After the flight, Reynard met the captain personally on the bridge. He was a bit anxious about the circumstances of the little trip inside Kusari territory.
"I'm not paranoid Richard, I'm truly not, but the way things happened are generating second thoughts. We passed two sectors yet no people were found around us. No one contacted us... that is strange."
Takes a cigarette out of his packet along with a lighter and then starts smoking while staring through the windows.
"I'm not saying we might have problems but assuming danger always keeps us on the right track. The trip was dominated by the "Order" so "Chaos" will appear soon enough."
Suddenly, Reynard looks for something and takes a seat shortly.
"But then, I must admit you have a nice vessel Rich... As far as the bar is filled with booze and cigars I'm honestly satisfied with this place.Still I have a request. Could you arrange a small hole, like a cabin inside this metal can? I need a few things in it, so take this list and provide the following please" A dodgy smiles appears on Reynard's face.
After the little chit chat Reynard salutes then walks away towards the bar of the ship...
"If you need anything lad, just tell it..." Smiles, then leaves the bridge.
~Declare yourself what you wish, do what you like and tell us about it. Or, if you prefer, don’t.~
"Well.... *coughs* Now that you've mentioned it... I have a few precious goods in mind... but now is not the time to bother you with it... ", and with that he emptied the entirety of his glass...
Richard looked Gibbles straight in the face.. Gibbles felt a little ackward. When suddenly Richard took out a data-pad and did type a little. Then he handed it over to Gibbles. It showed schematics of the Barrel.Roll. With several adjustments which Gibbles did notice.
"We recently had problems with the rear engines malfunctioning. After hours of research my crew did found out it had to do with the power relays. Due to this we had to adjust them. I suggest you will look also into the Hakim Bey and the Total Eclipse if they might have the same issue."
Gibbles was surprised he did not expect this. He took a look closer to the data-pad.. In the meantime Richard took sip of his glass of water.
"But this is not the issue I did reach out for you. I wanted to ask you if you could help out with the transportation. We have an issue with several stations and planets where we cannot dock. I did hear you have a transport vessel which did serve you quite well. I hoped you could haul these goods so the ship would be supplied."
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Reynard turned to the hangar crew members and asked their help to prepare the bomber for a flight. Meanwhile he asked permission from the Richard to survey the nearby system and the surrounding gas field.
"So, lets see if there are any cabbages around...I wanna shoot something... anything. Even a small asteroid is enough."
Reynard was sitting in the cockpit checking all the system, when a light suddenly turned green signing that everything is in order and he can depart. The bomber was ejected into space very quickly.
"Rich do you copy?... The hell you do!" *laughs* "You are always keeping an eye on me, terrified of having your nice little vessel damaged by a drunk pilot eh? I'm gonna check Tohoku for you and return in a few hours.. Would you prepare some wine for me while I'll get back? Thank you."
The bomber was headed to the nearest jumphole, then entered Tohoku. The system was pretty friendly, the sun was shining on Reynard's face.
"Wha' the hellll?! I'm not on a vacation on Manhattan's beach, so lets leave sun bathing for others.."
After a few hours of flying the bomber's tank was empty so Reynard was forced to turn back. The small vessel docked, Reynard returned to his quarters. He wanted to sleep but realised that the captain asked him to forward a message.
"Let's get this over with!
Stepped near a comm terminal and prepared the message,
..::Message::.. ID: Reynard Gull
Kallisti Doc!
I want to inform you that we arrived to Nagano, so you can arrange your business here.
Thats all, I guess.
Contact Rich if you need more info on that.
After sending the message he uploaded the photos, taken during the flight, to the internal comm channel.
DATA: ▬▬▬
~Declare yourself what you wish, do what you like and tell us about it. Or, if you prefer, don’t.~
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Doc was lost on such a monstrous ship. Even Med.Force.One wasn't this easy to get lost in. His medical facilities were up to his standards, as much as they could be anyway. With that, he placed his sidearms in his belt in front of him, covered in his robes, and went about finding the bridge....or anyone that could get him where he needed to be.
As Richard was handing over the datapad to Gibbles, he knew that this was not the real reason... why Richard called him over....
Several trips on board the Hakim Bey earned Gibbles enough experience to dissect and analyze the interiors of any Barge... The Barrel Roll was no exception.
