Basic Overview Full faction name:Artisan Farmers Alliance Tag: [AFA] ID/IFF: Farmers Alliance Base of Operations: Kagoshima Depot; The Kyushu System Headquarters: Akusukijima City, Planet Kyushu Secure Facilities: Tau-42 (Iojima) Operations: Disrupt foreign trade in Kusari, oppose Kishiro backed government, remove foreign influences on Kusari
The Artisan Farmers Alliance is a group dedicated to maintaining the distinct culture and traditions that have made the Kusari people strong throughout the generations. The AFA is the manifestation of the people's will to fight against the ever growing encroachment of foreign influences here in Kusari. This is achieved through various tactics ranging from boycotting and protests to actions against symbols of foreign companies to destruction of ships and cargo bound for Kusari from other Houses.
Recent political situations have led to a change of hats in the upper echelons of Kusari, an extremely leftist democratic government has come into power which now considers the attempts to preserve Kusari culture vain and antiquated. The Kishiro backed powers gave into Gallic pressure as well, allowing an entity foreign to Sirius itself into Kusari space to spread their own special form of cultural and economic contamination.
The Artisan Farmers Alliance has dedicated itself to preserving the Kusari culture and removing threats to it by force. This includes but is not limited to foreign political groups, native terrorist organizations, and threats to the wellbeing and economic independence of the common man.
With the eventual introduction of Trade Lanes, Kusari farmers were opened to competition with the rest of the Sirius Sector. They lobbied the government heavily, financed with Samura money, which had the most to lose from cheaper foreign competitors. The government acquiesced for several centuries, leading to astronomical Kusari Food prices. Eventually, under pressure from the Liberty government, Kusari reopened the agricultural imports market, despite intense lobbying by Samura.
Synth Foods moved in and became an overnight success, opening franchises in the urban areas of Honshu and New Tokyo. Demand for expensive Kyushu Food dropped, and many independent farmers were forced out of business. Feeling betrayed, some of the farmers proceeded to organize the Farmers Alliance, a militant group that lobbies for "farmers' rights" -- which include such things as government subsidies and restrictions on the sale of foreign foods in Kusari. In fact, the Farmers Alliance generally is opposed to foreign influence of any kind, particularly the Trade Lanes that have so damaged their livelihoods.
The Farmers Alliance has only become more active in the recent years. The war with Bretonia lead to increasing activism inside Kusari, the Farmers Alliance formed dozens of relief organizations for wounded veterans and sometimes taking a more proactive approach with operations in the Taus in an effort to destabilize the Bretonian war effort. However the sudden introduction of the Gallic element would quickly destabilize and cripple Kusari. In a matter of months the military was crippled, the Emperor was exiled, and the government was overthrown and replaced with a democracy which quickly became complacent with Gallia.
The Kusari way of life has never been threatened this much in the past. With numerous forces whittling down our House from multiple sides, Kusari is quickly crumbling to the tides of change. The Farmers Alliance will be the first line of defence against the cultural disintegration being spurred on by the foreigners, invasive corporations, and ruthless criminal organizations.
While the new government has declared armed AFA ships as hostile criminals due to their vigilante like actions, many planetside elements of the group remain fully sanctioned and operational. As such their more peaceful financial and relief groups continue to act unimpeded by the government, though they are watched with great suspicion now.
Areas under AFA protection
New Tokyo
Tau-42 (Iojima)
Tottori (near Cape Soya - Miyazaki)
Gaijin slaying regions
Tau 23
Tau 29
Sigma 13
Sigma 19
Sigma 17
AFA Bases and Planets
Planet Kyushu Base Administrator: Ran by Samura for the most part. But there are AFA recruitment / help facilities on the planet. Description: Our main base of operations. Most of our recruits are gathered here and shipped away to Kagoshima or Cape Soya for training. After their training is finished they will receive their ships or be sent to a base to fulfill their job. As not every member becomes a pilot.
Kagoshima Depot Base Administrator: Katsuyuki Konishi Description: The oldest Farmers Alliance base in existence. It is the workhorse base of the AFA, it provides training, ships and a safe haven for the new recruits from Kyushu. It is such an old and aging base that if it was in a more secluded part of space it would have been expanded to be several times it currents size. But the asteroid cloud doesn’t cover enough of a possible base expansion to warrant the risk. As it would draw too much attention from the KNF and the KSP should the base be expanded.
Saga Base Base Administrator:Yasumi Kitase Description: The communication and coordination hub of the AFA. Ships gather here and use advanced Samura scanning equipment on the base to find and eventually attack gaijin and kishiro convoys headed in or out of Kusari space.
