Please don't bring the cancer that is Discovery into Star Citizen.
[10:01:22 PM] kangaksldkjaslapalawr:I had talent and could cum on people's faces.
[10:01:22 PM] kangaksldkjaslapalawr: I didn't get [expletive deleted].
[10:01:33 PM] kangaksldkjaslapalawr: I bet if I pretended to be a chick I would've got everything.
Well, the main problem is, if we ever ported Disco to SC, we would need to move EVERYTHING. SC and FL are two completely different universes, and it would take a lot of work to just carry the content over. Better to just keep the same ol' Disco we all love, and either use client-side graphical mods, or upgrade the server and graphics engine to allow for fancier graphics.
I think the question you need to ask yourself is where are we going to get the money to buy the proper license from Micro$oft to do so?
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: