Silver mentioned you might be able to help us, and we might really need it.
You don't exactly know me, but I'm Pierre LePew, and I'm stuck on a ship. Kastille is here with me, along with a bit of my crew. I'm not going to explain what happened over comms, but I could use your help.
I need a transport to bring over some fuel to power a ship, along with room in your shipyards for a rather large vessel. If payment is needed, we can work something out, I believe.
Aye, A Transport wit Fuel could be arranged, but , it depend on t' fuel ye need. I take since Silver is with ye i can trust ye. As for t' docking room at t' Shipyard 't depends on t' size of ye ship. Once i know 'tis information i can decide if a payment is needed or not.
Oh good, this things nural net connection still works.
H-fuel works, or anything really. Enough to get a battleship from Tau-31 to your yards. Also, if you can't tell the location already, it's in Tau-31. We should be good for the week on oxygen and what little food we have, but the quicker the better, non?
Tau-31 eh, That'll be a small flight, nothin too big for us.. I can send a transport or two yer way with fuel 'n supplies. As for t' dockin space, i'll 'ave Foyle empty t' biggest bay we 'ave. As for costs.. Let's say 50 Million 'n ye can use it as long as ye like. Sounds mighty fair t' me. Transfer t' payment to [M]-Bank1 and we can get things underway.
Yer Payment 'as been received. After all that ye and yer associates do for us tis the least we can do. I'll order transports readied immediately for departure when we receive yer coordinates.