Those three go along with it pretty nicely. Looks amazing, and with a good soundtrack added to it I feel more obliged to look at it instead of actually playing.
Amazing work so far.
This time a little more on THN scripts, which are used for all in-game cutscenes, such as landing to planets, takeoffs, entry/exit into base rooms and various other things. Main menu backgrounds too.
More or less things aren't too complicated there, but a few things are not suitable to edit by hand, namely paths which are used to move objects along them. You can set any object to move animate along the path, including camera too. In this case I've made a test THN scene, first in 3Ds MAX and plotting camera path there, which is easy to do, then exporting it into THN format using built-in MaxScript language. And here is a basic result:
In top right corner you can see how that same path animation goes in 3Ds max.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
More into THN stuff again. This time camera tracking, objects moving around with attached particle effects (engine), directional light and background fog. Also it's in reverse - showing 3ds max viewport and how that outputs into game.
I've decided to reconstruct Tekagi Arch base interior that you had seen in campaign cutscene into animated base deck scene. Don't mind the menu overlay - it's just easier to test scenes there, but it'll be exact same when you dock at base.
Contemplating whether to work on THN exporter from 3ds max or making separate application to handle it with a basic timeline and trackbar. Animation functionality between 3ds max and FL isn't too different but there are obviously quite a few special cases that are only applicable in FL engine.
In addition that I have successfully implemented correct exporting of paths (CV_CROrientationSplinePath) from 3ds max into FL with orientation quaternions, meaning objects not only fly along the path but each point can provide object orientation so that the game will interpolate rotation between points, creating fluid and smooth animations usable by any objects, including cameras, essentially allowing to create animations like this famous flyby introduction in Unreal.
Yureh, make tutorial plos! So....many...effing...ideas. FL machinima(?), cartoon,
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: