable among others for he spotted the Rheinlanders.
LNS-Whitefin, also another LABC, managed to pinpoint the exact location of the enemy. Unfortunately he was not able to join the engagement. Within minutes of the skirmish, both Rheinland ship were destroyed. No survivors were found.
As if it was not enough, a few hours later. A much larger Rheinland fleet appeared. This fleet consisted of 2 Turtles, 1 Kusari Battleship, 2 Elbe Carriers, 4 Cruisers, 1 Gunboat and 2 fighters.
Our forces, initially, consisted of the following ships:
Battleship.Melinda: Liberty Dreadnaught
SFC|Assault1: Liberty Gunboat
LNS-Vitoniz: Upholder Bomber
[LN]-Remus.Sius: Guardian Fighter
As soon as I launched from Norfolk, Captain Xiger of the Assault-One contacted me about the situation in New York. 2 Cruisers and a fighter were able to penetrate the outer defenses and were preparing to bombard Melbourne Station.
I gave the go-ahead signal to Xiger to try and ambush the small Rheinland scouting party using the cloak of Battleship.Melinda
The emergence of two dreadnaughts, Cata (same one as before) and Rasset, scared the witts out of the scouting party. They retreated towards Texas. A brief duel ensued between me and Frederich.Schneider, neither of us could hit each other so he managed to retreat towards the main battlegroup.
At this time, Admiral Baker arrived on board the [LN]-LNS-Maryland. I informed the Admiral about the situation and from there we sketched up a plan. But before we could decide, they needed to scout the other side. As being the only fighter in the fleet, I volunteered to go.
Once on the other side, I was under heavy fire. Missiles, plasmas, and lasers erupted simultaneously from all sides. A gunboat, Anomander, tried to chase me but he ultimately gave up. Once clear of the red zone, I managed to count the number of Rheinland ships. They were positioned in such a way that any ship coming through the gate would be instantaneously be obliterated. Upon relaying said information, Admiral Baker proceeded ahead with the plan.
Using the cloak of Cata and Battleship.Melinda, the Maryland and Rasset were to draw the attention of the Rheinland battlegroup by circumnavigating the jumpgate and taking the jumphole instead. The cloaked ships would then jump behind the Rheinland fleet, taking them by surprise.
It took a few minutes for the plan to formalize...
Once the bait was in place, the cloaked ships were ready. But the appearance of the Rheinland fighter in presence of the cloaked ships almost jeopardized it. It took another couple of minutes for the cloaked ships to jump, and by then the Maryland and Rasset were taking fire.
At the last moment, Cata and Battleship.Melinda, decloaked behind of RNC-Siberischetiger unleashing all guns. She went down quickly but the Maryland also went down after taking a enormous amount of beating.
It seemed that the appearance of two Dreadnaughts decloaking stunned the Rheinland Captains momentarily... but this was short-lived as right after the destruction of Maryland, the Rasset followed suit.
I ordered everyone to fire at the next best target, Project: "Dragon". She already took a beating from both the Maryland and Rasset. The Dragon was almost vanquished when suddenly it warped out of the battlefield... To our amazement.
By the situation was quickly deteriorating... The cloaking Dreadnaughts were forced to retreat leaving the fight temporarily to make quick repairs. But this was negated by the timely arrival of two bombers, Pain.Bringer and Armanda.Soledad. They quickly assessed the situation and targeted the most vulnerable cruiser, RNC-Zerstorer. Captain Xiger himself managed to defeat the enemy gunboat that was chasing me.
All of us remaining in the carnage managed to evade destruction until the arrival of the Carrier, Macross.Police, and its escorts, LNS-Mt.Wyatt, fighter and LNS-Polaris, LABC. Cata and Battleship.Melinda, also managed to return to the field. With their combined firepower, one by one the Rheinlanders fell.
