This is a small rant about the faction tag system (the one which is automatically given based on your rep)!
After been shot down by a pirate in NY System while RPing (Writing in Chat) with another guy, I wanted to look at my replist to see if I have any lawfuls in the red zone (so next time I don't have to dodge two times first if I see someone attacking, since I wasn't sure who did).
And what did I see??? My "Bounty Hunter" Tag changed to "Liberty Police" or similar. Man am I angry at that moment. Specially since it was a guard tag and I flew several times through the whole system to get it and being OORP in the process.
Now can anyone explain that? It's a bit annoying if you'd change it back to the tag you want and it'll reset anyway. Don't tell me I have to go neutral to anyone else! That's impossible without shooting down some lawfuls, meaning going OORP in a regular basis.
Help in how to prevent it from resetting would be most welcome!
SuperFly out
PS: I want the guard tag as the means to explain my nomad weapons (which I successfully obtained myself in an epic battle of two vs. the rest). As the bounty hunter guards fight the order especially for nomad weapons, it makes sense to have that kind of tag.
You don't have to shoot down any NPCs -- just go to a base and take missions for the lawful, then abort without even taking off. Do that a few times and it will get rid of the lawful tag.
But question is, what made your BHG rep go down in the first place... I can only guess for accidentally shot one, or if you were killed doing a BHG mission.
i have had the same thing happen... worked my but off to get a molly guard tag... only to have it become outcast the next time i logged in. not funny. just had to go about the whole process again. one point: when fixing your tag... DOnt KILL ANYTHING. just take and fail missions of the factions you need to be less popular with.
The problem is that it actually didn't go down. I never seen my BHGG-Tag go down even one pixel. It changes anyway only after being neutral. So it happened somewhere when I relogged or respawned.
And shooting down NPCs is very good for the BHG/G tag, since you can shoot down Naval forces to lower all lawful reps except the BHG/G. Lowering the unlawful stuff should be easy for a BH anyway.
But I don't want to do it if I loose the tag again because something unknown!
I have this issue with Varyag, I have a LBW tag now. I tried to fix it by doing the mission thing and it dropped my Hessian as well and made me a Junker! So I try and up Hessian again and boom I am LBW again... so frustrating...
I have a horrible time with this. Bounty Hunter tag is especially hard to keep, probably because each enemy you kill is worth more to the house militaries and police than it is to the rest of the bounty hunters.