I thought it may have been my provider at the time being wonky, but my friend and I encountered various odd bugs in Chugoku.
Bug 1) He invited me to group from long distance, it repeatedly said I was in a mission until I re-entered. (He was in Chugoku)
Bug 2) We both undocked from Kyoto base, he said I went flying off quickly (I was still on my screen) when we tried to group, no messages received. Logging out gave the classic 'This process is taking too long' and trying to get back in gave me the bug 'You're already logged in' for 5 minutes.
Bug 3) -I HAVE A NEW PROVIDER NOW- So I assume that was my side acting up. Nope... I took a difficulty 30 mission (1.25mil credit reward, I thought I could easily do a 30)... Nope... I got to the mission site (In Chugoku) and the ships were moving weirdly, they were stopped in place. Then I heard "Shield failure" and thought "How? They're not near me and I don't hear any shots fired" then it 'caught up' and they were next to me... Then they flew off into no where. It was taking my nano and batteries 10-30 seconds to even react and get consumed too. Eventually... I died, lost my remaining 200 nano that weren't consumed due to the lag-thing, and all my flares (not a big loss really, but still depressing).
So since this occured on two different connections and -ONLY- isolated in Chugoku, I assumed... Bug?
This does not occur to me while I'm pir-er... Doing business in other systems. Ships move normally, I move normally, my friend moves normally, it's all normal -out of chugoku-.