I'm not sure if this has been discussed before, but this thought came into my head as to how difficult it is to set a trap for someone unless you log-off in space near a mining field and just log back in when you see someone in the system, or just generally hope to catch them off-guard or not paying attention to the radar.
So, I was wondering, would it be possible to have a "powered-down" mode for ships that would make them not show up on radar, but also not let them use any other controls (like engines, guns, shields, etc.) until they power-up?
This would add a nice benefit for aliens, pirates, police, or even military units who want to catch their enemies at unawares. Or even for folks trying to escape from a pursuer.
Nope. Miners already are at a great disadvantage because everybody knows where they are. It's only fair to have enemies show at 14 k so that a few of them might have a chance to get away. No need to tip the scales in favour of the attacker and make the the position of the weaker party in the interaction even weaker.
I like the idea, so far it seems useless to attempt to use nebulas and asteroid fields for cover, or even hiding behind planets, which should have some effect in blocking a signature. If you manage to escape an enemy and get just enough distance, you could actually find a nice big rock to hide near, or go off plane, and power down until they have passed. if you are good enough, they may miss you, if not, you may get destroyed anyways, there is risk and advanatage in the action. Makes using your eyes necessar instead of just relying on the scanner. I seems like a simliar advantage to the cloak, but you can't be seen while cloaked, i assume you would still be visible while powered down, which would mean you must hide or risk being hit with your shields down, and now weapons or engine power. It would also make sense that your own scanner would also not function while powered down, so again, a good pilot would have to rely on his eyes. I think it would be quite interesting
Hmm....good point I suppose. I suppose the difference for this would be A) no fuel requirement, B) no cloaking device requirement, C) no ship restriction, and D) no other ship functions available while ship is powered down.
Quote:Nope. Miners already are at a great disadvantage because everybody knows where they are. It's only fair to have enemies show at 14 k so that a few of them might have a chance to get away. No need to tip the scales in favour of the attacker and make the the position of the weaker party in the interaction even weaker.
Well, as has already been pointed out, Cloaks have already put miners in this predicament, so as I see it, it's no less fair. If anything, miners would have the same capability to elude their attackers by using it if they go into a minefield or cloud and power down. This would also promote more mining to be down with escorts (give freelancers more job opportunities) than promote the sole Hegemon/transport sitting unmolested in an ore field. And chances are he'd just pay the pirate anyways rather than run.
Quote: Learn to pirate better, theres no need to change the game's balance.
This opens up tons of opportunities in-game besides just pirating. I'm not promoting the idea simply because I don't know how to pirate (which I do).
This sounds to be a great alternative to cloaks, have it's pros and cons compared to them. I approve, and Jack, don't forget, both sides can use this tool with equal opportunities. Predators can become invisible to scanner to get their prey as much as the fleeing prey can become invisible to scanner when fleeing from those predators. This would actually give a good use of the environment, allowing ships to effectively blend in an asteroid field or a nebula. I approve
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(07-03-2013, 10:14 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: I approve
This. It's got great potential, and really isn't as "biased for evildoers" as you think, Jack. Being able to disappear off scanners after filling up a trader (as a miner) seems valuable to me to avoid that Storta finding you..
Making nebulae actually scary places (potentially) because you can't -see- players would be very neat.