Tokai Shipping Platform Base Administrator:Yosuke Hirata Description: Just like the name implies this is a shipping base to control the traffic going to and coming from Planet Miyazaki. It has large cargo stores usually filled to the brim with rice and other agricultural products to ship to places in Kusari and beyond. Samura handles most of the base administration whereas the AFA handles security and menial labour tasks.
Planet Miyazaki Base Administrator:Shinichiro Yatate Description:Considered by many in both the AFA and Samura to be not only a great farming planet, capable of even beating Kyushu in production but also to be a great tourist destination, rivaling Gaia in beauty. If it wasn’t in a system with Angry, Xenophobic farmers the planet would most likely be exploited by the OS&C or the Samura Tourism board. Still, families part of the AFA and the Samura Corporate Family are sometimes seen in orbit of Miyazaki in Geisha luxury liners. There are even rumors on the Tokai Shipping Platform that plenty of Samura Executives have held secret meetings aboard the Geisha’s dictating the future of Kusari.
Cape Soya Station Base Administrator: Kenichi Ohba Description:The second HQ of the AFA after Akusukijima City on Kyushu. It is the most heavily defended station of the AFA as well as the most advanced base. It has a shipyard, refinery, large fuel storage and many, many housing sections. It houses many of the high profile officers and leaders of the farmers alliance and there are rumors that it even has a sanctuary for Samura, Hogosha and Gaians.
Shibukawa Depot Base Administrator:Hiroki Mori Description: Made to oversee the Nagano Platinum Field from thieves, which are generally seen as anyone that isn’t employed by Samura. Secondary objectives are to keep the GMG, Kishiro and Blood Dragon ‘incursions’ in check. Which the base has so far done with great effectiveness.
AFA Executive Operations
Public Relations Department The AFA has been given several heavily trained Samura personnel which specialize in maintaining the public image of the organization.
Farm Support Networks The money the AFA collects which does not immediately go to starship repair will go to numerous support organizations dedicated to ensure that local farms and fisheries remain operational in the face of cheaper foreign products.
The Kyushu News Network Samura funds a media center on Kyushu which is simply called the Kyushu News Network, or KNN. The station has a habit of spinning stories to seed distrust of gaijins into the general population, while glorifying the AFA, Hogosha, and the Samura corporation.
“Hired Help” When the resources are in place the AFA will be funding security work throughout Kusari. All ships in the bordering systems of Kusari, except Samura, the KSP, the KNF, and the KTP, local mercenaries will be paid to demand all other ships to drop their cargo or be destroyed. (Though this is still something being discussed)
AFA Action Groups The AFA flight groups are the pitchfork in the hand of the angry farmer. They are the main physical defence of Kusari space, and are responsible to the direct damage to foreign shipping. These are the AFA members you would meet in space.
Leadership Council
The Elder
Rarely ever seen, the Elder prefers to communicate through Masanobu and Fuyutsuki. He secretly runs the AFA from an unknown location on Kyushu, and he does so with remarkable intelligence. It is suspected that he has several informants in the government which funnel useful information to him, and thus to the AFA. Little is known about the Elder other than he is very wealthy and wise. His contacts with Samura and the government prevent too much information of him to hit the public neural net.
Kazuo Fuyutsuki, Ex-KNF (Kikatsu)
A Kusari Naval Forces gunboat commander, his ship, the IKN Kitaosumi, was destroyed in the Gallic invasion and it left him without a leg. Afterwhich he was removed from frontline KNF duties and forced into early retirement. His father, Motomu Fuyutsuki, was a member of the AFA before him, working in the PR department after his farms went bankrupt. Kazuo willingly signed on with the AFA, and his military training and experience provided the organization with valuable tactical skill. His officer training and experience in the Tau War led the Elder to select Kazuo to organize the space based elements of the AFA. Kazuo himself is in charge of combat details in the AFA, organizing and coordinating raids and defense patrols.
Masanobu Ando, Ex-Farm Owner and Entrepreneur (Ray)
An old, patriotic farm owning entrepreneur. Mostly commonly known for his actions to keep synth foods from buying out struggling farms. In the past his father controlled a large farm, after his passing his mother looked to Masanobu to take over the farm. So he did and expanded it greatly, buying and grabbing unowned land around his family's farm and eventually accumulating enough money to start buying out struggling small farms. He was fair in his buyouts however, unlike synth foods and some of the other bigger farm owners out there he has never really had to fire a lot of staff from the farms he bought. Preferring to just relocate personnel to other farms if there is an abundance of personnel somewhere. After gaining significant holdings and a good name for himself he was approached by The Elder to help run the business side of the AFA. Not wishing to upset the elder and being able to see opportunities for his abundant workers by joining the AFA. He accepted, Leaving his elder son in charge of his empire, mainly so that his family still on planet could deny having any ties with the newly branded AFA council member. So far he has mainly helped streamline the cash flow of the organization and has helped set up farms on AFA planets and stations with help from his contacts and farmers from planet Kyushu. His main duties are handling ties with businesses and allies but also handles expansion, acquisition of weapons and ships, coordinating with Kazuo on what is required equipment wise. Military diplomacy is also handled closely with Kazuo.
