Well met, gentlemen of the ALG Waste Disposal corporation.
I am Executor Gregory Tanner of the Warhound Brigade, a secondary branch of the Bounty Hunters' Guild Core.
I've been told by trustworthy sources, namely the IMG, that you may be able to help us in a certain matter. The Brigade is looking forward into... expanding, thus the need for some goods being obtained - and since you most likely have the means necessary for such an endeavor, i'd like to make a small contract with you for this kind of delivery.
Further terms may be discussed if you prove to be interested.
Have a pleasant evening. I'll be waiting for a reply.
"Well met indeed, gentleman Tanner. The name's Nelly, Nelly Sachs, current president of ALG."
"Ja, Ich suppose we would be the right company to contact, especially concerning certain.... commodities with require sensitive handling. When it comes to raw bulk Ich would advise to contact Gateway, but perhaps it's wise to discuss what you require. My ears are open. Awaiting your demands."
I find it as a good sign to see you responded so promptly. Now, going to business - as i've mentioned we would require certain "goods". Our technicians have brought a full list, with the proper numbers:
Basic Alloys - 1000
Ship Hull Panels - 500
Superconductors - 300
Beryllium - 200
Optronics - 220
Now, i am honestly not entirely aware of your usual "staging area", so i'll present multiple options regarding the delivery location. The best position for us would be Freeport 11 within Omicron Delta - the nearest point to our own facilities. Still, if this is too far or dangerous for your employees, we don't mind having the goods brought to Rostock Station in Omega-15.
I'll be awaiting your response and - hopefully - price. Have a pleasant day.
Before the camera fee starts rolling some background noise is heard, coughing and a bit of weezing. It then switches to imagery of Nelly and her cool refound.
"Ja, responding in a timely matter is always important, especially when it comes to those Ich hire on a regular basis to save this old sack of flesh & bones."
"Although our company tells our employees to stay away from the deep Omicrons, we're not uncommon, all that much, with Omicron Delta. The hardest part usually is finding someone nuts enough to do it. Und in this case Ich have gut news. Ich have found that person. Her name is Magdalena Atzenbruck und is a former hunter herself und was willing for this, interesting, job. She enlisted in ALG quite recently und is already standing out on keeping the records clean und safe."
"Ich have ran the numbers down to the offices and they calculated a price estimated on the price of each item, fuel cost, potential bribing und safety measures und received a raw price of 6,562,000 million Sirius credits. In uncertain events upon entering the Omicrons Ich shall move that up towards 7,500,000 million, und because of our ships und pilots not being insured upon entry of those 'staging areas' add another 2,500,000 to make sure the pilots kin receives it in case of death or when missing in action. Ich would highly appreciate it, und Ich think Magdalena wouldn't be hesitant either, if you would consider making a personal 'donation', whatever you see fit, to her personal bank details when the requested cargo has been safely stored at a location of your choosing, for her trouble flying a big target such as her ship into what Ich have heard to be Nomad infested territories. This, however, is up to you. The bill itself is a mere 10,000,000 million Sirius credits, with my assurance that the ship hull panels come straight from Dortmund Station, our station in the New Berlin system made with precision Rheinland engineering, they shall not disappoint you, nor anyone, for that matter."
"In case you accept the price I'll forward this transmission and its codes towards my pilot, who will be taken care of the rest on her own, only to report to me personally upon completion. Ich hope we can make this a start for a strong friendship between our two companies."
I find it wonderful that you agree to aid us and even that you already found someone for the job. Needless to say, the entire commotion will lead to some proper remuneration given to your corporation and the said transport captain that takes up this endeavor.
I'm fairly certain that 12 million SC (having included a small bonus) won't empty our pockets too much, while Miss Atzenbruck can expect some reward as well, especially if she was formerly one of us.
I think we can say we have a deal. It would be good, though, if you relayed the codes for your corporation's neural-net banks and the full transponder codes of the transport we should expect.
I volunteered for this delivery and I am eager to make this interesting journey.
I am reviewing commerce net data to plan the route to acquire the materials and prepping my ship for the journey.
Are the supplies to be delivered directly to the Freeport, or is there a more specific destination or a contact that will receive them?
If you tell me this, I will be happy to start right away.
My transport's callsign is [ALG]-TGX-Hannover[R]
We have agreed that the payment will go to my account in full, and I will then transfer the company payout to our bank.
It's a pleasure speaking to you in person and i'm glad to hear you're already making preparations. Regarding your destination - yes, the materials are to be delivered directly at the Freeport, from where our own men will take them to our facility. I do hope you understand the need for some security measures, though, yes?
Then again - i recommend you send me some details of the time when you will arrive, so i can either come myself or send someone to meet you. I would find it rude on our side if you wouldn't be greeted by someone after such a long trip.
Have a lovely evening. I hope to hear from you soon.
I not only understand any security measures you are planning to take, but am grateful for them.
As I am writing this, I am preparing my ship for the journey. I cannot say precisely when I will arrive, but hopefully it will be within the next hour or so in standard Sirius time.
I look forward to meeting your people at the Freeport, and I will contact you once again when I arrive in any case.
It was more than wonderful doing business with both of you, as with ALG itself. I reckon such contracts may be repeated if the need ever arises, though for now, i can only thank you for helping us with the needed materials and wish you the best in your future endeavors.
On a side note - Miss Atzenbruck, i apologize for leaving in haste, but duty never allows one in my position to rest, as i've previously mentioned.
I'm very pleased the deal worked out to both of our liking, and I do hope you contact us if you need a similar service.
And there is no need for an apology, if you must leave then you must leave.
Me personally, but also I believe the rest of our company, would not delay a customer with needless babble when they have important things to do.
Anyway, I am happy for this deal and how it worked out. I hope my work will bring me to Delta, a truly beautiful and unique system, once again.