I gotta say every experience i have with the Colonials was bad. Now before you all start chewing me out about how they are so awesome, im just saying ive never once had an interesting or fun experience with them. I even had one chase me all the way to New York once and yell to all the Police and Navy in the area that i was there. That made absolutely no sense to me considering the Colonials are suppost to be hostile to everyone except IMG to my knowledge(or at least unfriendly) and they show up in the capital of Liberty? Im sorry but that was just the stupidest experience ive ever had with them, much less with ANY faction.
When life gives you lemons..... throw them at your enemies!!!
Well, we are friendly with all houses, except Bretonia and neutral to Kusari. After all we are a lawful faction. And i do remember this one particular situation.
The one leading the chase followed you since T-23. Now, rp wise, wouldn't you being somebody concerned and dedicated into stopping the cardimine smuggling, follow the dealer all the way to hell? And slaver's likewise. All step of the way, the leader rp'ed it nicely and in good fashion. Even after your transport went down, he rp'ed with the local enforcement agent present at Manhattan for 10 minutes. And for your interest, we love smugglers/slaver's that rp. Heck i don't have enough fingers for the times that when slaver's/smugglers stopped and rp'ed for 30 minutes, from trying to bribe us to offering us a cute slave for personal use and of course the typical "hired workforce" rp.
So.. Do learn about the factions before you post something on the feedback. And what you did wasn't even near a constructive critic.
Gotta say, your comments here and on Cartel Feedback channel says it all. Another powersmuggler who thinks he and his cargo should be untouchable. Oh, how I love proving you lot otherwise.
And red with all factions except with IMG? :lol:
And PS: No, I weren't there when this happened. Just a generic response to your kind.
Ah how cute you stalking my other posts? im just saying even as my IMG char when ever i would talk to the Colonials they wouldnt really even acknowledge me, and frankly yeah im not too keen to stick around and talk while there are about 8 people sitting at the Tau 37 jump gate waiting, so yeah i ran and wouldnt say anything till the next system. And he** no do i think my cargo is untouchable, but that doesnt mean that i was exactly in the whole "ARG I HATE CR RAW RAR RAW". I just simply stated that them chasing me that far pissed me off a bit, i just figured that they would have something better to do than chase 1 smuggler instead of another all the way back to Liberty is all.
And for the record as soon as i read your reply i went to the wiki to see what else i could learn, so please excuse my ignorance but there is hardly any information there. http://discoveryfl.com/wiki/index.php?ti...al_Remnant
Also i just want to confirm something, Are the Colonials trying to take the right to the Nyx away from IMG as in saying that they need permission to use it or something? If not try not to yell, its just something i heard.
When life gives you lemons..... throw them at your enemies!!!
Good, at first looks like you were a bit unlucky and got the wrong link, yours is about the NPCs not about the Player Faction, here is the correct one CR Disco Wiki Linky . (Factions /Houses not mentioned are to be seen as neutral)
And as it seems just one person chased you down the whole way, that isnt much effort for a strike against slavery and the drugs, or? Its one of our ships for a ship that may damage the life of thousands.
And for the Nyx, its an old topic, the Nyx was designed when Colonials still used the IMG IFF, thats why it got the IMG-ship Infocard. But since 4.85 we got our own ID and IFF, so the whole Nyx/Pytho/Hydra/Argus/Zephyr = IMG thing wasnt needed anymore. To answer your question, we just try to get back what was originally made as ours. These things should be solved in the new Mod.
Its a bit sad to hear that you never had a nice experience with us, but we have to face those silent "I TRY TO RUN AND SAY NOTHING" Type of Smugglers far to often, which can be really annoying from time to time, you have to understand that if you try to Play your role and get nothing back then a person launching the cruise engine again and again is a bit frustrating... Sometimes it helps to think about how the other person may feel about it :P
Try to Say something and who knows if you are able to bring a good story the Colonials may even let you leave with your cargo.
Just do note that noone's taking anything away from anyone.
Whatever the new mod brings, that's what will be done.
We cannot take the Nyx away from the IMG -even- if we wanted to at the moment, which we do not.
People In Charge Of Stuff are doing the work and the thinking, so us lower beings shall leave it to Them. I'm sure they all know what they're doing.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
' Wrote:and frankly yeah im not too keen to stick around and talk while there are about 8 people sitting at the Tau 37 jump gate waiting, so yeah i ran and wouldnt say anything till the next system.
Well then, why did you ran if the odd's where so stacked against you? After all, you could have sitted and rp'ed for like an hour. And i do remember two CR's at the time, rp'ing with an outcast in the same location for what is was.. the entire voyage to Manhattan and back. All that in the T-37 JH. That outcast wasn't scared and all. All he showed was the disposition to rp and the CR present there complied and probably gave him a good Disco memory.
About the IMG Nyx problem, well, all we can say is that the admins already cleared the situation in this current version of .85 (if you do the search function in the boards, you will find the relevant post, the order and law was issued by Agmen, if i do recall well) and that in the coming .86 all will be corrected and in the way it is suposed to be.
See there was the answer i was looking for, not the instant flaming me, so thank you. From now on instead of RPing as i run i may just stop and try to think of some way out of it instead, i didnt know that would work with you guys.
When life gives you lemons..... throw them at your enemies!!!
i want to make report that =CR=Chacon will fly once again in the 44th Devision, after his second MIA.
Jean-Pierre "Chacon" Hemmeryckx,
For the people we left behind !
- =CR=Chacon[Colonial], - LPI-W.Hemmeryckx[RO] , - Tempo[Xeno], - Ibanez[Pirate]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94f7FvIbJPY
A&L Guy Quote : When I am done with the system maintenance, and depending on how much beer I have consumed at that time, I MIGHT take a look at it. No promises though.
Gravedigging >>>
' Wrote:i never knew.... wo3dy was incharge of LSF stealth fleet...