"Hmm... no.. that's not it... but wait a minute..", Gibbles said as he was looking over the schematics. He was suprised at first but then he recalled similar ones onboard the Hakim Bey... but these were far different.
Reports of rear engine malfunction weren't common onboard the Hakim Bey. Gibbles noticed that the power flux arrays had been practically reduced to about one-fifths of the ship... but this had been augmented as the Barrel Roll did not have defensive weaponry. Still, one could see that the flow of power from the core to the rest of ship was sketchy. Several cords were supplying power to one sector of the ship... eventually overheating that affected sector. One such sector was the rear engine compartment. Gibbles zoomed in on the problem.
"I know what your problem is, Mister Cole.... your entire power supply system is chaotic... With several cords leading to one sector...", he pointed out as he showed the affected area to Richard.
With a swish of his hand, he showed a simulation of the same problem,"This would overheat the entire compartment.... the reason why your rear engines were malfunctioning... I would suggest proper re-wiring of such cords... in a sense... balancing of the power. But I leave the diversion of such power to you...."
He pondered for a while... of what Richard would show him next...
Though there were... but a few... precious encounters between these two men... it seems as if he already knew everything about Richard Cole.
Quote:"But this is not the issue I did reach out for you. I wanted to ask you if you could help out with the transportation. We have an issue with several stations and planets where we cannot dock. I did hear you have a transport vessel which did serve you quite well. I hoped you could haul these goods so the ship would be supplied."
Gibbles was relieved when Richard told him of his plan. This type of problem was the most crucial, if not, most lacking of the Barge. Loading and unloading... Luckily for Richard... Gibbles had several contacts within TAZ....
One particular Pope-Captain.... Rainus Saucisson.
"Thats not problem... Richard... I've got the right man for the job.", he grins.
Tim Gibbles and Pope-Captain Rainus Saucisson met a few years ago on Planet Gran Canaria when the Pope-Captain was conducting a few Deuterium contracts for the GMG. Similar to Bannon, Rainus almost immediately knew that he and Gibbles was to become good friends.
Richard thinks what to respond. He just had help from samurians to fill the ship up. But he has another idea.
"We could use him indeed, If you could contact him to get over here he could maybe help assist us on our journey. If you could contact him, in the meantime I will order a drink."
Gibbles just left to contact captain Rainus Saucisson, when suddenly Dr. John Henry Holliday passes while he was looking for the Bridge.
"Kallisti Doc, You seem lost. I suppose you where looking for me?"
While Richard was talking to Doc a waitress came for the drinks
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Doc was annoyed. He didn't like being on a big ship that he didn't know where he was going. He wasn't happy with the sick bay either but made the best of it before heading out.
"I'm annoyed," he answered Richard, "I've been wondering for well over an hour, trying to figure out where the hell I am and the sick bay...........I sure as hell hope we don't have any major catastrophes here."
Seeing the waitress, he took a glass from her tray. Not knowing what it was, he hammered it.
"Nice.....Bourbon." He grabbed another and did the same, placing both empty glasses back on the tray. He then winked at the waitress, left a tip and pinched her butt.
After Doc his words Richard got a smile on his face. "The ship is huge indeed. But i was wondering i did not ask you to tag along on this journey for nothing ofcourse. I was hoping you could take care of our sick bay and maybe find some improvements."
he took a sip from his drink
"You might be aware that we are now within the system called Nagano. Captain Reynard did do some scouting reports and if I am not mistaken he did relay his last one to you. I think it might be valuable for your research."
Richard gives a wink towards Doc Holliday. "I must give you one warning. The Barrel.Roll will stay within Nagano. I am sure you can understand with those blue yonders flying around on the other side of the jumphole. I cannot risk the lives of the crew onboard. And i hope you agree with me."
he takes another look ad Doc Holliday and is curious about his response.
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Gibbles made his way to the scenic part of the bar.... where a magnificent scene unveiled itself...
Time passed since he was onboard the Barrel.Roll back in Baffin.... they were no longer there... instead... what greeted Gibbles... was a misty purple cloud with the light of the system's sun piercing through it.
What the.... where are we?
Gibbles didn't knew it... but they were already at Nagano....
What the hell was in that cognac....
The sheer beauty of the cloud stunned Gibbles momentarily.... but after some time... he regained his sense... and began to contact Pope-Captain Rainus.