I was looking at the Corse Repsheet, and it says their enemies are GRN/GRP/Gallic corps. SO I thought;
"OK you'd expect them to be repped friendlier to Bretonians than Gallians," but no they are repped undockable to Bretonian bases, but they can dock on GRN bases, who are apparently their enemies! They are also not allowed to pirate in Gallia, and can enforce house law. So the repsheet is saying they are GRN enemies, whereas the ID/Rephack is saying they are allies/neutrals. Am I the only one who thinks this is weird?
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I believe what the UC is supposed to be like has changed over time; thus the mention of GRP/GRN being enemies - sorta like how the Coalition still has "everyone else" as enemies, even though they're allied / friendly with Hessians and Mollys, or how the Hessians are described as being allied with the Unioners despite being hostile / unfriendly these days.
The UC diplomacy itself is very strange, though. They are essentially a lawful organization similar to the Hogosha, and it's mentioned that they even act as "bounty hunters" at times, taking out dangerous criminals.
Yet, at the same time, they're allied with the Brigands and Maquis? Doesn't make sense at all.
The faction description infocard is wrong. The UC are not strictly pirates or outlaws, more like mafia who know how to give the right credits to the right GRP officers so that their Nox-dealing escapades fly under the radar. As they do not pirate Gallic corporations, nor do they have an overt anti-Crown political stance, they are not enemies of the state. Basically, they play on both sides of the line for their own profit.
What Echo 7-7 said is correct. And as for the Bretonian reps, it probably has to do with how the current and old IDs allow for demanding credits and cargo outside of Gallic house space. Pirating ships next to their sell point then selling it for yourself is frowned upon, and thus dealt with by this. Kusari has similar rephacks in place.
"You see what your knowledge tells you you're seeing. ... how, what you think the universe is, and how you react to that in everything you do, depends on what you know. And when that knowledge changes, for you, the universe changes. And that is as true for the whole of society as that is for the individual. We all are what we know, today. What we knew yesterday, was different; and so were we."
- James Burke, The Day the Universe Changed (1985)