My name is Ian Zerg. I am an Executive of ALG Waste disposal corporation. During initial negotiations and information exchange, i will represent the trade department of ALG Waste Disposal - the ships bearing the visual und transponder tag of bracket ALG bracket (//[ALG]).
For now, [ALG] would like to learn additional details of your proposition (joint recycling of metals und scrap collected by your ships in New London system).
In particular, we would like you to clarify:
- if your proposition still stands;
- if your proposition stands for [ALG] in particular;
- if your proposition is limited only to cooperating in New London system - und if not, then to which "other areas" outside of New London system your proposition refers to;
- if your proposition is about long-term cooperation, or short-term (several days up to a month) cooperation;
- whether you would like to use a more secure channel to discuss sensitive details - such as information about particular ships, locations, routes, times, types und quantities of matherials (i mean encryption types "PM" or "Skyp3").
We possibly will have additional questions based on the information you would provide in response to the above.
The following notes may be useful for you to read before you would send us the reply to the above. Strictly lawful cooperation only: while doing checks for your company's affiliations and background, we have found that there is some noticeable tension between Orbital syndicate and Bretonian law enforcement forces. While nothing too serious by itself, it still forces me to make it clear that [ALG] will not participate in any unlawful activities, such as smuggling - no matter how "personal" or "small time" it might be. We know your people are often found in desperate situations, und thus are forced to resort to desperate means; however, [ALG] vessels are guests in Bretonian space, und so it is of double importance for us to not break the law. We hope you understand und respect this. Limits of my personal authority during this here information exhange: binding agreements between our organizations, in case any will be prepared und shaped by our future negotiations here - will need to be considered und approved by [ALG] headquarters to take any effect. Limited cooperation scale (at present date): most of our transport captains are very busy people both on und off the bridge, therefore we cannot promise that any of them would be available for cooperation with your company at specific given particular times or dates. Also, quite naturally, we are putting highest priority to the needs of [ALG] itself, und our allies. Possibility of limited cooperation: it is possible our vessels will sometimes have both the time und capacity to provide significant service to Orbital syndicate. Especially if it would be beneficial to our captains und to [ALG] as a whole. Timing of cooperation: for now, it will be difficult or impossible for [ALG] to provide fully reliable prior schedule for our services, und this may or may not change if future relations between our companies would become massively productive.
Ian B.E. Zerg,
Auf Wiederhören.
Do you see the groundhog there? No? Me neither. But, it's there nonetheless.
From: Peter Freeman - Junk sector sales manager.
To: Ian B.E. Zerg - Executive of [ALG]
Encrypt level: ||||||||||
Guten tag sir Zerg,
First of all let me say that it is a pleasure to see [ALG] is interested in our small operations at New London system.
As you may know we have already contact another branch of the ALG corporation, thus we are more than pleased that more offices are interested in our humble production. In other words, we are open to operate with all ALG offices. Said that i must addmit that our current fleet is not that great, so the current rates of recycled componetns is stucked at an "average" levels(1).
As for our area of operation, we basically gather those components and scrap from the Leeds war front and then we proceed to classify by size and density at our floating districts at New London, where the shipments are organized. However it we can deliver such production through Bretonia and surrounding systems(2).
I guess that the contract type rests at your corporations needs, if you're in need of a permanet supply of recycled components will be happy to be your suppliers, being temporary shipments, or permanent stock replenishing. To ensure an efective organization i bet that Sky.p3(3) protocols will be the best way to arrange those contracts.
Regaridng the contract clauses, we have read it and we are agreed with all the points redacted. I would like to clarify that regarding point 1, we are working to generate jobs for our members thus lowering levels of unemployment. Having a new contract with a corporation like your one will reduce the chanes our most humble fellows falls to the "wrong" way.
I hope i have clarified some of your questions. We will keep this transmission frequency open for further discussions, so if you don't have any objection we will turn this channel to the main way to contact you or receive communications from your corporation.
Best regards, Peter Freeman
///// OOC:
1) As you may know we don't have a big playerbase so despite we are eager to have ingame RP, contracts and such, we have the player activity level handicap. Got an idea to solve this in part. We can discuss it later in skype
2) Bretonian house system + 2 systems away
3) skype account: tiberio_benitez
You surely do not lose any time. I did not expect your reply to be done so soon. Impressive.
It may be very convinient that you are able to deliver loads around Bretonia und especially to nearby systems. I will make a query whether we may use one of large installations of our allies located there to have some cargo space rented for possible matherials exchange.
It is still not defined by you whether we are talking about possibly long-term, short-term, or occasional cooperation. From what i can read, it seems you are seeking long-term cooperation primarily, but i am not completely sure. Please distinct that i am asking not about what Orbital syndicate _can_ do, - i am asking about what Orbital syndicate _would like_ to do. Knowing this will help us to plan our possible activities and indeed this very negotiation, as well; best business is mutually beneficial business, und for this, we need to know what it is that Orbital syndicate _wants_ the most, und then consider if we can provide it.