A full ship list of our fleet is as follows:
Battleship.Melinda: Liberty Dreadnaught
Rasset: Liberty Dreadnaught (DESTROYED)
Cata: Liberty Dreadnaught
[LN]-LNS-Maryland: Liberty Dreadnaught (DESTROYED)
SDF-Macross_Police: Liberty Carrier
LNS-Polaris: Liberty Assault Battlecruiser
SFC|Assault1: Liberty Gunboat
LNS-Vitoniz: Upholder Bomber
Pain.Bringer: Upholder Bomber
Armanda.Soledad: Roc Bomber
LNS-Mt.Wyatt: Guardian Fighter
[LN]-Remus.Sius: Guardian Fighter
A full ship list of the enemy fleet is as follows:
LNS-Vitoniz, Pain.Bringer and Armanda.Soledad: Destruction of a Cruiser while under heavy fire
Captain Xiger: Destruction of a Gunboat while under fire from several enemy Cruisers
Cata and Battleship.Melinda: Destruction of atleast 3 capital ships
Macross.Police: Destruction of atleast 3 capital ships with careful and precise Mortar shots
Recovery of pods fell to Lieutenant Richard Dallison, onboard the LPT-Greenville who arrived in the middle of the battlefield. I would to also commend Lieutenant Dallison for bravery under fire in recovering the pods of the crew members of both the Maryland and Rasset.
Overall, a great victory for Liberty.
For Freedom and Justice, Lieutenant Commander Remus Sius
COMM ID:Vice Admiral Alan Polstari TARGET ID:Primary Fleet Command HQ SUBJECT:Outcast Influence ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Greetings, sirs.
A few incidences involving Outcasts to report. I'll summarize as follows.
I caught this vessel inbound to Planet Manhattan with a load of Cardamine, in a Pirate Transport no less. He managed to make planetside before I could properly interdict him, though I saw him launch again. I attempted to help him clear his name, but he found the fine to be too much and returned to the planet. Recommend immediate revocation of his docking rights to prevent such an incident in the future.
Speaking of Outcast influence, we had an incursion involving a pair of their dreadnaughts. We had a carrier ravaged due to their assault, but both of their vessels were put out of action. Combat gunshots as follows.
Greetings officers .
First of all , i have to say that in the last battle , due to enemy fire , i had some damages on my ships external survailance system and also on the ships comunication system , nothing serious but still that delayed my outgoig transmission with a few days .
This is a clasified comunication , giving the fact that it shows both some of Liberty Navy tactics and also of the Rheinland and Hellfire fleets .
I just uploaded the logs from these 2 battle , please take a minute to analize them and i’m sure that their tactics , especialy on the rheinland side , will be countered even more succesfully in the near future .
COMM ID:Recruit Sikk, Violia TARGET ID:Primary Fleet Headquarters SUBJECT:Training and battle reports ENCRYPTION: Low PRIORITY: Low
Good day!
My first day on the job was quite the trip. From being thrown out of the Bering gate just as I jumped, to blowing a wing off of my own ship, to aiding in the destruction of an Outcast dreadnaught. It's been a busy day!
And busy days lead to a lot of hours clocked in. I've reached the eight hours needed to move on from the Executioner, as such! I've forwarded the data from my ship to confirm this.
COMM ID:Ensign Sikk, Violia TARGET ID:Primary Fleet Headquarters SUBJECT:Combat Report ENCRYPTION: Medium PRIORITY: Medium
Good Evening!
I'm leaving a report on an... incident at the California gate, moments ago.
There were reports of two bombers firing Torpedos at Long Island Station, and I went to check it out. Finding nothing, and being told they were heading towards West Point, I pursued. I found the two bombers. And a fleet.
Ten, fifteen, possibly even twenty ships in total, there were pirates of all kinds. Outcasts, Rogues, Gallics, Golden Chrysanthemums. There was even an Outcast Dreadnaught. An LPI officer was already caught in the middle of the brawl with a portion of the fleet at the California gate, and so was another officer, a miss Ryley. Still in my Executioner, I engaged.
It was utter chaos, and surprisingly, to our advantage. Our small numbers meant it was less likely for us to collide with each other when focusing a target, and having little skill of their own, the pirates couldn't manage to down a single one of us. While we weren't especially fruitful in our endeavors, miss Ryley landed an amazing shot on one Barghest, and we damaged a great number of their ships, whom of which fled into California, and scattered like roaches in the light.
Below are the few guncams I could get, one of which seeming to be partially corrupted.
I am astounded by the skill of those I am working with, and am more than impressed by the Executioner I thought was lacking before. It dodged like a dream.
What a day.
Ensign Sikk, signing out!
The message ends with her sounding quite excited still.
COMM ID:Ensign Sikk, Violia TARGET ID:Primary Fleet Headquarters SUBJECT:Combat Report ENCRYPTION: Medium PRIORITY: Medium
Good Evening!
