I think the idea of changing the way NPC patrols work was generally a good idea, but after playing 4.87 for a while it becomes apparent that there are still some big problems.
It's good that NPCs are no longer a swarm of suicidal maniacs who die like flies (talking about libery here), but with the current strength, it looks like they are causing major problems for new players in liberty, simply judging by the now very frequent "was killed by NPC" messages.
So here's a solution that would solve a great number of problems associated with NPCs. It may appear radical at first, but I think the pros greatly outweigh the cons. So my propsition is to:
Systematically remove all NPCs, except those that spawn within 5k of a base owned by their faction.
There will be of course excpetions:
-Keep npc patrols at places where their enemies are not meant to hang out too much, like Rogue NPCS in the badlands, and Navy NPCs near liberty lawful bases, and outcast and Corsair npcs in more places than near their bases in ALpha and GAmma. Same goes for nomad npcs in iota and o99, and so on, you get the idea.
This may appear like a lot of work, considering the number of systems. But it would also be good if it was only done in the most busy places like Liberty (the busy parts of liberty, that is), followed by the other activity hubs like Freeports and other house space.
Yes, this may seem radical, but look at all the pros of it:
-No more NPCs blocking gates
-No more constant attacks by NPCs on pirate players in places which are suitable for piracy (aka places far from lawufl bases)
-No more NPCs interfering with RP at neutral and semi-lawful places like Rochester or Freeport.
-No more pesky bounty hunters shooting Outcasts in front of Malta
-No more constant and annoying attacks of Xeno NPCs at COlorado gate, Unioners at Hamburg gate, GC at the stations in New Tokyo
-No more constant attacks of enemy npc in places like Tau 23, except if you get near an enemy station
-Because less NPCs spawn in places where they do nothing but annoy, more will spawn near their own bases. This will (a) make it easier to find them if you want to kill them to adjust your rep (b) make them work better as protector of base space, making it harder to camp players at their own bases.
Only cons:
-The universe will look a little less active and more predictable. But, I think at the current state of NPC populations ( and also before 4.86) this is actually a positive development and only a con if you want to play like single player against NPCs.
-Could take a lot of work. But its not necessary to do this everywhere. Start by applying it to the most important and busy places, keep them where they really make sense (for exanple rogue NPCs in the badlands and Navy npcs near lawful bases), and slowly work your way through all the places where it would be a positive development as you go from update to update.
If you would let me, I would help working on this, and maybe so would other people.