I was thinking it would be a good idea to use the console messages to encourage faction membership, like so
"Membership in the Official Discovery Factions is Encouraged. The primary lawful factions are the [SA], LSF, and LPI in Liberty, [RM] in Rheinland, [KNF] in Kusari, and QCRF and BPA in Bretonia."
"Speak to members in-game about joining, and visit discoverygc.com and search for the "Faction Status" page to learn more"
Similar messages could be made for the unlawful factions too, and for corporate factions and miscellaneous factions.
rotate them
first one is lawful fractions, after 10 minutes its the coperations, after that in 10 minutes its the unlawfuls. 20 minute break then they happen again in that order
Maybe instead of faction console messages, the admins could run a more detailed message about the forums? Mentioning the factions, the RP forums and help/server status messages?
' Wrote:No thanks, I hate the console messages as it is, although they are a necessary evil.
I understand your dislike of them, but they're easily ignored if you know what they'll say. Methinks they help a decent bit, encouraging people to go to the forums outside of 'sanction notice'.
My feeling is official factions will capture a decent amount of people this way.
When a player comes on the server, he/she may likely assume that the factions are not neccessarily open to new members, and may not know that pursuing that option is in fact encouraged.
I agree, But I think like they put a charge on the Creating Systems.
They should put a price on this as well.
Say like 300m For Each Factions Message
Or like 80m Per Word.
Proud Member of - [M] & LR | DPL
Cartman - Liberty Rogues - Barghest Pirate Bomber Marksman - Outcast - Outcast Destroyer Flame - Lane Hacker - Lane Hacker Gunboat Demonica - Lane Hacker - Slip Stream <span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms"><span style="color:#33CC00">Lorenzo- Bounty Hunter - Bounty Hunter Battlecruiser</span></span><span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms">
<span style="color:#33CC00">Barracuda- Trading Vessel - Adv. Train</span></span> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms"><span style="color:#33CC00">Shotgun- Trading Vessel - Adv. Train / next mod</span></span>