(08-14-2013, 12:51 AM)Bootsiuv Wrote: Bring them back, only with SRP requirements this time.
I double this one, it is such a good idea SRP for a base instead of supply them constantly and get something you work your butt of for and cant do anything else.
Yes, as referring to my post, let people still work extremely hard towards their own PoBs, but that hard work shouldn't be grinding but roleplaying, contributing something to its environment.l
What were the "recent" issues? I can only think of issues that have been around for ages.
On the other topic Im against SRPs, I say free for all bases, with IFFs, so enemy NPCs attack them, meaning you cant build one too close to an enemy settlement. And make them easier to build and destroy.
SRP just promotes elitism, favouritism, and conspiracy theories about said.
User was banned for: Griefing others
Time left: (Permanent)
An Admin Explanation I trust:
[00:40:48] Black Widow: what happen to the PoBs
[00:40:50] Black Widow: why were they disabled?
[00:41:09] Matt (Loken): To minimize damage until a certain issue has been fixed
[00:41:16] Matt (Loken): once it is everything will be restored as it was
[00:41:26] Black Widow: but are you guys removing them full stop
[00:41:33] Matt (Loken): [00:41] Matt (Loken):
<<< once it is everything will be restored as it was
[00:41:48] Matt (Loken): So no
[00:41:55] Matt (Loken): for the time being they are gone, but it's not forever
[00:41:55] Black Widow: what time frame will that be?
[00:43:53] Black Widow: can we be frank
[00:44:02] Black Widow: are these bases offline gonna be offline for long?
[00:45:18] Matt (Loken): I can't say how long it will be
[00:45:26] Black Widow: really
[00:45:31] Black Widow: ahhhhhh
[00:50:14] Matt (Loken): We've turned them off to prevent damage.
[00:50:55] Black Widow: damage as in stop ppl using this glitch to damage bases
[00:51:45] Matt (Loken): pretty much
Cleaned up to make it more relevant. Let's not implicate people in things. -Champ