I have set a friends base defensemode to 1, but when I go to the base in an unaffiliated starflier. The base appears white to me not RED like it should be!
Are you friendly or neutral to the faction, whose rep is used for the base?
Also, good to know.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
You can also, like, not set your lawful base to possibly shoot lawfuls. This has not ended well in the past
defensemode 0 is the one you want to go for.
(08-05-2013, 07:13 PM)SummerMcLovin Wrote: Was it in defensemode 1 when you made that ship? It might have stayed as neutral from mode 0 the change was made before the server restarted.
well summer, if the defensemode is changed the allowlist will be read in again. and thus it will show green to you or well white if you set an iff to a base (depending on your rep towards that iff)
If its a base without defense turrets then defensemode 1 is not needed. I would then only use 0 (Restricted access the ones you put on the base taglist. )
if you use 2 then it is open to everyone who is good with its Iff of your station. IF however you did not set ANY IFF its a neutral station and thus everyone has access to your station.
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