Kusari was ruined by who ever developed that democracy revolution, end of war and other steps to just destroy the Kusari RP. Kusari RP was always special over other houses and it was the exact reason people were playing it. Now if there is no difference between Kusari or some other house why to go for Kusari? No idea.
(09-25-2013, 05:41 PM)SMGSterlin Wrote: Perhaps we could make some anime inspired ships, like one that's all greenish blue and black with nice lines to look like Miku Hatsune, then post some screenshots on an anime board and let the weeaboos flood Kusari.
For this one, I blame myself... seriously, I think I am probably the person most to blame for the situation in Kusari, for a few reasons.
A) While the storyline of Kishiro taking over the government was Igiss's idea, I spent alot of time honing it down, to make it more sensible in rp. The problem is it was a bad idea and instead of fighting harder to get Igiss to back down on it, I tried to fix it as much as possible. Sometimes things shouldnt be fixed and should instead be scrapped.
B) I left the dev process. Having been a central part of the Kusari development for so long, I abandoned ship. We all have lives and mine has gone through alot of changes in the last 2 years, but in the end, I dropped the ball and wasnt there to continue what I started, and the others on the dev team werent nearly as invested in developing the Kusari storyline as I was.
C) I made many mistakes in the initial start up of the first Exiles group. This led to a emptiness in the Exiles rp and let a core part of the Kusari storyline fall apart.
D) I let both the Exiles, and to a certain extent the AFA diminish due to my lack of leadership.
E) I let Friday push me away from fighting for the Kusari interests in the dev process.
I do mainly blame myself, though there are a couple of others to share blame with me.
1) Igiss, the developments, from 4.85 on led to a storyline that did not create interesting, developed player interactions. It wasnt so bad in 4.85 because of the war, but most of the player actions were based on this war, and 98% of it took place in Bretonia, not in Kusari. The development of the storyline, in fact, pushed action away from Kusari, instead of creating more interactions in the house.
2) Dab, the storyline he shepherded, involving Okinawa and Rishri and Nagano, was another that only served to push more activity out of the core Kusari systems, and the long distances involved in playing out there, meant that people either kept their ships out in the boonies, or in core Kusari, meaning that people had to make a choice of where to play instead of giving people the opportunity to fight out these conflicts in core Kusari space.
So, we now have the how, now to the how to change it.
Del and I started to think about an idea quite a long time ago, and I still think it would work pretty well to drum up activity. Here is my post about it.
Quote:The idea of almost a three way civil war seems a bit more likely, with the Dragons being able to take Honshu and controlling Chugoku and maybe something else out there, while the Exiles return and take control of Kyushu and Hokkido, and the current government holds onto New Tokyo and Shikoku. The Exiles with the support of Samura try and stop the Gallic trade coming from the Taus (or maybe a new route through a realigned Rishi as suggested in the other thread) creating problems for the central government backed by Kishiro, while the Dragons go after the shipping and what not coming in from Rhienland to create more dependence on the GMG for supplies for the central government. Both of these put pressure on the government, while at the same time both of those forces are fighting each other for more power and control, as well as the government fighting both of those groups to reestablish it's authority.
It would sort of break down like this.
Exiles, FA, Samura - Kyushu and Hokkido
KNF, KSP, Kishiro - New Tokyo and Shikoku
BD, GC, GMG - Chugoku, Honshu and Okinawa
The Hogosha would likely try and play all sides toward the middle, using the opportunity to make friends with as many of those groups as possible, probably more the government and the Exiles, less with the Dragons, and to expand their smuggling operations and business in the chaos.
The bases from Tau42 could be moved into Kyushu as planned, the Samura bases in New Tokyo and SHikoku could be changed to Kishro control, the Samura and Kishiro bases in Honshu could be given over to Dragon and GMG control, and the Kishiro base in Tau29 could be given over to Samura control. Each group would have a shipyard, industrial stations and a planet that they control, the Hogosha would maintain Tottori and their bases in all three places. Tau 42 gets removed completely, and probably so should the BD guard system, while the GC guard system connection gets removed from Hokkido and moved to Honshu or Chugoku.
This would leave each of the three groups with not enough strength to push to other two out, nor with enough power to back down from the fight and assure themselves power.
Also as Joe pointed out to us, that the only thing a Kusari hates more than other Kusari are outsiders in Kusari, which would be a real deterant to any other house thinking about coming into Kusari to take over as all three sides would likely attack them, forming a formidable yet non-unified force to protect Kusari from foreign invasion.
anyway, I doubt it is feasible at this point, till at least 4.88, but hey, food for thought.
@Zelot, the idea is basically similar in some way to my own idea about Kusari falling into some kind of feodal state with central authority loosing power so the system governors becoming more important and able to pick sides. Like the old Japane, ye.
I like the Zelot/Del idea, though I disagree that all of Kusari is against foreign interests... I posted a huge wall of text in another thread on the subject. linky
Quote:anyway, I doubt it is feasible at this point, till at least 4.88, but hey, food for thought.
We still have time, its still the Beta , and with so much to correct (namely the Gorram changes in lawful IDs) , I do think its worth the extra time and implement this. It will do wonders for server activity.[/align]
In the famous words of Jeremy Clarkson: "how difficult can it be?"
(09-25-2013, 05:21 PM)Trail Wrote: ... And then they make up the munich incident which breaks previously established lore and powergames two factions into something they would not do (All previous co-operation between kishiro and samura was forced upon them by the emperor) ...
(09-25-2013, 03:34 PM)JayDee Wrote: What is problem? Make Kusari/Liberty war. since Kusari loves Gallics, its not a problem to do.
Rheinland could suffer from increased RHA/Corsair brawls on borders
rather than kusari/liberty, how about kusari/oc?
oc need the activity, as does the whole of K. Gallia could tell K to suppress the OC, as G has heard of the dangers of Cardi-cola.
activity in a house follows the money. Natural resources/low priced commodities sees players in the house. If the Kansai research station were programmed to fire on anything non-kusarian, and had optronics set at high prices (i.e. make a noob run, but slightly longer than NT>NB), then piracy would follow - like it does in mining fields in Om7.
With a war, and pirates to suppress, lawful activity follows.
Kusari didnt use to be a dead house, it was the beginning of a busy busy route. the route is now gone, and activity has fallen off. the route need not have been scrapped, but balanced.
Anyway, is nice to hear your perspective of things Michael, it is a pitty you did not fight Igiss harder, maybe next time.
But yeah the biggest problem with Kusari in my own opinion is that right now we are Liberty mark2.
This seemed to be Friday's goal with Kusari trying to become the economic center for Sirius, but that is Liberty's thing.
Kusari was changed for an idea that was thought was an improvement, but all it really amounted to was a removal of what made Kusari different.
We removed it's flavour, for good or bad it's flavour was what made it Kusari.
My best advice would be before making any big changes to a house, any house, talk to the factions which reside there.
No matter what you may think of them, they have been there and influenced the region, they have an understanding of how things work and a good knowledge of their faction and how it fits into the area, even if you don't agree, does not make a dev more knowledgeable.
The work the Devs do is great and is always appreciated, but because they sometimes lack the finer understanding they can make mistakes that seem very obvious to people that play there often.
(09-26-2013, 07:26 AM)Markus_Janus Wrote: Why video killed the Kusari...
Anyway, is nice to hear your perspective of things Michael, it is a pitty you did not fight Igiss harder, maybe next time.
But yeah the biggest problem with Kusari in my own opinion is that right now we are Liberty mark2.
This seemed to be Friday's goal with Kusari trying to become the economic center for Sirius, but that is Liberty's thing.
Kusari was changed for an idea that was thought was an improvement, but all it really amounted to was a removal of what made Kusari different.
We removed it's flavour, for good or bad it's flavour was what made it Kusari.
My best advice would be before making any big changes to a house, any house, talk to the factions which reside there.
No matter what you may think of them, they have been there and influenced the region, they have an understanding of how things work and a good knowledge of their faction and how it fits into the area, even if you don't agree, does not make a dev more knowledgeable.
The work the Devs do is great and is always appreciated, but because they sometimes lack the finer understanding they can make mistakes that seem very obvious to people that play there often.
are we playing the same game?
gallia consulation - nope
corsairs' food consulation - nope
junkers in gallia consulation - nope (would made more sense to be hogosha for activity's sake rather than RP's sake)
cruise drain consulation - nope
the problems that the dev team face are that there aren't enough of them, they are wayy too busy, they have to implement patches to fix the problem that another patch created when it was implemented to fix another problem.
that said, i'm liking several things about 87:
1. its actually here
2. missiles are a lot of fun for a useless sniper like me
3. Pob's show up in the radar list properly
4. the restarts have been removed - people actually take missions now to rep characters yay! activity!
5. missions have decent rewards, s it doenst cost you a bomb to take missions (drop a load of nuc mines before and you'd actually lose money on the mission)
6. the systems have been switched around, so i get to learn a new route (N.B. i think that jumpholes should move around occasionally - they're meant to be unstable)