AFA Flight Groups (Ranks) Reaper Flight
Senior pilots who have been with the AFA for several years, often very influential individuals and skilled pilots, captains, and negotiators. (Fighters, bombers, transports, Gunboats allowed)
Harrower Flight
Elite pilots who have proven themselves in combat on numerous occasions. They are trusted with higher tier equipment and high value cargo. (Fighters, bombers, transports allowed)
Plow Flight
The main wing of the AFA, Plow Flight is composed of pilots who have proven themselves as capable in combat and are allowed full access to our equipment. (Fighters, bombers, transports allowed)
Duster Flight
New recruits to the AFA, more often than not they enter with at least some piloting experience, usually from flying crop dusters or shuttling equipment from Kyushu to Tokyo and vice versa. (Fighters allowed)
Diplomatic Standings
Loyal Friends (Allied)
Samura Industries A noble company dedicated to helping the people and our way of life. Their contributions help us endlessly.
Hogosha A group dedicated to the "welfare and prosperity of the Kusari people", the Hogosha stand by our side in these troubling times, though they often act with more subtly than the AFA.
The Exiles The remains of the Imperial Fleet, they are all that is left of our beloved Empire. We shall assist them at every chance possible.
Trusted Associates (Friendly)
Gaians Intelligent and passionate, these Bretonians attempt to preserve the well being of nature in their space. We sympathize with their cause; we both know what kinds of economic and social damage can be caused by hostile, money motivated corporations
Corsairs Honorable warriors that the Hogosha have brought into the fold. Their engineering skill is almost without equal, but they are often in need of basic supplies. The Hogosha and the AFA often work with them, bringing food and equipment to the Corsairs and returning with artifacts and advanced technology.
LWB (Landwirtrechtsbewegung) Our Rheinland counterpart. They share our problems and our hearts. While communication between our groups is sparse, it is always worthwhile.
Questionable Motives (Neutral/case-to-case)
Kusari State Police (KSP) They have officially declared us criminals, and the new democratic government asks for them to cull our numbers. Still there are numerous elements of the KSP that remain loyal to our old way of life. Always learn the loyalties of an officer before acting, treat them with respect, but do not expect them to be friendly.
Kusari Naval Forces (KNF) The military might of our house has been shattered, those loyal to the emperor stayed by his side while the compliant fools willing to work with Gallia limped home after a disgracefully short war. However, like the KSP, there are still elements of the KNF who value our old way of life. Do not expect them to be friendly, but value any leeway they are willing to give you.
Kempeitai (KPT) Encounters with the Kempeitai have been different for every individual agent and KPT Cell we meet. It is advised that we start keeping a list of individuals and groups that are sympathetic to our cause as well as to our emperors cause. Being able to work together with these cells could benefit both of our groups greatly. Still caution is advised, treat every encounter like you would treat a KSP / KNF encounter but with double suspicion due to hidden agendas.
Gallic Separatists (Council, Maquis) The Gallic people are more than willing to kill one another it seems. Anything damaging the House that crippled Kusari is something we need to at least take note of. Outsiders shooting outsiders is a win win situation. Assist them against Gallic loyalists if the situation permits it, but do not put yourself in grave danger for their benefit.
Distasteful Criminals (hostile/unfriendly)
The Bounty Hunters Guild A group of mercenaries that serve governments and corporations. They rarely enter Kusari these days, but they frequently kill Outcasts and other criminals. They have recently been seen working for the GMG and for the new democracy, hunting down Alliance pilots. Shoo them out, do not let these gaijin make money off our patriots.
Junkers A contamination on modern society, the Junkers are filth that have attempted to break into our house with their smuggling operations. While that was repelled by the Hogosha, the Junkers came back and have resorted to piracy in our space. Remove them when they are encountered.
Rogues Unorganized criminals of Liberty. Idiots with guns and drugs that have begun moving in on southern Kusari borders, take time to explain to them that they are not welcome here. Aggressively explain.
Xenos Xenophobic Libertonian madmen, they have frequently destroyed both Samura and Kishiro shipping in Liberty and the bordering systems. Force them away if they appear on Kusari borders.
