. Roger Kent, your request to join the Armed Forces is being checked over now.
In the meantime sign the documents which have been sent to you. Those should give us a good picture of your tactical evaluation and personal one.
Those should be sent back to me in the next two weeks not any later than that.
“This font is good people said, this font is awesome others said, I say it works well enough to waste 2 seconds of your life reading this.”
An unusually cool breeze blew through the streets, and New London's sky was covered by clouds. At least as far as Marylin could tell. As she could only see the evenly distributed gray up there, the woman lowered her head again, to look back at the buildings infront of her. A moderately visited coffee shop, offering a special kind of cappucino or whatever today. Left of it, there was a restaurant which obviously already had seen better days. However, the old waitress, serving the three guests who decided to have their lunch there, did not look like she would give up that fast.
Marylin could not help, but smile slightly. 'Not giving up, that's what the whole thing's all about, let's be honest'.[/i]
Not giving up, against all odds. Only recently, these "odds" were a group of gallic combat vessels that managed to bypass all defense mechanisms, being able to enter the heart of Bretonia, the New London system. Only thinking about how she had heared of it in the latest Neuralnet News made Marylin shiver. That was just too much of it. This scenery of the coffee shop and the restaurant, the people being in there, everything. The gallic invaders, seeking revenge for whatever, they threatened everything. And if nobody decides to oppose them, they were all lost very soon...
"Hey, 'Lin, you're still sure of that, aren't you? And I can't convince you too, let's say come with me again to have a nice coffee, and we find you something less...dangerous to do?"
The woman rolled her eyes."Come on, Geoffrey, we had this kind of conversation often enough now. It's nice that you try to help your 'little, poor sister' getting her things sorted, but I don't really need your help half as much as you may think! So how about I thank you for driving me and you leave without complaining, heh?"
In resignation, the man, Geoffrey, raised his hands. "Okay, okay! So, goodbye and all that. Don't forget to call me later, alright?"But Marylin already had turned her back to Geoffrey. With nothing more than a vague gesture, probably meaning "goodbye" Marylin walked towards another building, with the national colours of Bretonia printed on the walls.
"Heya there. Sorry, could you help me? Marylin Karlsson, I want to..." Marylin suddenly stopped talking as the man infront of her, standing behind a long counter, slowly raised a hand, pointing at a stack of papers."It's obvious why you are here, and don't worry, we appreciate that. But you know, I've got other stuff to do. So just take one of the application forms there and fill it out, wouldn't you, please?".Nodding, Marylin grabbed one of the mentioned forms, and had a look over it. It seemed to be nothing more than a document with which one could state that one is interested in joining the Armed Forces. However, the woman grabbed a pen, filling out this first form.
With handing in this document, I, Marylin Karlsson, living in Cattlebourgh, Planet New Londonexpress my whish of joining the Bretonian Armed Forces. I ensure that I am 20years old, and thus older than 16 years.[...]
Squished bigly ~Champ- Thanks, you're a champ. "What's the word for when it feels inside your heart that everything in the world is all right?"
Watching how so many people were filling out the forms for recruitment into the Armed Forces Mike took a pencile and sat down in the makeshift Recruiting office, going over the latest forms that came through in a small cartboard box.
Right then time to finish this task once again, I really ought to employ a secretary or something like that for this job.
Going over the form and stamping the ones that were suitable for further training and handed them out in the same cartboard box in which they came in.
. Marylin Karlsson, [/size][/b][/color] Roger Kent your applications to join the Armed Forces are accepted. Welcome Ensigns.
“This font is good people said, this font is awesome others said, I say it works well enough to waste 2 seconds of your life reading this.”
Name:Tyrone Thomas Location:Planet New London Subject:Recruitment
Dear Bretonia Armed Forces,
My name is Tyrone Thomas or Ty for short. I was born on Planet New London to Military Parents. Both of my parents worked in the Bretonia Police and wanted me to follow their footsteps. I wanted to do more, I wanted to protect the Great House of Bretonia. I finished Fight Academy on Planet New London 2 years ago. I was there for 6 years, training to fly snub crafts. I am now 22 years old, I was in Flight Academy since I was 16 years old. Now I want to protect and serve the Great House of Bretonia.
