DarkStar grinned at the two holding him.
"You really think you can keep me, don't you?" One of them took example from Shieks and punched him.
"Ah, the young and ignorent. That's not a punch... This is!" He herked his arm out from the marines grasp and pulled back. He let loose, his hand connecting with the mans jaw. His hand kept going. The marines' jaw flew off his face, spraying his comrad and DarkStar with blood and bone. The man DarkStar punched was dead, half his face missing. The other backed up to a wall, his weapon forgotten.
"Oh please... don't!" Hi scream never finished. DarkStar was on him in a flash, driving his fingers into the mans cheast. He ripped through the armor, flesh, and the ribcage and grasped the mans heart. The man gasped and choked.
"You... can't... be..."
"Real?" DarkStar laughed. "Oh, i'm very real. Nothing personal, by the way. You just happened to be on the wrong side... That of humanity." DarkStar squeezed and ripped out his heart. The marine was dead before he hit the floor. DarkStar pulped the heart in his hand and dropped it on the cooling corpse below him. He licked the blood on his fingers.
"Hmph... I could get used to this kind of thing." He walked over to the blast doors that lead to the docking bay. "All right! Come out now! We've got some more killing to do!"
One of the chaingun commandos stirred, reaching for the weapon lying near him. Two with Flechette guns pulled themselfs out of scraped ships and other things.
"Hmm... Only you three? Well now, they'll have to pay for that, won't they?"
The only answer was the metalic clicks from the Flechette guns and the chaingun, loading new rounds into their cambers.
"Come, my commandos... Let's pay the AW back for that little peice of insolence."
The Battlestar continued to launch wings of fighters. Sabers, Titans, and a variety of other ships were beginning to fill the space around the Jinsei-Akki. It was almost as if the ship had an unlimmited supply of the things, spewing them forth again and again. For evry ship that the Allied forces took down, two more would fill it's place. And the allies were running out of fighters. Gamma wing was no longer the only ones, as Alpha and Beta wings had joined it. The bombers sewed Nova torpedos left and right, sending them smashing into gunboats, cruisers, and battleships. Dab's battleship was hit again and again, the Maul almost took one in the command bridge, the gunboat circling the battleships had three flung up the engine, one of the last two Kirshiro gunboats was cracked open like an egg, and just about any other large ship has suffered at least one torpedo from either Alpha, Beta, or Gamma, or some combination thereof. Things were not looking good.
A transmission came to Dab as he dodged another diving attack wing of Sabers.
"Lord Captain Dab, this is the Kusari Royal Navy. We have come to take control of this situation." 5 battleships, compleate with 10 destroyer escorts and twice as many gunboats along with a large number of fighter wings entered the system.
"We are en route to your position. ETA is 5 minuts. Stand by."
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
The entire battle area was lit up as an explosion on the side of the Phantom BSA sent a shockwave throughout the engagement. The Leviathen had arrived and immediately opened up on the side of the bigger ship with its large forward gun. The first few blasts had opened a hole in its side and destroyed one of its launch bays.
Another 12 AW fighters, Eagles and Talons, were crisscrossing the ship and dropping mines like mad. Then they turned towards the large fighter engagement and opened up on the titan that were ravaging the capital ship. Two exploded instantly before the rest could get out of the field of lasers flying towards them. Finally the numbers were a bit more even.
Dab: All bombers focus on the fighter launch bays, we cannot afford to have them get too many fighters out.
Though the majority of the AW fighter pilots were better than the Phantoms they could still lose due to being swarmed with so many ships.
Though Shieks had told for everyone to follow him there was one commando who had remained near the bay. Xizer, the best hand to hand fighter in the entire AW navy.
Xizer: (Havent you wondered why he wasn't in a fighter like my character and Keiran?) You were right sir, he came on board with a team of marines. He killed the two commandos that had him in custody. He and 3 marines are heading after the rest of our commandos.
Dab: Alert Major Shieks to their coming, -explosions in the background- and assist them wherever you can.
Xizer: Yes sir.
Xizer crept behind the marines waiting for his time to strike, but first he had to even the odds against him. There, they were turning down a relatively dark hallway. He crept up behind the last marine in the line and quickly through a reinforced garrote wire around his neck and started choking him silently. But the marine broke the wire whithin a few seconds. Quickly Xizer slammed his fists into his head in an effort to knock him unconscience or at least keep him silent until the others were out of earshot. Though he remained conscience it gave enough time for the other marines to get far enough away. No longer needing to remain quiet he went at the marine until he couldn't see straight.
Xizer: You people disgust me.
He slammed the man's face into the wall shattering every bone in the right side of his face. The force of the blow left a head-sized dent in the wall and apperantly did internal damage to the man's head as blood started dripping through his ears, nose, and mouth.
He quickly caught up with the marines again. He was going to have to be quick or else they would relise the lose of one of their men.
Too be continued
(And Kane you can't kill Xizer, knock him out yes, seriously injure him maybe, but not kill him...)
DarkStar's comm crackled to life. "Sir, we've detected a large Kusari Navel Forces battle group enetring the system. 5 battleships, sir. And more reinforcements are comming all the time."
DarkStar sighed. "Very well. Issue the general recall. We got what we came for anyway."
