After thorough review of your applications we of the Interspace Commerce Board of Directors have made our decisions. Both of your recruitment applications have been ACCEPTED . I will be in contact with both of you soon!
Congratulations and welcome to our corporation!
--Mercana Shirou, Boardmember; 3iC
Name:osama gulryz
Brith placelanet Manhattan.
Current place:Honshu.
Born in the capital of Liberty rise as a wise child.My parents send me to flying school i got a Eagle Gold medal for my Flying skills.Then i learn about trading .I do Different diplomes in trading,Base building and operating,Flying every kind of ship,missions,base building,ship building and equipment building.I was intelligent that i do my all diplomes at same time and wishing to join IC.
Skpe name osama.gulryz1
You can ignore reality but you can not ignore consequences of ignoring reality
We have reviewed your application, but we feel that you need more experience before applying to our company.
For the time being, your application has been Denied.
--Mercana Shirou, Boardmember; 3iC
Last Name - Anarion First Names - Seth Birth Place - Planet Leeds Age - 34
Employment History and Previous Occupations (//If Any) -
-Universal Shipping pilot (6 years ago,before wreck //last time i played Discovery FL was 3 years ago)
-Freelancer (Currently)
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
I've been observing all of Interspace Commerce's activities and it seems that all of them are just what i want a company to do. Also most of my family and friends recommend me IC for their great quality shipping mixed with very good pilots and very serious with its job.
My name is Seth Anarion, born on Planet Leeds.
My father is from Leeds itself and my mother is from Manhattan.
As a child i never thought i would ever be able to explore the vast universe that layed among us but as i graduated from college ,my father gifted me a simple Starflyer. It couldnt protect me much but at least showed me that Leeds isnt everything...and that there is much more to explore. Without any doubt i started working for the Universal Shipping corporation and been there for around 10 years, until a mechanic didnt fix a faulty turbine on my engine component and cause my ship to explode. That meant that i spent the next 2 years recovering but as soon as i managed to get out, my insurance company bought me my current ship meaning that im back into space again,and darn i've missed it.
Do you require starting funds? (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
[] No
Do you already have an IC ship (Remove which does not apply)
[] Yes
[♠] No
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them? (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
[] No 5.K.Y.P.3 Protocol Call sign (// Skype Name) - XtrmShadow
Last Name -Darrow First Names -Cathrine Birth Place -Planet Cambridge, Cambridge Age - 25
Employment History and Previous Occupations -
An Ex Colonial Mover
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
I Want to Try something New, And i Want to be Closer to my Brother Hugh, And i Don't Find Bowex Suitable for me, So Interspace Commerce is best.
Biography (//Write a detailed history about your character) -
I was Born on Planet Cambridge 795 A.S, Daughter of Nicholas and Maya Darrow, I have only one Brother..He's a Captain in the Bretonian Armed Forces, He's Dedicated to his Work, so i don't see him much, When i Grown up, I Decided to Keep away From Bretonia, especialy after my Father's Death on the hands of the Gallics, so i went Freelancing, Until I met a Colonial Movers Convoy, I got Excited to join, and so i did, I got in Command of a Colonial Mover "Atlas", the Yuma's Essence.....I
After a while, i realized that my Place Belongs back to Bretonia, so i left the Colonial Movers and headed back to Bretonia, But....My Brother Hugh, Refused to let me stay there, He Wanted me to stay Safe, So He gave me a advice..
The Advice was to join The Ranks of Interspace Commerce, It's a Huge Company, and i would Gladly join it...
Do you require starting funds? (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
Do you already have an IC ship (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] No
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them? (Remove which does not apply)
The Interspace Commerce Board of Directors is currently processing your recruitment applications at this time. Once our review of said applications is complete, we will announce your acceptance into or denial from this company. You'll hear from us as soon as possible.
Good luck to both of you,
Mr. Mercana Shirou, Interspace Commerce CEO; Board Member
Unfortunately after we performed our routine background check we found somewhat of a loose-end, and this red flag has raised suspicions.
Your application is DENIED for the time being.
Ms. Darrow,
After reviewing your references and previous employment history we found you to be of Interspace caliber. We would like to congratulate you on becoming our newest employee.
Your application has been ACCEPTED.
You will receive a transmission on 5.K.Y.P.3 protocols shortly.
Last Name - Onassi First Names - jeffrey Birth Place - los angeles Age - 35
Employment History and Previous Occupations (//If Any) -
5 years of independant trading,begun with a dromadery and finished with a mastodon,i have made my route betwen kusari and liberty,and being one time arrested for contraband.
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
i want to follow my father's route,and i'm getting sick of being arrested beacause they suspect me to trade illegal things between states.
Biography[color=#color=#8efbf6] (//Write a detailed history about your character) -[/color]
born on the planet los angeles i have past 10 years in my father's ship,who has been a interspace pilot for 20 years.
After this death i have buy myself a dromadery in a scrapyard and i have begun to trade bewteen kusari and liberty,and after 5 years of hard work i have been able to buy myself a Mastodon transport,3 weeks ago i have decided to join the inerspace commerce corporation.
Do you require starting funds? (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] No
Do you already have an IC ship [color=#8efbf6](Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them? [color=#8efbf6](Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
Last Name - Dante First Names - Oryno Birth Place - Denver Age - 25
Employment History and Previous Occupations (//If Any) -
I spent most of my time flying with junkers in my Salvager and trading scrap metal around Sirius. But there was other jobs as well, I was serving liberty police. Also I did pretty big trades around Bretonia with ships Mastadon and Shire, I was part of convoy team.
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
Since I am jobless, I am looking for nice company and friendly people, communicative and nice surrounding. It was recommended to me to take a look into IC company which I did and eventually came to apply for the job.
Biography[color=#color=#8efbf6] (//Write a detailed history about your character) -[/color]
Born on planet Denver, Oryno Dante lived not complicated but simple life, earning by trading and taking any job his uncle offered him. His uncle was one of the influenced traders in the Liberty and Bretonia systems. He was little arrogant towards Oryno but he always had good deals, which was all Oryno needed. But after several years Oryno's uncle lost all of his money on gambling and eventually he stopped calling Oryno. 21 year old man had no other things to do then start freelance by himself. Four years he was doing hard work for low pay with junkers and other freelance trade companies. But with experience he gathered and friends advice and tips, he started looking more serious into big companies and his future.
Do you require starting funds? (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] No
Do you already have an IC ship (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] No
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them? [color=#8efbf6](Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
Your application is DENIED . We're sorry, but we do not believe your piloting skills are up to IC| caliber, please come back next year when you have more experience.
Mr. Dante,
After careful review of your application we believe you have what it takes to try out for our company.
Your application has been ACCEPTED.
You will receive a transmission on 5.K.Y.P.3 protocols shortly.
Please do not make us regret our decision.