After the longest time, I finally worked out the bugs cause bad UV mapping to happen. Now it's fixed, I can make a attempt to get em textured. I've been modeling still, even with doing college and life, It's taking some time. Anyway, this is the Basking Civilian Gunship, Its going to get textured eventually.
(The ship's name is that of the Basking Shark, it's part of the "Shark" series ships, like the BoP series like the Falcon, etc. It's suppose to be a bit geometric, not a smooth body, sort of the stealth concept, which the others that follow will be.) I've started using the concept of the hexagonal engine intake and exhaust opening, since for me, much easier to work with.
I might also go back and remake some of the older models of mine and give em a face-lift
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
(09-30-2013, 01:32 PM)JayDee Wrote: Lane Hacker GB it is. In what universe its close to orca?
Though on second thought it does look like a Manatee more...
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
This model has nothing in common with Loldente and LolOrca. And it also has nothing in common with a shark. @modeler: I really like the model, but this thing is a whale, not a shark.
Shark tails:
Whale tail:
And it's clearly a bretonian ship... gaian maybe: "Save the whales on Gaia!" and all that.
I really like it. The front looks a little wierd but all in all its nice. Its got kind of a plane kind of feeling to it and looks more like a gallic brigand ship to me and not like a civilian one but after all the vanilla civilian ships also look like planes so I guess its fine then.
I had a bit of a remodeling of the Basking. but now, even after all I had done to get UV mapping to work, its screwed up again. Tried to restart, reinstall, check cashes, check registry, something is causing it and I can't work the bug out. The only distance I got was cutting the edges for the model, though I might have to redo some parts cause of the unusual intake design.
I'm being serious about the UV mapping issue, followed manuals, tutorials and still getting bullcrap from the exe or the process won't execute. It's in .OBJ format with a .MTL with it. I also have a lot on my plate with college and job searching. I would really like a lending hand for UV mapping. I can make the unfolds, just not the texturing of it