Hessians Terrorist pirates of Rheinland, we have little contact with them but we have no interest in them spreading their bloodshed up into the Sigmas
The Gas Miners Guild Thieves and frustrating competition for the hard working men manning Samura’s own gas miners. They mostly occupy themselves with the Sigmas, but they are present throughout most of Sirius. Some informants say they have taken a liking to the Blood Dragons and tolerate the Golden Chrysanthemums. They are also traitors to the house of Kusari and have in the past even declared war on the Empire in an attempt to conquer Kurile.
The Independent Miners Guild Complacent money grubbers who are willing to sleep with all the Gallic factions to stay alive. They also had a hand in starting the Tau war. It is in our best interest to wipe them out to try and keep the little influence Samura has in the Taus alive and to perhaps in the future even restore it.
The Order Liberty born terrorists who have raided the Empire in the past. When the Order appears only pointless violence follows. Our base in Nagano has had increased sightings of Order and Blood Dragon vessels from the unstable hole in Tohoku, observations show they work with the Blood Dragons and are branded an enemy of the state. Normally this could work in our favor but in this case working with the Order would benefit the Blood Dragons. Kill them to weaken the Blood Dragon cause and supply lines.
Zoners Dishonorable vagabonds and moochers that contribute little to society, only leech off of it.
Foreign Shipping The main threat to the livelihood of the people of our House. They are one of the largest targets the AFA will be facing, but the money mongers are so greedy they rarely concern themselves with hired protection. They are normally easy targets.
Kishiro Technologies Frustratingly efficient, Kishiro has had a habit of opposing Samura and working in a counterproductive manner to the government. Their business practices ended up hurting more people than most are comfortable admitting. Additionally they are responsible for crippling the government and forcing an alliance with the Gallic forces. Remove any Kishiro ships you encounter.
The SCRA The original enemies of the Houses back in Sol. Do not let these fools get a foothold in Kusari, or else they would be sure to topple our House.
Colonial Republic A bunch of colonial vagabonds who have only recently been chased out of the Taus. They have had ties to the IMG in the past and should not be trusted to be let near Kusari.
Threats to our way of life (outright hostile, kill whenever possible)
The Blood Dragons Violent terrorists who wish to see our house crumble. The recent change to a democracy has not taken the edge off their bloody agenda. They will resort to killing civilians to progress their agenda of fear, do not let them.
The Golden Chrysanthemums (GC) Violent and misguided women who have been seduced by the Outcasts and in turn they have become a slave to their drugs. They violently hate Samura, the Hogosha, and the AFA, and wish to see us outed so they can introduce a queen or empress. Or something silly like that.
The Outcasts A powerful group of criminals that have infested the Tau region for longer than most remember. They forcefully spread their evil drug, Cardamine, to each House in Sirius. They have already scored a major success in Kusari with the seduction of the female youth who have chosen to follow the ways Yuyu Matsuda. They have been pushing more aggressively into Kusari, pirating our borders and trying to increase the scope of their smuggling operations. They are determined and efficient, do not underestimate.
Synth Foods Inc. The cause of all our troubles. They have caused hundreds of thousands to lose their jobs and hit financial difficulties. Their “popular” products draw the youth’s attention and cause them to drift away from the Kusari and partake in tasteless gaijin culture. They have ruined countless lives and robbed the youth of their heritage. Do not hesitate to teach them a lesson they will never forget.
Gallic Loyalist Forces (GRN, GRP) The foreign power that singlehandedly crippled the Empire and neutered our house. Do not allow them to collect any more influence over Kusari than they have already acquired.
Gallic Corporations The loyal engine that feeds the bloated Gallic Empire. They have started to frequent Kusari. Deal a blow to Gallia and dispose of them when sighted.
Utilized technology Ships
Light Fighters
CTE - line
Heavy Fighters
CTE - line
Very Heavy Fighters
Black Dragon
Claymore - Gaian Gunships
Imperator - Corsair Gunboat
Condor CTE Gunboat
KuEx (I’m really no fan of it personally due to smelling like Kishiro)
Freighters & Transports
Big Dragon
CTE Transports
That Corsair Pirate Transport
FA Vulture Series
Drake Type Plasma Cannons
Civilian Kusari photon cannons
Samura Donated CTE Lasers and EMP Guns
Salvaged Classified Weapons (Codenames)
Gaia’s Angel Type Photon Cannons*
Salamanca Neutron Blasters*
Tizona del Cid EMP Weapons*
*Limited numbers
Naming Conventions
Fighters/Bombers- [AFA]Firstname.Lastname
Alternate designation- [AFA]Firstname.Lastname.