DarkStar began sprinting, the last two marines following him. "Oh, and traitor..." He called out behind his back as he ran. "Give this to your master!" A grenade bounced off behind them, landing almost at Xizers' feet. He survived only by diving into a small side passage before the thing blew another hole in the deck of the Jinsei-Akki. But it served it's purpose, for DarkStar and his marines had made it to a bank of escape pods. The sound of their leaving pinged across the hull, but before anyone had a chance to react, the Battlestar had tractored the pods in. With that, it activated its cruise engines, fighters still docking or taking escort positions, and begain to flee. The Phantom ships too damaged to do anything rammed other ships, taking others with them into Death's keeping.
DarkStar's battlestar had gotten far enough away, it dropped off visual and radar, cloaking itself and hiding from anyone who might have been stupid enough to try and follow. Other Phantoms ships did the same, fleeing in other directions and cloaking once they were a good distance away. Then the KNF showed up, all of the ships.
"Attention Lord Captain Dab, this situation is now under Kusari Control. We appreciate what you have done for Kirshiro in this matter, but we must ask you to stand down. You will be compensated for your help." Kirshiro Heavy Lifters moved in from behind the war ships and latched onto the Jinsei-Akki.
"Please evacuate your forces from the Jinsei-Akki so it can be taken to Yukawa Shipyard for repairs and refitting."
Holmen Outpost watched all it could. Then sent annother transmission.
Broadwave Transmission:
Attachments: -None-
End Broadwave:
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
Even though he would have much rather taken the ship and found out what was in it he knew the damage to his ships was too great to take on that big of a force.
He activated his personal commlink.
Dab: Xizer stay on that ship for awhile and make sure they don't put another AI or bioweapon on there. Signal us if they do and we will seize the vessal. Get out of there in a month or two.
And with that the AW vessals began to move out towards the Omicrons.
"We are ready to take her home captain"
"Make it so!"
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
" Yes doctor, The Kusari Navy is here now and there taking contol of the situation, yes.....yes Ill charter the first ship back to Alaksa, very well Admiral Komet, over and out "
Alignment:The Outcasts Status: Retired Personal Bio Click here Current Ships:The BlackPearl Base Of Operations:Pryde Villa, Planet Malta
The Jinsei-Akki was towed away, already with Kirshiro techs swarming onboard to secure everything. Once they had all the papers, electronic notebooks, and variety of other loose things, they opened all the airlocks and spaced the air inside the Jinsei-Akki. Next went the gravity drive. All of this was done while being towed back to Yukawa.
However, with all the work going on in the ship, it was only a matter of time untill someone found Xizer.
"What the hell are you doing here!?" One of the techs stared at Xizer, who had been hiding behind a bulkhead that had just been removed. Fortunetly, he had found a re-breather so he didn't die when they evacuated all the air from the Jinsei-Akki. However, breathing the same, stale air got to everyone, no matter how much training you've have had. It would be a mercy if they dragged him out and locked him on the station. That way, he would at least get fresh air, food, and water.
Well, fresher then the re-breather anyway.
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
Battered and exhausted as he was he had a job to do, and he was going to finish it. As quickly as his cramped up limbs could move he grabbed the technicians head and slammed it into the bulkhead. He then stuffed him into the the hiding space and put the wall back, after stealing the man's clothes of course. He then headed out to find one of the crew cabins to get some rest. He had awhile to wait before he could check on the bridge and anything new that had been installed in it.
For weeks, nothing happened. They were so concerned with getting the ship repaired that the bridge was the least of their worries. The research mainframe had been taken abord a military ship to Kansai Research Station, most likely to see what could be salvaged. From there, it dissapeared into Kirshiro's restricted files. Not even the Phantoms had managed to break the codes for those, and they had people dedicated to code-breaking 24/7.
Anyway, at Yukawa, Xizer managed to blend in with the army of techs that worked on the ship, just about 'round-the-clock. Most of it was boring work, replacing bulkheads, rewireing, cutting, fitting new parts, installing an entire new engeneering section... The list went on. The most exciting part was when the reactor was booted up. It was all rad-suits, lights, and more then a little prayer. When it did boot, you would have thought that the GMG just won the 80-years war all over again.
Then, it happened. All of a sudden, with the ship preasurized, Xizer found he had nothing to do.
"Sorry bud." The foreman told him when he asked why there wasn't a work shift that day. "They only let Angel OA clearence techs on now... Top secret work going on now. Don't worry. You still get paied, and you'll have another project coming up soon. That, or you can request a transfer to another research station."
There was only one explenation; They were putting in the final peices, such as the Research Mainframe and perhaps a new AI. They never did take out the AI Access Port...
From the view ports, he could see space swarming with fighters, gunboats, and destroyers. There was even a battleship pulled out from normal duty for this. Dock ports to the Jinsei-Akki were now guarded by military personel in full combat gear, and auto turrets could be seen in the tubes from the air-locks on the Jinsei-Akki. Nobody without propper ID was getting on, and all the Angel OA techs had been shuttled on by a seperate shuttle. They didn't even step onto Yukawa before going to the Jinsei-Akki.
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
For the next six days Xizer patroled near the entryways into the Jensei looking for any way in, short of killing the guards and destroying the turrets. Both of which would clue them in to his presence pretty early on. On the 7th day he found n option. He found that most of the energy to the Jensei was being routed through the station it was docked at. If he could take out the power to one of the entrances he might be able to get inside. He would have to drench himself in cold water to get past the turret infrared sensors of course but it would still stop them from seeing him visually and the guards would be blind.
He set off to start his work on the power systems.