I believe we can discuss further details through Sky.p3-protected channel. I will contact you in near future. However, i will need to contact my superior first, to settle a couple of procedural concerns. I hope, but can not be sure, that both will happen today.
Ian B.E. Zerg,
Auf Wiederhören.
Do you see the groundhog there? No? Me neither. But, it's there nonetheless.
While our initial agreement is still in process of final consideration of [ALG] headquarters, Falster base administration has already made adjustments needed, fulfilling my request. Furthermore, papers which i now have on my desk indicate that 4700 units of toxic waste were already delivered to Falster, i assume by one of your vessels, - und soon after, all that waste was transported to the ALG refinery by one of our transports.
All signs i see - suggest, so far, that our cooperation will be approved by [ALG] headquarters. However, i ask you to wait with doing any further cooperation until formal confirmation und approval be given by [ALG] high-ranking official, or president Nelly Sachs herself. If i am mistaken - if [ALG] headquarters will not approve forms of cooperation we two agreed upon, - then both you und me might be very glad we did not jump to do full-scale cooperation right away.
In the same time, i need your help with another projekt. I believe your company has quite a number of mining vessels - und, [ALG] needs sigifnicant amoung of one specific sort of scrap metals to be delivered to one of our clients. While time quite allows for it be done in background, i personally would like to see it done as soon as possible. I believe your miners are very capable to provide the sort we need, collecting it from debree in New London system, which is, conviniently, your home system. Amount needed by [ALG] is approximatly 34600 units. I designated the captain of [ALG]-TGX-Ipf transport to seek contact with your miners, to coordinate with them, to explain what kinds of scrap are required, und to perform deliveries when loaded full. He is instructed to compensate your miners with roughly 1617,8 credits per every unit of scrap loaded on board of his ship (given Ipf's current cargo capacity, loading full cargo hold of Ipf will earn your miners 8.000.000 credits). This price is significantly higher than usually paid for this kind of mathrials at the point of extraction, und the only reason i offer it - is because i'd like to see this particular amount of scrap delivered to my client as soon as possible. The price is valid only for 34615 units of scrap in question; while it is likely we will need more of it in future, but for any future loads, we would need to negotiate a price which would be equally satisfying for our companies.
Transport [ALG]-TGX-Ipf, mentioned above, is very likely to be looking to proceed with this delivery-of-scrap operation today - starting ~5 hours after sending of this here message, und for several hours forth since then. If needed amount is not delivered today, then Ipf will be looking to do it tomorrow, same time.
I hope this can be a very good business for your miners. Und of course, together, we would make New London system both cleaner und safer, which, i believe, is especially useful for your people. In the same time, proper waste disposal has a special value for most for us here in [ALG], whereever it's being done.
Please express your agreement or rejection of this little scrap-metals operation here, und(or) to the captain of [ALG]-TGX-Ipf directly.
awaiting your reply,
.....Ian B.E. Zerg,
.....Auf Wiederhören.
Do you see the groundhog there? No? Me neither. But, it's there nonetheless.
I am quite pleased to see that joint extraction of scrap metals did happen, Peter. In the same time, it's needed to mention the lack of puncuality, demonstrated by one of your miners, which resulted in only partial fulfillment of my latest offer, und a minor loss of time for 3 of our transports. But then i am quite pleased to read, in one of transports' reports, that one of loads of scrap metals was provided free of charge. All this together makes me generally willing to consider further cooperation when possible, but also to ask you to implement better systems of scheduling, workforce distribution und control, where possible. Such an improvement would be good for Orbital syndicate itself too, i believe.
The business of delivering of said amount of scrap metals to our client - is now complete; at the moment i have no other limited-scale operations which i could present for your consideration.
I still wait for formal approval from headquarters for our initial, general agreement for lasting cooperation in processing of scrap metals und toxic waste matherials. Once again, please hold on with it, until (und if) formal approval from [ALG] higher-ranking official would be given in this channel.
.....Ian B.E. Zerg,
.....Auf Wiederhören.
Do you see the groundhog there? No? Me neither. But, it's there nonetheless.
After being informed und brought up to speed regarding the cooperation between our two companies, und hearing about the aid The Orbitals gave to my employees which in turn caused us to complete a contract in a quicker time-frame, Ich can only say that Ich, und ALG, is looking forward to this mutual agreement."
"In case needed Ich am practically always available, however, due to my stressing position, Ich do believe you know what Ich mean herr Freeman, any contact between the two companies on the end of ALG will be led by herr Zerg, who has taken great care of this so far."
"Ich wish us all the best, und more importantly, a wealthy relationship."