Example: [AFA]Takao.Hiyashi
Gunboats and Transports- [AFA]Nature/farm/food-inspired-name
Example: [AFA]Wild.Rice
Roster Nakashima Michiyo (Ceoran)
Black Dragon
Gaian ‘Claymore’ Gunship - Rusty Scythe
Corsair ‘Imperator’ Gunboat - Iron Plow
Makaro Kagawa (Xiphos)
Black Dragon
Claymore - White Tiger
Raba - Wasabi Samurai
Akegata - Onigiri Express
Big Dragon - Sashimi Bocho
Drone - Rice Market
Ah. I recall running into one of your guys near Kagoshima. "This is a bad place to be, gaijin."
Anyways, glad to see people rebooting these factions that have their own special ships and whatnot that was made for them. It's sad to see it go to waste.
I'm very happy to see the Farmers of Kusari make a rise again! Wish you all the best of luck.
But... QQ... Where's ALG in the diplomacy list? Not that it matters, I'd LOVE to start some RP very soon combined with the LWB/AFA/Gaians/ALG. If only Planetform & Synth Inc. were actively flown/RP'd factions, we could do so much more.
Actually you werent the only one wondering about diplomacy of faction xxx (in your case ALG)
for now we only have factions listed that we know we will have frequent contact with or are by extension allies of our enemys or if the factions are occasionally seen in Kusari.
Any other group diplomacy will be based on any ingame actions and forum diplomacy / RP. If we have encounters with the ALG then we will add and adjust accordingly. Mind you that your faction can be seen as a 'Gaijin' faction so you could expect some prejudice on our part. But since the ALG is seen as an enviromental faction that does / will give you some plus points.
edit: also it helps if you have ties with Samura / Exiles.
edit 2: also this is actually a continuation of the old AFA just under new leadership. And the old leadership has okayed us to use the Tag, past assets and all that. (they are also in the faction)
(06-06-2013, 11:27 AM)Trail Wrote: for now we only have factions listed that we know we will have frequent contact with or are by extension allies of our enemys or if the factions are occasionally seen in Kusari.
Ah, that's fair enough. Was going to mention the Colonials being unfriendly/hostile what with the war on Kusari and the Hogosha (and by extension the farmers I suppose) being the main reason for it. That might change from any future talks with Kusari, or failing that some under-the-table deals with Samura.
I also tried the same "keep them out inRP, not ooRP" with my Maquis, they are given some chance to cooperate and offer something instead of just SNACing them after a line or two. Chasing them out will just ruin the house, so good to see you have taken that into consideration. "You can shave a Wookiee over and over but you can only skin him once."
Other than that, a really nice write-up; I hope to hear some nice things about what goes on.
In regards to the Imperator, the Farmers and the Hogosha have a lot of close ties with the Corsairs, and as such we have a yellow 75% cell on their ships and guns, so I think that is more than usable.
There will be some more updates on this page as time goes by, we are working on something for our bases and we are still figuring out the best way to set up a bounty system... we have had ideas like fronting it through Samura or maybe only having the bounty zones be in the systems bordering Kusari.
But it is nice to see that the revival has been so well received so far, thanks for the feedback so far!
Good work so far, though I must ask why turn against the gauls, if you are linked with samura, which itself is under kusari laws&government and rage a war yet again with the gauls, its just a matter of time until inrp the kusaris themselves will banish you out. Kusari doesn't need another war. It would be easier to make them "neutral" or "co-existence" rather then publicy admit so. The stance with other factions according to the thread suggests a coming revolution. If the crown prince finds out that you are supporting an official faction under kusari against it, kusari will get the blow again, and from what I can gather, they don't like taking the piss, so they will both turn against you. If your purpose is to kill the current kusari government, you are in the right way.
(06-22-2013, 10:27 AM)Tel-Aviv Wrote: Good work so far, though I must ask why turn against the gauls, if you are linked with samura, which itself is under kusari laws&government and rage a war yet again with the gauls, its just a matter of time until inrp the kusaris themselves will banish you out. Kusari doesn't need another war. It would be easier to make them "neutral" or "co-existence" rather then publicy admit so. The stance with other factions according to the thread suggests a coming revolution. If the crown prince finds out that you are supporting an official faction under kusari against it, kusari will get the blow again, and from what I can gather, they don't like taking the piss, so they will both turn against you. If your purpose is to kill the current kusari government, you are in the right way.
They are angry farmers, they hate everything that isnt Kusari or a farmer.
On that note, the server needs more angry farmers with pitchforks and all that!