Today was all kinds of hectic. It began with a sighting of.. nomads, near the Pennsylvania gate. I was shortly briefed on them, but I was not especially certain what to do with them. But seeing only one classed as a bomber, and the other seeming to be a harmless morph, I went in.
I was driven off by a Purifier class vessel shortly afterwards however. I called for reinforcements, and two vessels came to my aid. The SFC|LNS-Nidhogg, a Dreadnaught, and the LNS-Chimaera, a Siege Cruiser. When the captain of the Nidhogg arrived, he feigned inability to access the asteroid field, and cloaked while the Purifier chased me further away. The Chimaera arrived soon after, and engaged the Purifier. Taking advantage of the situation, the Nidhogg closed in, and uncloaked near the Nomad vessel, and together they succeeded in taking it down. I had managed to take care of my own target, the bomber, in that time. The images for that are corrupted, however, and I could not salvage them.
Next, there was an intrusion in the Alaska system, a Kishrio vessel hauling furs. As per regulation, and with no one to ask for any alternate solutions, I had to destroy the vessel. Thankfully, their pod was recovered, and is safe at Battleship Missouri.
There was another vessel running through Alaska shortly after that transport. To my utter confusion, it was a KNF gunboat, and it opened fire as soon as it saw me. Fortunately for me though, they were a terrible shot, and I was slowly tearing it apart when officer Pete Levine came along to help me finish the poor sod. I could not find the escape pod afterwards, so their fate is unknown.
With a bit of a change of pace, I and officer Jensen escorted one of our logistics vessels, the Odyssey to Bretonia. It was uneventful, and nice and quiet.
The action ramped right up again when I found a Legionnaire bomber slowly taking apart a fairly ill-equipped battlecruiser. I wasn't capable of destroying it in time, the Battlecruiser already fairly beat up, but I managed to destroy the bomber. It had become quite the clustermuck in a short time.
Lastly, the low of my day. An Outcast Dreadnaught that had been roaming Liberty had been destroyed by the good captains of the secondary fleet, and we even downed a destroyer, as seen here, I came to realize I'm no match for the Reavers, even in their bombers. They managed to destroy one of our gunboats, and I was just plain incapable of combating even their bombers.
I'm seeking fighter training as we speak.
It's been a busy second day, and while those Reavers took a toll on me throughout it, I'm looking forwards to the next!
COMM ID: Recruit William Jensen TARGET ID:Primary Fleet Command HQ SUBJECT:Clocked Time/Report ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Greetings, sirs.
Well....I shall Begin......Well 2 Days ago.....once i Launched from Battleship Missouri in New york......I Found a Pirate Named ~VP)Joe.Wilson..At Norfolk, I Was Called to California ASAP, Well He wanted a Fight But i Had a Priority in California, But He didn't listen, and the Result was His Death.......BOOM
Subject:Clocked Hours. Well My 8 Hours Clocked Time is finished
COMM ID:Commander Rohj Teerin TARGET ID:Liberty Forces Reporting Center SUBJECT:Meeting with VWA| (Bundchuh) ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:Medium
Commander Teerin reporting.
I had a bit of a meeting with a VWA Kommandant a few days back. This guy, Klugmann, asked to speak with me in New Hampshire, and spoke there for quite some time. It would seem that they seek a discreet, mutual agreement between our forces. These VWA - don't ask me what that stands for - are the paramilitary of Rheinland's Bundschuh party. Admiral Polstari, you're gonna like this. Transmission logs.
Teerin, over and out.
"You see what your knowledge tells you you're seeing. ... how, what you think the universe is, and how you react to that in everything you do, depends on what you know. And when that knowledge changes, for you, the universe changes. And that is as true for the whole of society as that is for the individual. We all are what we know, today. What we knew yesterday, was different; and so were we."
- James Burke, The Day the Universe Changed (1985)
You may or may not have been aware that my private situation has been causing a lot of stress and also influenced my way of operating. I will save you the details of this situation. Due to this I’ve decided to take a step back and requested to be transferred to the secondary fleet where I should have less pressure on my shoulders. And with that I hope to use the extra energy to solve the situation at home.
This message is to confirm my immediate leave from the Navy’s primary fleet. It was a pleasure to fly with you people and I did feel at home even when it was only for a limited time. I hope you continue to do your duty with honour but also with pleasure as it makes your job a lot easier.