I get up in the morning and go to the recruitment center. I'm very excited. The admiral is calling me: "Paul Kerashi come in." I go in. " Then he begins to ask me some questions that I answer. Admiral: ""Why do you want to be recruited?" I answer it: "My brother was killed in an incident of the Molly's dismembered and then I want to prevent something in the future." Admiral: "Ok well I can understand it but I must still ask them some questions."
"How old are you?"
"Place of residence and place of birth?"
"New London City in London."
"Family Members?"
"Yes, a mother and a father?"
"Flight skills?"
"Well sir, I was allowed to make my flight test on a salvaged scrapped Bretonian bomber."
"Combat skills?"
"Good combat skills and I always follow the command to."
Admiral "Very nice to hear".
"Thank you SIr they have taken the time."
I step out and I am obviously relieved that it went so well.
Describe briefly your reasons for joining:
Well, I have some basic combat experience on the simulators, and then I turned to an escort fighter for Gateway to fly. The pay was pretty bad and we were constantly attacked by pirates and Molly fighting groups and my colleagues had not enough fight experience so i turned to the army.I have withnessed one of your battles, which I saw really amazing and tactical. I forgot to write my ship,my ship is a bretonia armed force challenger Bomber. My name is Paul Kerashi.My ship's current name is BAG)Pvt|Paul.Kerashi.Well now I'm here first I want to thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to a response.
. Kerashi, your request to join the Armed Forces is being checked over.
In the meantime sign the documents which have been sent to you.
. Tyrone Thomas, you've had enough time to send back the files you got answered. That didn't happen so we have to reject your request to join the Armed Forces.
“This font is good people said, this font is awesome others said, I say it works well enough to waste 2 seconds of your life reading this.”
It was a frosty day outside the recruitment office. Many people are queuing outside wanting to join up. There is a woman, aged 28 sitting in the ques waiting for her name to be called out. After a long and nerve racking wait, her name was called out
The Officer in command at that time calls out "Pearson, your next". She stands up slowly, and calmly walks into the interview room. The door is closed behind her. "Take a seat". She pulls out a a leather chair and she slowly sits on hit. "Now, Miss Pearson. We have a data base of everybody that has ever joined up in the Bretonian Armed Forces, be it in a tertiary fleet, secondary fleet or the primary fleet. Seeing as you have commanded a Bretonia Dunkirk as part of a secondary fleet, I expect good things from you. I shall pull up your report. Is there anything on there I should not see?". She replies "No Sir, and please, call me Heather". The Commanding officer pulls her report up, and inside it, it had a photo if her and a breif report about her.
Heathers was born in liberty. She was born on Planet Pittsburgh in the star system of New York. She grew up with her parents, Thomas and Paige Pearson, in a big house. Her first ever job was helping her parents mine on one of the mining stations on Planet Pittsburgh. Her parents owned a company there that made quite a bit of money. Alot of that money was invested back in to their business. Alot of the spare left over money was put into savings for Heather so that she could get a degree.
When Heather was 17, her mum fell ill. She had been diagnosed with Cancer. She was battling it for about a year when she went to the doctors one day. She was told that it was terminal and that she only had 3 weeks to live. Paige eventually died leaving Thomas and Heather distort.
Heather decided that inorder to try and get over her mum, she would not get a degree. Instead she would use her money and move to Bretonia. There she would leave a peaceful life. But this changed. At the age of 19, she joined up with the Bretonia Armed forces as an Officer. She joined up with the secondary fleet, the Bretonia Royal Forces, more commonly known as the BRF. She worked on a Dunkirk for about 6 Years. During that time she rose though the ranks extremely quickly. At the age off 27, she was promoted to Captain and was given her own ship to command, the HMS-Hunt. She had a very successful run with it, she even got it part if the Auxiliary fleet. Something not many captains can do.
After a year captaining her own ship, she has decided to leave it in the hand of her XO so that she could persue her new carea.
Criminal Check
Nothing found
Report Ended
After the Commanding Officer had read though her report, he was quite amazed. "Every thing seams to be in order, Heather. You will now have to wait intill we have discussed the outcomes of this session. Thank you for being patient. Now, do you have any questions for me to answer?". She replies "No Sir. I am quite fine, I have nothing more to ask". That is fine then, you will recive your results soon. You may now leave. Thank you, Sir. Good day
Heather leaves the room, feeling quite happy with her self.